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Penetration testing Python security tool programming basics


python Penetration test security tool development brocade collection

  • Chapter one Python Applications in network security
    • Section 1 Python The current situation in the field of hackers
    • In the second quarter We can use Python What do you do
    • In the third quarter The first chapter is the summary of the course content
  • Chapter two python Introduction to security application programming
    • Section 1 Python Regular expressions
    • In the second quarter Python Web Programming
      • requests
    • In the third quarter Python Multithreading
      • Thread process
      • thread
      • threading
    • queue
    • The fourth quarter, Python Network programming
      • socket
      • rebound shell
    • Section 5 Python Database programming
      • MySQLdb
      • database structure
  • The third chapter Python Implementation of crawler technology
    • Section 1 Python Reptiles BeautifulSoup Module introduction
      • analysis html file
      • BeautifulSoup
    • In the second quarter Python Reptiles hackhttp Module introduction
    • In the third quarter combination BeautifulSoup and hackhttp Examples of crawlers
    • The fourth quarter, Crawler multithreading
    • threading Construction class Stable
      • initialization Import the producer module

Chapter one Python Applications in network security

Section 1 Python The current situation in the field of hackers

  • Missed scanning platform poc suite

  • Sensitive directory

  • Common files

  • Common vulnerability scanning

In the second quarter We can use Python What do you do

  • Regular expressions matching
  • Reptiles collect backstage 、 Sensitive directory file data
  • efficiency
  • On the network send data rebound 、 Trojans, etc

In the third quarter The first chapter is the summary of the course content

pycharm sublime

Automatic completion Split screen Shortcut key

Method function A lowercase letter
class Initial capital

Default specification

  • The programming language itself comes with function

b16 b32 b64 encode decode

take Binary system Convert to ascii code

plus And Slashed Replace The second parameter

Chapter two python Introduction to security application programming

Section 1 Python Regular expressions

python Security Programming

python Programming core
Know Chuangyu python Skill list

Simple Powerful

r Native characters
Match title Content

Character encoding

Traverse obtain

In the second quarter Python Web Programming


  • Directory scanning
  • Defect procedure --> Leakage and --> distinguish web Loophole
  • Login screen

Anti creep treatment

json Format

In the third quarter Python Multithreading

Thread process




The fourth quarter, Python Network programming


rebound shell

Section 5 Python Database programming


database structure

The third chapter Python Implementation of crawler technology

Section 1 Python Reptiles BeautifulSoup Module introduction

analysis html file

bugscan A clover hackhttp


re more accurate however Yes None

In the second quarter Python Reptiles hackhttp Module introduction

In the third quarter combination BeautifulSoup and hackhttp Examples of crawlers

Grab bags separately post content analysis

re modular string matching

soup be based on html label Come on matching

The fourth quarter, Crawler multithreading

  • Multithreading
  • Regular expressions

threading Construction class Stable

initialization Import the producer module

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