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Use Python to crawl information and save it to excel


utilize python Crawl information and save to excel

Synchronous scrolling :

hello , Hello everyone ! Today's Xiaobian brings you a very practical tip How do we save the crawled information to excel. First, let's talk about excel Frequently used libraries ,xlrd,xlwt,xlwings,openpyxl,xlsxwriter Wait, there's a lot of , But I use openpyxl This library saves the information to excel.

openpyxl Is a program for reading and writing Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm Document library .

download openpyxl windows +R open cmd Enter the command pip install openpyxl

pip install openpyxl

The next step is how to create excel

import openpyxl
# Open file
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
# Create a table using the working object
sheet1 = wb.active
# stay sheet1 Write content in table Insert content
sheet1.append[' full name ',' Gender '] # wait This is excel First row insert , It can be equivalent to the header of a file
# Create a new form by default In the last
sheet2 = wb.create_sheet('title')
# Modify the name of the table
sheet2.title ='new sheet'
# Color
sheet1.sheet_properties.tabColor= '000000'
# Close save workbook
wb.save(' file name .xlsx')

For example, a marriage website I crawled - My Lord, good luck

First, we need to parse its web address

Because the information and content we need is in list below , and list And in the data below So we can use a for Loop it out , The code is as follows :

​for item in json['data']['list']:
gender = item['gender']
height = item['height']
city = item['city']
astro = item['astro']
birthdayyear = item['birthdayyear']
salary = item['salary']
monolog = item['monolog']
print("ID:"+userid," full name :"+username," Gender :"+gender," Province ::"+province," City :"+city," Date of birth :"+birthdayyear," height :"+height," Wages :"+salary," Photo :"+avatar," The constellation :"+astro," Inner monologue :"+monolog)

​ Since we need to save the information to excel in Then you need to put the above code in creating excel In the code of the table .

The complete code is as follows :

# Open file
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
# Create a table using the working object
sheet1 = wb.active
# stay sheet1 Write content in table Insert content
sheet1.append(['ID',' full name ',' Gender ',' Province ',' City ',' Date of birth ',' height (cm)',' Wages ',' Photo ',' The constellation ',' Inner monologue '])
for page in range(1,10): # obtain 1 To 10 The content of the page
# Based on the data entered by the user , Get the data returned by the service
json = get_data(page,startage,endage,gender,startheight,endheight,salary)
for item in json['data']['list']:
gender = item['gender']
height = item['height']
city = item['city']
astro = item['astro']
birthdayyear = item['birthdayyear']
salary = item['salary']
monolog = item['monolog']
print("ID:"+userid," full name :"+username," Gender :"+gender," Province ::"+province," City :"+city," Date of birth :"+birthdayyear," height :"+height," Wages :"+salary," Photo :"+avatar," The constellation :"+astro," Inner monologue :"+monolog)
print(' Start writing ecxel, One moment please ...',end='')
xx_info = [userid,username,gender,province,city,birthdayyear,height,salary,avatar,astro,monolog]
print(' Write successfully \n')
# Close save workbook
wb.save(' Dating website data capture .xlsx')

Okay That's all for today's Xiaobian

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