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Python implementation of GUI student management system example code



order said

Code parsing

One 、 The login page

Two 、 The main page displays

3、 ... and 、 Page shows

Four 、 Query data

5、 ... and 、 Delete data

6、 ... and 、 Modifying data

7、 ... and 、 About the part

8、 ... and 、 Save the data , Save information

order said

Hello, brothers , Long time no see ! I'm really busy these days , So once again broke up again ~

My cousin is about to graduate from college , Studied for a semester Python I can't even write a student management system , It really humiliates me , Teach him and refuse to learn , And let me write directly to him , I really want to slap my hands , Finally I wrote it to him , Who makes him my cousin , I still have to help him at the critical moment !

After writing, I put it there , So let's share it with you today !

Don't talk much , Let's go straight ahead !

Code parsing One 、 The login page

1、 Define login classes and initialization objects

First, import the modules we need

from main import MainPage

The login page

Bind the palette to the instance object

self.root = master

self.page Drawing paper Show a rectangular area on the screen , It's mostly used as a container .

self.page = tk.Frame(self.root)self.page.pack()self.root.geometry("300x180")

tkinter Variable variables provided , Define user name and password .

self.username = tk.StringVar()self.password = tk.StringVar()

Create a label

Grid layout

tk.Label(self.page).grid(row=0, column=0)# textvariable This parameter is set to tkinter Inside the string variable and Space bound tk.Label(self.page, text=" Account ").grid(row=1, column=0, stick=tk.E, pady=10)tk.Entry(self.page, textvariable=self.username).grid(row=1, column=1, stick=tk.W, pady=10)tk.Label(self.page, text=" password ").grid(row=2, column=0, stick=tk.E, pady=10)tk.Entry(self.page, textvariable=self.password).grid(row=2, column=1, stick=tk.W, pady=10)

command Accept a function Execute login logic

tk.Button(self.page, text=" Sign in ", command=self.login_check).grid(row=3, column=0, stick=tk.W, pady=10)tk.Button(self.page, text=" sign out ", command=root.quit).grid(row=3, column=1, stick=tk.E, pady=10)

2、 Login function

Verify login

Get the account code

name = self.username.get()pwd = self.password.get()

Don't query the database

print(name, pwd)if name == 'admin' and pwd == '123456': tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title=' Congratulations ', message=' Login successful !')

Destroy the content drawn on the current page


Destroy the contents drawn on the whole page


Page switching

MainPage(self.root)else: tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title=' error ', message=' Wrong account or password ')

3、 Window call

Call this file method , Run two inputs in this file , The data before the method is called and executed outside .

Create an object , Window object , display .

if __name__ == '__main__': root = tk.Tk() LoginPage(root) root.mainloop() Two 、 The main page displays

1、 Define page classes , Convenient to call .

Login screen

def __init__(self, master): self.root = master self.page = tk.Frame(self.root) self.page.pack() self.root.geometry("%dx%d" % (600, 400)) self.create_page()

Create a top-level menu , Show menu .

def create_page(self): menubar = tk.Menu(self.root) menubar.add_command(label=" entry ") menubar.add_command(label=" Inquire about ") menubar.add_command(label=" Delete ") menubar.add_command(label=" modify ") menubar.add_command(label=" About ") 3、 ... and 、 Page shows

1、 Bind each page

Too much code written together , More data , It's easy to write wrong , confusion , You can write a file to hold data view.py

stay view.py The file defines the classes of each module


class InputFrame(tk.Frame): # Inherit Frame class def __init__(self, master): # Re parent super().__init__(master) pass

Inquire about

class QueryFrame(tk.Frame): # Inherit Frame class def __init__(self, master=None): super().__init__(master) pass


class DeleteFrame(tk.Frame): # Inherit Frame class def __init__(self, master=None): super().__init__(master)


class ChangeFrame(tk.Frame): # Inherit Frame class def __init__(self, master=None): super().__init__(master)


class AboutFrame(tk.Frame): # Inherit Frame class def __init__(self, master=None): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.root = master

And then in main.py Bind the data in the file

self.input_page = InputFrame(self.root)self.change_page = ChangeFrame(self.root)self.query_page = QueryFrame(self.root)self.delete_page = DeleteFrame(self.root)self.about_page = AboutFrame(self.root)

2、 entry

stay view.py In file InputFrame Class , Name and grades .

x = IntVar(): Integer variables , The default is 0

x = DoubleVar(): Floating point variables , The default is 0.0

x = StringVar(): String variable , The default is ""

x = BooleanVar(): Boolean variables ,True yes 1,False yes 0

self.root = master # Define internal variables rootself.name = tk.StringVar()self.math = tk.StringVar()self.chinese = tk.StringVar()self.english = tk.StringVar()# entry self.status = tk.StringVar()# call create_page() function self.create_page()

To write create_page() function

def create_page(self): # pass # stick Control object orientation tk.W Western bit # pady padding y Width up and down # row That's ok Table layout tk.Label(self).grid(row=0, stick=tk.W, pady=10) tk.Label(self, text=' surname name : ').grid(row=1, stick=tk.W, pady=10) # text variable Bind the data content in the control tk.Entry(self, textvariable=self.name).grid(row=1, column=1, stick=tk.E) tk.Label(self, text=' Count learn : ').grid(row=2, stick=tk.W, pady=10) tk.Entry(self, textvariable=self.math).grid(row=2, column=1, stick=tk.E) tk.Label(self, text=' language writing : ').grid(row=3, stick=tk.W, pady=10) tk.Entry(self, textvariable=self.chinese).grid(row=3, column=1, stick=tk.E) tk.Label(self, text=' Britain language : ').grid(row=4, stick=tk.W, pady=10) tk.Entry(self, textvariable=self.english).grid(row=4, column=1, stick=tk.E) tk.Button(self, text=' entry ', command=self.recode_student).grid(row=5, column=1, stick=tk.E, pady=10) tk.Label(self, textvariable=self.status).grid(row=6, column=1, stick=tk.E, pady=10)

stay main.py Bind these data in

menubar.add_command(label=" entry ", command=self.show_input)

def show_input(self): self.input_page.pack() # pack_forget() Hide layout # self.change_page.pack_forget() # self.query_page.pack_forget() # self.delete_page.pack_forget() # self.about_page.pack_forget()

stay view.py Data entry in the document

def recode_student(self): stu = {'name': self.name.get(), 'chinese': self.chinese.get(), 'math': self.math.get(), 'english': self.english.get()} # You need to refresh the page after clicking and entering self.name.set('') self.chinese.set('') self.math.set('') self.english.set('') db.insert(stu) self.status.set(' Data submitted successfully ') print(stu)

Insert data and save data , Can write a file to save , Too much code to write together , The probability of error is also one db.py file .

class StudentsDB: def __init__(self): self.students = [] def insert(self, student): self.students.append(student)db = StudentsDB()if __name__ == '__main__': print(db.students) Four 、 Query data

stay QueryFrame() Class to add data

ttk.Treeview Tree view , use Baidu Search






The value is a list . Each element in the list represents the name of a column identifier . The length of the list is the length of the column .

Inherit Frame class

class QueryFrame(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): super().__init__(master)

Define internal variables root

self.root = master #columns = ('name', 'chinese', 'math', 'english')self.tree_view = ttk.Treeview(self, show='headings', columns=columns)

Each data size is one grid

self.tree_view.column('name', width=80, anchor='center')self.tree_view.column('chinese', width=80, anchor='center')self.tree_view.column('math', width=80, anchor='center')self.tree_view.column('english', width=80, anchor='center')

The above label and headings

self.tree_view.heading('name', text=' full name ')self.tree_view.heading('chinese', text=' Chinese language and literature ')self.tree_view.heading('math', text=' mathematics ')self.tree_view.heading('english', text=' English ')self.tree_view.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True)tk.Button(self, text=' The refresh data ', command=self.show_data_frame).pack(anchor=tk.E, pady=5)self.show_data_frame()

The refresh data , Display the data .

def show_data_frame(self): # Delete old stage for _ in map(self.tree_view.delete, self.tree_view.get_children('')): pass # First show all the data stay db Add the display data code to the file students = db.all() index = 0 for stu in students: # print(stu) self.tree_view.insert('', index + 1, values=( stu['name'], stu['chinese'], stu['math'], stu['english'], ))

Display the data

stay db.py To add

def all(self): return self.students


Refresh insert data

The first parameter :parent : For those with tree Columns Treeview,parent Is the parent node , For the list column only Treeview,parent It is generally empty .

The second parameter :index : Insertion position . It can be END or ’end’ , It can also be digital , If you want to insert new item( Record ) Become the first of a node ,index Set it to 0, And so on .

values: Displayed values and inserted data , This column of data .

self.tree_view.insert('', index + 1, values=( stu['name'], stu['chinese'], stu['math'], stu['english'], ))

Update page after inserting data refresh

map(func, lst), The function variable passed in func Effect to lst In each element of the variable , And make a new list of the results (Python2)/ iterator (Python3) return .


Return to one item All son item, This one item It's a list , If item It's not specified , Returns the of the root directory item

for _ in map(self.tree_view.delete, self.tree_view.get_children('')): pass

stay main.py File binding data

menubar.add_command(label=" Inquire about ", command=self.show_all)def show_all(self): # Hide layout self.input_page.pack_forget() # self.change_page.pack_forget() self.query_page.pack() # self.delete_page.pack_forget() # self.about_page.pack_forget() 5、 ... and 、 Delete data

stay DeleteFrame() Class to add data

class DeleteFrame(tk.Frame): # Inherit Frame class def __init__(self, master=None): super().__init__(master) self.root = master # Define internal variables root tk.Label(self, text=' Delete data ').pack() self.delete_frame = tk.Frame(self) self.delete_frame.pack() self.status = tk.StringVar() self.username = tk.StringVar() tk.Label(self.delete_frame, text=' Delete information by name ').pack(anchor=tk.W, padx=20) tk.Entry(self.delete_frame, textvariable=self.username).pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=20, pady=5) tk.Button(self.delete_frame, text=' Delete ', command=self._delete).pack() tk.Label(self, textvariable=self.status).pack()

1、 Click delete , Delete data

def _delete(self): username = self.username.get() flag, message = db.delete_by_name(username) self.status.set(message)

stay db.py Add delete logic to the file

def delete_by_name(self, name): for student in self.students: if name == student['name']: self.students.remove(student) return True, f'{name} Delete successful ' return False, f'{name} non-existent '

stay main.py Binding data in

menubar.add_command(label=" Delete ", command=self.show_delete)def show_delete(self): self.input_page.pack_forget() self.query_page.pack_forget() self.delete_page.pack() 6、 ... and 、 Modifying data

stay ChangeFrame() Class to add data

self.root = master # Define internal variables root tk.Label(self, text=' Modify the interface ').pack() self.change_frame = tk.Frame(self) self.change_frame.pack() self.status = tk.StringVar() self.name = tk.StringVar() self.math = tk.StringVar() self.chinese = tk.StringVar() self.english = tk.StringVar() tk.Label(self.change_frame).grid(row=0, stick=tk.W, pady=1) tk.Label(self.change_frame, text=' surname name : ').grid(row=1, stick=tk.W, pady=10) tk.Entry(self.change_frame, textvariable=self.name).grid(row=1, column=1, stick=tk.E) tk.Label(self.change_frame, text=' Count learn : ').grid(row=2, stick=tk.W, pady=10) tk.Entry(self.change_frame, textvariable=self.math).grid(row=2, column=1, stick=tk.E) tk.Label(self.change_frame, text=' language writing : ').grid(row=3, stick=tk.W, pady=10) tk.Entry(self.change_frame, textvariable=self.chinese).grid(row=3, column=1, stick=tk.E) tk.Label(self.change_frame, text=' Britain language : ').grid(row=4, stick=tk.W, pady=10) tk.Entry(self.change_frame, textvariable=self.english).grid(row=4, column=1, stick=tk.E) tk.Button(self.change_frame, text=' Inquire about ', command=self._search).grid(row=6, column=0, stick=tk.W, pady=10) tk.Button(self.change_frame, text=' modify ', command=self._change).grid(row=6, column=1, stick=tk.E, pady=10) tk.Label(self.change_frame, textvariable=self.status).grid(row=7, column=1, stick=tk.E, pady=10)

1、 Query data

db.py Query data logic in file

def search_by_name(self, name): for student in self.students: if name == student['name']: return True, student return False, f'{name} non-existent '

view.py Click to query the file , Display the data

def _search(self): flag, info = db.search_by_name(self.name.get()) if flag: self.name.set(info['name']) self.chinese.set(info['chinese']) self.math.set(info['math']) self.english.set(info['english']) self.status.set(' Data query successful ') else: # Return the error information directly self.status.set(info)

2、 Modify data and update

db.py File update data logic

def update(self, stu): name = stu['name'] for student in self.students: if name == student['name']: student.update(stu) return True, f'{stu["name"]} User data modified successfully ' else: return False, f'{name} non-existent '

view.py File modification data

def _change(self): stu = {'name': self.name.get(), 'chinese': self.chinese.get(), 'math': self.math.get(), 'english': self.english.get(), } self.name.set('') self.chinese.set('') self.math.set('') self.english.set('') db.update(stu) self.status.set(' Data modified successfully ')

main.py File binding

menubar.add_command(label=" modify ", command=self.show_change)def show_change(self): self.input_page.pack_forget() self.query_page.pack_forget() self.delete_page.pack_forget() self.change_page.pack() 7、 ... and 、 About the part

view.py In the AboutFrame() Add data

class AboutFrame(tk.Frame): # Inherit Frame class def __init__(self, master=None): tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) self.root = master # Define internal variables root tk.Label(self, text=' About the work : This work is written by Hey, learn programming Make ').pack(anchor=tk.W) tk.Label(self, text=' About author : Hey, learn programming ').pack(anchor=tk.W) tk.Label(self, text=' copyright : Hey, learn programming ').pack(anchor=tk.W)

main.py Data binding

menubar.add_command(label=" About ", command=self.show_about)def show_about(self): self.input_page.pack_forget() self.query_page.pack_forget() self.delete_page.pack_forget() self.change_page.pack_forget() self.about_page.pack() 8、 ... and 、 Save the data , Save information

db.py Save the data

Create an empty json file

import osfile = "students.json"# Judge whether the file exists , Create if it does not exist if not os.path.exists(file): open(file, 'w') # Report errors # os.mknod(file)

Windows Upper Python I won't support it mknod function , Because in Windows Not on node The concept .

1、 Save the data

def save_data(self): with open('students.json', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f: text = json.dumps(self.students, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) f.write(text)

2 、 Reading data

def _load_students_data(self): with open('students.json', mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: text = f.read() if text: self.students = json.loads(text)

stay view.py File to call the save function , Save the completed data .


def recode_student(self): db.save_data()


def _delete(self): db.save_data()


def _change(self): db.save_data()

That's all Python Realization GUI Student management system example code details , More about Python GUI For information about student management system, please pay attention to other relevant articles on software development network !

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