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Getting started with Python zero basics-7 input and output


7. Input and output

7.1 More complex output formats

use print() Function can output a string to the screen . For the output string , We have many ways to control the string Format , If your python edition >=3.6, So highly recommended f character string (f-string).

f- character string (f-string)

Based on using :


Add... At the beginning of a normal string f, Then inside the string It can be used {var} Mark ,{var} Will be replaced with the value of the variable .

year = 2016
event = 'Referendum'
f'Results of the {
year} {
#'Results of the 2016 Referendum'

stay {} Add a format specifier after the variable in .

f'{ Variable : Format description symbol }'

Format specifiers have a lot of content , Here are just a few common examples , More details can be found in the appendix of this article .

:. length f Controls the number of digits after the decimal point of a floating-point number :

n = 1.23456
n:.2f}'' # After the decimal point 2 position 

': length '  Set the minimum character width for this field , Commonly used for column alignment :

table = {
'Sjoerd': 4127, 'Jack': 4098, 'Dcab': 7678}
for name, phone in table.items():
name:10} ==> {

Detailed format control characters in the document -Python Standard library - Text processing service -string in :string — Common string operations — Python 3.10.4 file

The appendix at the end of the article extracts some descriptions .

repr And str

Use  repr()  or  str()  Function can convert a value to a string .

str()  Function returns a human readable value ,repr()  Then generate a value suitable for reading by the interpreter .

If there is no object that does not support the display results for people to read , str()  Return and  repr()  The same value .

In general , Numbers 、 Values of structures such as lists or dictionaries , Using these two functions, the output is expressed in the same form .

String has two different forms .

# Let's get to the bottom of it , These two methods actually call the object's __repr__ and __str__ Method ( We'll talk about it later ).

Achieve alignment

str.rjust(width) Method to fill in the space on the left , Ensure the specified width , Achieve alignment .

Similar to that str.ljust(width) and str.center(width)

for x in range(1, 11):
print(repr(x).rjust(2), repr(x*x).rjust(3), end=' ')
# Note use of 'end' on previous line

These methods do not write anything , Only one new string is returned , If the input string is too long , They don't truncate strings , But return as is .

Other methods of formatting strings

  • % Operator ( Remainder operator )

    % Operators can also be used for string formatting . Given  'string' % values, be  string  Medium  %  The instance will have zero or more  values  Element substitution . This operation is called string interpolation . for example :

  • str.format() f- String has already implemented its function , Don't say more .

    print('We are the {} who say "{}!"'.format('knights', 'Ni'))
    # Output : We are the knights who say "Ni!"

7.2 Read and write files

We first get the file object , Then call the read / write method of the file object , Finally, close the file object .

Get file object

open() Method returns a file object ( For reading and writing ). Usually use

open(filename, mode, encoding=None) To call the method , Such as :

f = open('workfile', 'w', encoding="utf-8")

The first parameter is the filename . The second parameter is open mode ,''w‘ Indicates the write mode ,‘r’’ Indicates the read mode ,'a’ Indicates the append mode ,'r+' Read write mode ,‘b’ Represents the binary format .mode The default value is ’r’.

We usually read and write text files , Text files have some different encoding formats (encoding). If not specified , The default value is the default code of the operating system . because UTF-8 Is the current standard encoding format , So the general settings


When processing documents , In general use with keyword , Sure Automatically shut down file .

Otherwise you need to use f.close() To manually shut down , Release file resources .

with open('workfile', encoding="utf-8") as f:
read_data = f.read()
# with After the block ends, the file will be automatically closed 

Method of file object

Suppose you already have a file object f.

  • f.read(size) read Take the contents of the file , Return string .size Optional indicates the maximum number of characters to read , Read the entire file by default when not writing .

  • f.readline() From file read take A single data , Line breaks are reserved at the end of the string .f.readline()  Returns an empty string , It means that the end of the file has been reached , Blank line use  '\n'  Express , The string contains only one newline character .

  • f.readlines() In the form of a list read Take... From the file All right , It can be used  list(f)  or  f.readlines().

When reading multiple lines from a file , You can loop through the entire file object . This operation makes efficient use of memory , Fast , And the code is simple :

for line in f:
print(line, end='')
  • f.write(string)  hold  string  The content of Write Enter file , And returns the number of characters written .

  • f.tell()  Return integer , Gives the current location of the file object in the file , In binary mode, the number of bytes starting from the file , And numbers with unknown meaning in text mode .

  • f.seek(offset, whence)  You can change the location of file objects . By adding  offset  Calculation location ; The reference point is  whence  Parameter assignment . whence  The value is 0 when , Means to calculate from the beginning of a file ,1 Indicates that the current file location is used ,2 Use the end of the file as a reference point . Omit  whence  when , The default value is 0, That is, the beginning of the file is used as the reference point .

Use json Save structured data

json The full name is JavaScript Object Notation(JavaScript Object notation ). Similar to dictionary format :


"sites": [
 "name":" Novice tutorial " , "url":"www.runoob.com" },
 "name":"google" , "url":"www.google.com" },
 "name":" Microblogging " , "url":"www.weibo.com" }

json  The standard module adopts Python Data hierarchy , And convert it to string representation ; This process is called  serializing ( serialize ). Reconstructing data from a string representation is called  deserializing ( De sequencing ).

import json
x = [1, 'simple', 'list']

If f It's the file object , You can use the following method to read and write in the file json Format data .( Of course ,f Yes, it is with open… The open )

json.dump(x, f) # Serialize to json Format 
x = json.load(f) # To python Dictionary format 

appendix : Format specifier (format_spec):

format_spec ::= [[fill]align][sign][#][0][width][grouping_option][.precision][type]
fill ::= <any character>
align ::= "<" | ">" | "=" | "^"
sign ::= "+" | "-" | " "
width ::= digit+
grouping_option ::= "_" | ","
precision ::= digit+
type ::= "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "E" | "f" | "F" | "g" | "G" | "n" | "o" | "s" | "x" | "X" | "%"

explain :

fill It's a fill in character

align Is alignment

sign It's a number symbol (±)

'#'  Options allow “ substitutive form ” Is used to perform the transformation . Alternative forms are defined for different types . This option applies only to integers 、 Floating point and plural types . For integer types , When using binary 、 Octal or hexadecimal output , This option adds the corresponding... To the output value  '0b''0o''0x'  or  '0X'  Prefix . For floating-point and complex types , The alternative form will make the conversion result always contain the decimal point symbol , Even if it does not have a decimal part . Usually only if there is a decimal part , The decimal point symbol... Appears only in the result of this kind of conversion . Besides , about  'g'  and  'G'  transformation , The last zero is not removed from the result .

width  Is a decimal integer that defines the minimum total field width , Include any prefix 、 Delimiters and other formatting characters . If not specified , Then the field width will be determined by the content .

When alignment is not explicitly given , stay  width  Add a zero before the field ('0') Field will enable sign aware zero padding for numeric types . This is like setting  fill  The character is  '0'  And  alignment  The type is  '='.

grouping_option in ','  Option means to use comma as thousands separator . For the separators set in the sensing area , Please switch to  'n'  Integer represents type .

'_'  Options represent floating-point representation types and integer representation types  'd'  Use underscore as thousands separator . For integer representation types  'b''o''x'  and  'X', Will be for each 4 Insert an underline into the first digit . Specifying this option for other presentation types will result in an error .

.precision, precision ‎‎ It's a decimal integer , Yes f'``F Indicates how many digits should be displayed after the decimal point , about g``G type , Indicates how many digits are displayed before and after the decimal point .

For string representation types , This field indicates the maximum field size - let me put it another way , The maximum number of characters . Integer representation types are not allowed to use ‎‎ precision ‎‎.‎

type  Determines how the data should be presented ( For example, base ).

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