In a few years ago , There was once a model on the Internet Create a circle of friends photo album Products . But its process is very different :
It sounds awesome at first , I wonder how this product gets personal circle of friends data , Until you see its usage process, you first need to add wechat friends , Instantly smiled and understood .
Actually , The circle of friends has always been the territory that many people's reptiles want to collect . Before , The circle of friends can only be on the mobile phone or Pad Check out , To get data on your circle of friends ,** Or manually copy human flesh , Or handle it with a hook .
** One of these two operations is too low-end , One is too high-end .
Is there anything a little simpler ?** use Appnium Maybe it's a way , It's much easier to operate than a hook , however ,Appnium Environment configuration of , Will scare away many friends .
** therefore ,Appnium Or the threshold is slightly higher .
Until recently , The wechat computer version began to support the circle of friends , Things seem to be turning around !
So you can go through PyWinAuto and PyAutoGui These two tools , Realize the automatic control and data acquisition of desktop programs .
These two tools , Can it be applied to the collection of wechat circle of friends data ?
First , Introduce the required libraries :
1. `import psutil` 2. `import pywinauto` 3. `from pywinauto.application import Application`
among :
then , We go through psutil The process of getting wechat computer program from the library ID:
1. `PID = 0` 2. `for proc in psutil.process_iter():` 3. `try:` 4. `pinfo = proc.as_dict(attrs=['pid', 'name'])` 5. `except psutil.NoSuchProcess:` 6. `pass` 7. `else:` 8. `if 'WeChat.exe' == pinfo['name']:` 9. `PID = pinfo['pid']`
This process ID To provide to PyWinAuto To connect to wechat computer version . then , use PyWinAuto Instantiate an application :
1. `app = Application(backend='uia').connect(process=PID)`
Then control the wechat computer version , Open the circle of friends window :
1. `win = app[' WeChat ']` 2. `pyq_btn = win.child_window(title=" Circle of friends ", control_type="Button")` 3. `cords = pyq_btn.rectangle()` 4. `'left', coords=(cords.left + 10, + 10))`
Above code , And that's what happened Python Code control wechat computer version opens the window of circle of friends . The effect is as follows :
The window of the circle of friends is open , What if you get the data inside ?
We use first .dump_tree() Method to see how the structure of each control in the circle of friends window is :
1. `print(pyq_win.dump_tree())`
This will print the structure of all displayed components in the circle of friends window to the console , The displayed content is shown in the figure below :
Let's take a concrete example , For example, this message in the circle of friends :
It's in dump_tree() The structure in is as follows :
You can see , Every message in the window , such as Name of the contact 、 Circle of friends content 、 Circle of friends release time And so on are composed of various components .
We can get and control these components , To achieve data extraction . For example, in this case , We can locate Edit This component to get the content of this circle of friends :
Compared with other tools , Is it extremely simple ?
It's not just simple , The effect is very good .
Interested friends , Try it now !
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