Python What to learn today : Multidimensional list & Tuples & Dictionaries & Sequence unpacking
The notes are in the notes :
# Multidimensional list
# 2 d list
# One dimensional lists can help us store one dimension , Linear data
# A two-dimensional list can help us store two-dimensional data , Table data
a = [[10, 20, 30], [30, 40, 60]]
# The result is :20
for x in range(2):
for n in range(3):
# Tuples tuple
# Lists are variable sequences , You can modify any element in the list . Tuples belong to immutable sequences , Elements in tuples cannot be modified . therefore , Tuples do not add elements , Modifying elements , How to delete elements
# therefore , We just need to learn the creation and deletion of tuples , The access and count of elements in tuples can . Tuples support the following operations :1. Index access 2. Slicing operation 3. Connection operation
# 4. Membership operations 5. Comparison operation 6. Count : Tuple length len(), Maximum max(), minimum value min(), Sum up sun() etc.
# Tuple creation :
# 1. adopt () Creating a tuple . Parentheses can be omitted
# If the tuple has only one element , Must be followed by a comma . This is because the interpreter will put (1) Interpreted as an integer 1 (1,) Interpreted as tuples
a = (10, 20, 30)
# The result is :<class 'tuple'>
# 2. adopt tuple() Creating a tuple tuple( Objects that can be iterated )
b = tuple(range(3))
# The result is :(0, 1, 2)
b = tuple([2, 3, 5])
# The result is :<class 'tuple'>
# tuple() Can receive list , character string , Other serial models , Iterators, etc. generate tuples .
# list() Can receive tuples , character string , Other sequence types , Iterators, etc. generate lists
# Element access and counting of tuples
c = (1, 2)
d = (3, 4)
# The result of printing is :(1, 2, 3, 4)
# The element access of tuples is the same as that of lists , It just returns the tuple object
a = (1, 2, 4, 10, 100)
# The result of printing is :2
# List about sorting methods list.sorted() Is to modify the original list object , Tuples do not have this method . If you want to sort tuples , Only built-in functions can be used sorted(tplobj), And generate a new list object
# The result of printing is :[1, 2, 4, 10, 100]
# zip
# zip( list 1, list 2,....) Combine the elements at the corresponding positions of multiple lists into tuples , And return this zip object .
a = [10, 20]
b = [30, 40]
c = [50, 70]
d = zip(a, b, c)
# The generator deduces to create tuples
s = (x*2 for x in range(5))
# The result is :(0, 2, 4, 6, 8)
# The result is :()
# Only exception elements can be accessed , The second time is empty . It needs to be regenerated once
# Tuple summary
# 1. The core feature of tuples is : Immutable sequence
# 2. Tuples are accessed and processed faster than lists
# 3. Like integers and strings , Tuples can be used as dictionary keys , The list can never be used as a dictionary key
# Dictionaries
# The dictionary is “ Key value pair ” Random variable sequence of , Every element in the dictionary is a “ Key value pair ”, contain :“ Key object ” and “ The value object ”.
# Can pass “ Key object ” Achieve fast access , Delete , Update the corresponding “ The value object ”.
# A typical dictionary definition :
a = {
'name': 'gao', "age": 18}
# The result of printing is :{'name': 'gao', 'age': 18}
# Dictionary creation
# 1. We can go through {},dict() To create a dictionary object .
b = dict(name="xs", age=18)
# The result of printing is : {'name': 'xs', 'age': 18}
# Empty dictionary object
c = {
d = dict()
# 2. adopt zip() Create a dictionary object
k = ['name', 'age']
v = ['xs', 15]
d = dict(zip(k, v))
# The result of printing is :{'name': 'xs', 'age': 15}
# 3. adopt fromkeys Create a dictionary with an empty value
e = dict.fromkeys(['name', 'age'])
# The result is :{'name': None, 'age': None}
# Access to dictionary elements
# 1. adopt [ key ] get “ value ”. If the key doesn't exist , Throw an exception
a = {
'name': 'gao', "age": 18}
# The result is :gao
# print(a["name"])
# 2. adopt get() Methods to get “ value ”. Recommended . Advantage is : The specified key does not exist , return node; You can also set the object returned by default when the specified key does not exist . Recommended get() obtain “ The value object ”
# The result is :gao
# print(a.get("name"))
# The result is :None non-existent
print(a.get("123"), " non-existent ")
# 3. List all key value pairs
# The result is : dict_items([('name', 'gao'), ('age', 18)])
# 4. List all the keys , List all the values
# The result is :dict_keys(['name', 'age'])
# The result of printing is :dict_values(['gao', 18])
# 5.len() Key value to number
# The result of printing is :2
# 6. Test one “ key " Is it in the dictionary
# The result of printing is :True
print("name" in a)
# Dictionary elements add , modify , Delete
a = {
'name': 'gao', "age": 18}
# 1. Add to dictionary “ Key value pair ”. If “ key ” Already exist , Then the old key value pair is overridden ; If “ The key doesn't exist ”, Then add “ Key value pair ”
# The result is :{'name': 'gao', 'age': 17, 'cs': '123'}
a["cs"] = "123"
a['age'] = 17
# 2. Use upate() Add all key value pairs in the new dictionary to the old dictionary , If key Repeat , Then directly cover
b = {
"name": "da", "age": 1, "sex": " male "}
# 3. The deletion of elements in the dictionary , have access to del() Method ; perhaps clear() Delete all key value pairs ;pop() Delete the specified key value pair , And return the corresponding “ The value object ”
# The result of printing is :{'age': 1, 'cs': '123', 'sex': ' male '}
# The result of printing is :{'age': 1, 'sex': ' male '}
# The result of printing is :{}
# 4.popitem(): Returns and deletes the last key value pair
a = {
'name': 'gao', "age": 18, "ces": 22}
# Sequence unpacking
# Sequence unpacking can be used for tuples , list , Dictionaries , Sequence unpacking allows us to easily assign values to multiple variables
x, y, z = (20, 30, 10)
# The result is :20
# 30
# 10
# When sequence unpacking is used for Dictionary , The default is right “ key ” To operate ; If you need to operate on key value pairs , You need to use items(); If necessary “ value ” To operate , You need to use values();
a = {
'name': 'gao', "age": 18, "ces": 22}
# The default is to operate on the key
name, age, ces = a
# The result of printing is :
# name
# age
# ces
name, age, ces = a.values()
# The result of printing is :
# gao
# 18
# 22
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