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Python uses ARIMA and arimax to predict the time series data of store commodity sales demand


Link to the original text :http://tecdat.cn/?p=27363 

The source of the original text is : The official account of the tribal public


This paper explores different time series techniques on relatively simple data sets .

Given 5 Store sales data for , And ask you to predict 10 From different stores 50 Different products in 3 Sales within months .

What is the best way to deal with seasonality ? The store should be modeled separately , They can still be combined ?

Store project demand forecast

Autoregressive composite moving average (ARIMA)

this  ARIMA  The model can be applied to nonstationary time series ARMA Generalization of the model .

import time
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline

Load data

d_trn = pd.rad_csv('../inuraicsv, prse_tes=date'], inx_col['te'])
d_ts = pd.ra_csv'../iputst.csv', prse_des=['date'], ine_col['d

All stores seem to show the same trend and seasonality .


Autoregressive composite moving average with explanatory variables (ARIMAX) yes ARIMA Extended version of , These include independent predictors .

Prepare the data

mnths = df_rinindx.nth

import datetime
dumymns = pd.get_dummies(moth)
prev_uate_dates = d_tet_x.index - datie.timedelta(das=91)

Build the model

si1 = d_rin.loc[(d_tin['store'] == 1) & (_tran['ie'] == 1), 'ses']
exog_s1i1 = df_train.loc[(df_train['store'] == 1) & (df_train['item'] ==
ax = SARIMAX(si1.loc['2013-12-31':], exog=exog

Make predictions

nog = df_rai.loc[(ftrin['str'] == s) & (df_rin['te'] == i), 'als']
SARIMAX(endog=edog exog=xo,
enorce_invtiilit=False, eorce_statnarityFalse, freq='D',
tc = time.time()

Example forecast

xg = f_rin.loc[(df_rin[ste'] == 10) & (d_tri['itm'] == 50)].drop(['', 'ite', 'sas'], axis=1)
forast = arax.predict

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