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Java or python, which is more suitable for AI development?


Today's machine world needs to be able to change our lives 、 Technology for work and play . Consider intelligent systems and algorithms with behavior 、 The need for intelligent search and intelligent systems that can learn by themselves , John McCarthy introduced artificial intelligence into our world , And is affectionately called artificial intelligence .

these AI At the back end, you need a language as its backbone . In this blog , We'll discuss how to build a AI Applications for , Use the two most common languages Java and Python, And understand which one is more suitable through a full view AI Java or Python. Both languages are advanced 、 Object oriented and efficient 、 Can be used to develop a variety of AI Solutions for , But there are differences .

Although these two languages are mainly object-oriented , And in application building and other IT The operation has gained a prominent position , But they do have some differences , Make every language unique .

Which is more suitable for AI Java or Python?

without doubt , Artificial intelligence brings technology to another level in different industries .AI There is no perfect programming language in ; Different applications need different programming languages to develop . About the Java and Python The debate over which programming language to choose is endless , Let's make a brief comparison here :


Python Is a high-level programming language for complex scenarios , It is also a common language used across multiple domains . Because of its simplicity and less complex syntax , It's the developer's favorite language . It's open source , Available for all operating systems , Platform independent , And have the right to Python An extensive library of programming code .


Java It's an object-oriented language , It is also a multi paradigm , It's like Python Programming languages are the same . It's in Python One of the most commonly used languages before . At present , It is still one of the top five languages for AI programming . Its grammar is better than Python complex , But the execution speed is quite high .

Both languages support neural networks and NLP Develop solutions . We will further discuss the functional differences between the two languages .

Java And Python: Four points of comparison between programming languages

Although both are efficient languages and can be used for AI project , but Java and Python The difference lies in the following characteristics :

  1. Speed

Java Than Python fast ——Java Is a statistical type and compilation language , and Python Is a dynamic typing and interpretation language , It determines the variable data type .Java Perform type checking during compilation , and Python Execute... At run time , This increases the execution time . therefore , And Python comparison ,Java Has a shorter execution time . therefore ,Java Beat... In speed Python.

2. Syntax and code

Java There are more lines of code —— We need to use it first. Java Define classes and methods , But you can simply start using Python Write code , This increases the use of Java Number of lines of code written .

Variable declaration in Java It's a must in the future —— stay Java in , You must declare a variable and use a semicolon at the end of each statement , And in the Python In the middle, you don't need to .

Python Need indent in —— stay Python You must use indentation in to indicate what the code block belongs to . Without it , The program will report an error , And in the Java in , It's not necessary .

3. Easy to learn

Python More user friendly —— programmatically , use Python The code you write is relatively non - trivial Java So complicated , Mengxin developers can learn Python Language began his programming career .

4. Salary prospects

Java Benchmarking ——Python It has been widely used in artificial intelligence development projects , So as a Python The programmer , Newcomers can expect a handsome salary . But as experience increases ,Java The salary outlook is considered higher . In recent years , Because of the rise of artificial intelligence , At present, a lot of work is shifting its orientation to artificial intelligence and machine learning , therefore Python There is a large demand for .

however , stay Python Before being known ,Java It has been popular for a long time . Although this trend is expected to change , also Python Whether it will stand out remains to be seen .

Now? , We have seen a comparison between two phenomenal programming languages , Let's see which language is more suitable for AI .

Python And AI Development

Python Artificial intelligence refers to applications built using a common and relatively simple code language , Can easily handle complex applications and large amounts of data .

Python With its flexibility 、 robustness 、 Platform independence 、 Readable code 、 Known for community support, as well as detailed frameworks and useful Libraries , Make it easy for programmers to Python AI Programming .

1)Python Artificial intelligence library

Use Python Can realize artificial intelligence , The following are common AI Of Python Library list :

  • Tensorflow: Used to write machine learning algorithms 、 Deep learning , And used for a large number of calculations , Including artificial neural networks .
  • Scikit-Learn: Ability to handle complex data , Such as the clustering 、 Linear and logistic regression 、 Classification, etc. .
  • NumPy: Used to calculate scientific or mathematical data .
  • Theano: A mathematical expression used to evaluate multidimensional arrays .
  • Keras: Allow rapid computing and prototyping , And provide a calculation model 、 Data sets 、 Visual graphics, etc .
  • NLTK: It is initially used for natural language recognition and processing 、 Text analysis and text mining .
  • Pandas: Used to handle a large number of advanced data structures and analysis .
  • Matplotlib: Used to create visual objects , for example 2D chart 、 Histograms and charts .
  • PyBrain: For neural networks and reinforcement learning .
  • Caffe: For deep learning , Daily treatment 60 More than 10000 images .
  • StatsModels: For statistical algorithms .

2)Python Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to the large number of support libraries used in the coding process ,Python It also has the following advantages and disadvantages :

Python The advantages of

1、 Seamless integration ——Python Harmonious integration with enterprise applications , Make development Web Service becomes possible . This makes it the preferred language for developing high-end applications .

2. raise productivity ——Python Powerful process integration 、 The unit test framework and control capabilities significantly improve the productivity of developing applications .

Python The shortcomings of

1. Runtime error ——Python It is a dynamically typed language , Faced with many design constraints , Need more testing time , And display errors when the application is running .

2. Primitive Database Access Layers——Python The database has not been developed yet ; This is with JDBC and ODBC Technical comparison , Why it is not suitable for large enterprise applications .

Java And AI Development

As one of the oldest open source languages , It can be used in artificial intelligence and machine learning , And there's one Java Machine learning library (JavaML), Provides a way to Java A collection of machine learning algorithms implemented .

Java Artificial intelligence means in Java by Java Programming is done with the help of a long list of libraries provided , So any data scientist can benefit from it Java AI Programming . In the field of artificial intelligence ,Java For machine learning 、 neural network 、 Search algorithm and genetic programming .

1)Java Artificial intelligence library

It's like Python equally ,Java There is also a set in AI Useful in programming AI Libraries and frameworks . Here is the list :

  • Apache Jena: For from RDF Data construction synthesis Web And data applications .
  • PowerLoom: Used to create intelligent 、 Knowledge based applications and reasoning systems .
  • Deeplearning4j: A deep learning JVM library , For the creation of neural networks API.
  • Apache OpenNLP: For processing natural language text .
  • RapidMiner: adopt GUI and Java API Provide machine learning algorithms .
  • Jenetics: It is an advanced genetic algorithm .
  • Watchmaker: This is a framework for implementing genetic algorithms .
  • JGAP(Java Genetic Algorithms Package): seeing the name of a thing one thinks of its function , It is a component of genetic programming .
  • Eva: Object oriented applications (OOP) Algorithm framework .
  • Acceleo: It's a Eclipse Code generator , For from EMF Model creation code .

2)Java Advantages and disadvantages

Java Is an open source cross platform language , It has a wide set of libraries and debugging functions . Its advantages and disadvantages are shown in the following table :

Java The advantages of

1. Security : Security is Java An integral part of design . Java compiler 、 The interpreter and runtime environment are safe .

2. Stack allocation :Java follow LIFO( Last in, first out ) System , Helps to easily store and retrieve data .

3. Multithreading : utilize Java Multithreading capabilities of , Programmers can perform multiple tasks simultaneously in a program .

4. rich API:Java Provide API And a set of commands for database connection 、 The Internet 、I/O、XML analysis 、 Utilities, etc .

5. Rapid development tools : be used for Java Open source development of language coding IDE, Such as Eclipse and Netbeans, It provides the foundation for powerful application development through efficient coding and debugging .

Java The shortcomings of

1. Performance issues : And C or C++ Compared with other compiled languages ,Java Consumes more memory and is slower , So we face performance problems .

2. Complex code :Java The code is verbose and complex , Difficult to read and understand . Overly complex code requires one person to explain everything in detail .


in general , Every language is unique , And they all have their own advantages and disadvantages . Java and Python These two languages can also bring about a technological revolution . But lately Python Because it's in AI and ML And has attracted much attention . But some programmers still prefer Java To program and build AI application .

such as ,TSINGSEE When the R & D personnel of Qingxi video are doing platform development , Use... In intelligent analysis Python There will be more compilations , In part of the basic level call capacity, we use Golang More , It's used occasionally Java To do streaming programming .

We are in artificial intelligence technology + Video field , take AI testing 、 Intelligent recognition technology is integrated into various video application scenarios , Such as : Security monitoring 、 Face detection in video 、 People flow statistics 、 Dangerous behavior ( climb to a higher point 、 Fall down 、 Push, etc ) Detection and identification, etc . Typical examples are EasyCVR Video convergence cloud service , have AI Face recognition 、 License plate recognition 、 Voice talk 、 Pan tilt control 、 Audible and visual alarm 、 The ability of monitoring video analysis and data collection .

You can choose the language of initial learning according to your own needs , Or through our open source project EasyDarwin To test it .

About who is better for AI Development ,Java or Python There is no end to the argument , But both will always matter . Although we see Python It is worth learning because of its ease of use , but Java And continue to be popular . Which language do you think is easy to use ? Welcome to leave your opinion .

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