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dried food! 10 minutes, use Python to generate a PDF report with pictures and texts!


source : impression python

reportlab yes Python A library of standards , You can draw pictures. 、 Draw a chart 、 Edit text , Finally, you can output PDF Format . Its logic and editing a word Document or PPT It's like . There are two ways :

1) Create a blank document , Then write on it 、 Drawing, etc ;

2) Create a blank list, Insert various text boxes in the form of a filled table 、 Pictures, etc , The last generation PDF file .

Because you need to generate a report for users to see , You need to insert pictures inside 、 Forms, etc , So the second method is adopted .

Install third party libraries

reportlab Input Python Third party library , It needs to be installed before use :pip install reportlab

Module import

Import relevant content in advance , And register fonts .( Before registering fonts, you need to prepare font files )

from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics   #  Register Fonts
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont #  Font class
from reportlab.platypus import Table, SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph, Image  #  Report content related classes
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter  #  Logo size of the page (8.5*inch, 11*inch)
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet  #  Text style
from reportlab.lib import colors  #  Color module
from reportlab.graphics.charts.barcharts import VerticalBarChart  #  Chart class
from reportlab.graphics.charts.legends import Legend  #  Legend class
from reportlab.graphics.shapes import Drawing  #  Drawing tools
from reportlab.lib.units import cm  #  Company :cm
#  Register Fonts ( Prepare the font file in advance ,  If the same file needs multiple fonts, you can register multiple fonts )
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('SimSun', 'SimSun.ttf'))

Encapsulate functions corresponding to different contents

Create a Graphs class , Provide different report contents through different static methods , Include : title 、 Ordinary paragraphs 、 picture 、 Tables and charts . At present, most of the relevant data in the function are fixed values , It can be set to relevant parameters according to the situation .

class Graphs:
    #  Draw the title
    def draw_title(title: str):
        #  Get all stylesheets
        style = getSampleStyleSheet()
        #  Get the title style
        ct = style['Heading1']
        #  Set style related properties separately
        ct.fontName = 'SimSun'      #  Font name
        ct.fontSize = 18            #  font size
        ct.leading = 50             #  Row spacing
        ct.textColor = colors.green     #  The font color
        ct.alignment = 1    #  In the middle
        ct.bold = True
        #  Create a paragraph corresponding to the title , And back to
        return Paragraph(title, ct)
  #  Draw subtitles
    def draw_little_title(title: str):
        #  Get all stylesheets
        style = getSampleStyleSheet()
        #  Get the title style
        ct = style['Normal']
        #  Set style related properties separately
        ct.fontName = 'SimSun'  #  Font name
        ct.fontSize = 15  #  font size
        ct.leading = 30  #  Row spacing
        ct.textColor = colors.red  #  The font color
        #  Create a paragraph corresponding to the title , And back to
        return Paragraph(title, ct)
    #  Draw normal paragraph content
    def draw_text(text: str):
        #  Get all stylesheets
        style = getSampleStyleSheet()
        #  Get normal styles
        ct = style['Normal']
        ct.fontName = 'SimSun'
        ct.fontSize = 12
        ct.wordWrap = 'CJK'     #  Set auto wrap
        ct.alignment = 0        #  Align left
        ct.firstLineIndent = 32     #  Space at the beginning of the first line
        ct.leading = 25
        return Paragraph(text, ct)
    #  Draw table
    def draw_table(*args):
        #  Column width
        col_width = 120
        style = [
            ('FONTNAME', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'SimSun'),  #  typeface
            ('FONTSIZE', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 12),  #  The font size of the first line
            ('FONTSIZE', (0, 1), (-1, -1), 10),  #  Font size from the second line to the last line
            ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, 0), '#d5dae6'),  #  Set the background color of the first line
            ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER'),  #  The first line is horizontally centered
            ('ALIGN', (0, 1), (-1, -1), 'LEFT'),  #  Align the second line to the last line left and right
            ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'MIDDLE'),  #  All tables are centered up and down
            ('TEXTCOLOR', (0, 0), (-1, -1), colors.darkslategray),  #  Set the text color in the table
            ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.5, colors.grey),  #  Set the table border to grey color , The line width is 0.5
            # ('SPAN', (0, 1), (0, 2)),  #  Merge the first column, two or three rows
            # ('SPAN', (0, 3), (0, 4)),  #  Merge the first column, three or four rows
            # ('SPAN', (0, 5), (0, 6)),  #  Merge five or six rows in the first column
            # ('SPAN', (0, 7), (0, 8)),  #  Merge five or six rows in the first column
        table = Table(args, colWidths=col_width, style=style)
        return table
    #  Create a chart
    def draw_bar(bar_data: list, ax: list, items: list):
        drawing = Drawing(500, 250)
        bc = VerticalBarChart()
        bc.x = 45       #  Of the whole chart x coordinate
        bc.y = 45      #  Of the whole chart y coordinate
        bc.height = 200     #  Height of chart
        bc.width = 350      #  Width of chart
        bc.data = bar_data
        bc.strokeColor = colors.black       #  Color of the top and right axes
        bc.valueAxis.valueMin = 5000           #  Set up y The minimum of the coordinates
        bc.valueAxis.valueMax = 26000         #  Set up y Maximum of coordinates
        bc.valueAxis.valueStep = 2000         #  Set up y Step size of coordinates
        bc.categoryAxis.labels.dx = 2
        bc.categoryAxis.labels.dy = -8
        bc.categoryAxis.labels.angle = 20
        bc.categoryAxis.categoryNames = ax
        #  Icon
        leg = Legend()
        leg.fontName = 'SimSun'
        leg.alignment = 'right'
        leg.boxAnchor = 'ne'
        leg.x = 475         #  Legend of the x coordinate
        leg.y = 240
        leg.dxTextSpace = 10
        leg.columnMaximum = 3
        leg.colorNamePairs = items
        return drawing
    #  Drawing pictures
    def draw_img(path):
        img = Image(path)       #  Read the picture under the specified path
        img.drawWidth = 5*cm        #  Set the width of the picture
        img.drawHeight = 8*cm       #  Set the height of the picture
        return img

Generate a report

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #  Create an empty list corresponding to the content
    content = list()
    #  Add the title
    content.append(Graphs.draw_title(' Data analysis employment salary '))
    #  Add images
    content.append(Graphs.draw_img(' The fight against the epidemic will win .png'))
    #  Add paragraph text
    content.append(Graphs.draw_text(' as everyone knows , The position of big data analyst is a sweet pastry , In recent years, data analysis has swept the entire Internet industry , Job recruitment related to data analysis 、 Training is endless . Many people go one after another , Want to participate in this wave of dividends . So what about the employment prospects of data analysts ?'))
    #  Add a subtitle
    content.append(Graphs.draw_little_title(' Average salary at different levels '))
    #  Add table
    data = [
        (' Job title ', ' Average salary ', ' Year on year growth rate '),
        (' Data Analyst ', '18.5K', '25%'),
        (' Senior Data Analyst ', '25.5K', '14%'),
        (' Senior Data Analyst ', '29.3K', '10%')
    #  Generate charts
    content.append(Graphs.draw_little_title(' Employment in popular cities '))
    b_data = [(25400, 12900, 20100, 20300, 20300, 17400), (15800, 9700, 12982, 9283, 13900, 7623)]
    ax_data = ['BeiJing', 'ChengDu', 'ShenZhen', 'ShangHai', 'HangZhou', 'NanJing']
    leg_items = [(colors.red, ' Average salary '), (colors.green, ' Recruitment volume ')]
    content.append(Graphs.draw_bar(b_data, ax_data, leg_items))
    #  Generate pdf file
    doc = SimpleDocTemplate('report.pdf', pagesize=letter)

The results of the report generation are as follows :

 Recommended reading :
introduction :  The most complete zero Foundation Python The problem of   |  Zero Basics 8 Months Python  |  Actual project  | learn Python That's the shortcut
dried food : A short comment on crawling Douban , The movie 《 The rest of us 》 | 38 year NBA Best player analysis  |    From people's expectation to public praise ! Tang Dynasty detective 3 disappointing   |  Laugh at the story of the new Yitian dragon slaying  |  Riddle answer King  | use Python Make a massive sketch of my little sister  | Mission impossible is so hot , I use machine learning to make a mini recommendation system movie
Interest : Pinball game   |  squared paper for practicing calligraphy   |  Beautiful flowers  |  Two hundred lines Python《 Cool run every day 》 game !
AI:  A robot that can write poetry  |  Color the picture  |  Forecast revenue  |  Mission impossible is so hot , I use machine learning to make a mini recommendation system movie
Gadget : Pdf turn Word, Easily handle forms and watermarks ! |  One touch html Save the page as pdf!|   bye PDF Withdrawal charges ! |  use 90 Lines of code create the strongest PDF converter ,word、PPT、excel、markdown、html One click conversion  |  Make a nail low-cost ticket reminder ! |60 Line of code to do a voice wallpaper switcher, look at my little sister every day !|

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