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How to use Python to conduct microblog public opinion analysis on a certain Yas tax evasion~


Hello everyone , I'm Chen Chen

A few days ago, a certain Ya was fined for tax evasion 13.41 One hundred million yuan , The message came out , But it has aroused thousands of waves on the Internet , Netizens directly fried the pot . All of them are filled with emotion , I don't know if there is more than a fraction of the fine paid by others .

So I crawled the data under this microblog , Conducted a simple public opinion analysis !

01 Analysis page

Because it is more convenient to crawl microblogs from the mobile terminal , So this time we choose to crawl the microblog from the mobile terminal .

We usually input keywords in this place , To search the microblog content .

I observed this page in developer mode and found that , Every time it makes a request for a keyword , I'm going to return one XHR Respond to .

We have now found the page where the data actually exists , Then you can perform the normal operation of the crawler .

02 Data collection

Above we have found the real web page of data storage , Now we just need to make a request for the page , Then extract the data .

1  Send a request

By observing the request header , It is not difficult to construct the request code .

The construction code is as follows :

key = input(" Please enter the crawling keyword :")
for page in range(1,10):
params = (
('containerid', f'100103type=1&q={key}'),
('page_type', 'searchall'),
('page', str(page)),
response = requests.get('https://m.weibo.cn/api/container/getIndex', headers=headers, params=params)

2 Parse response

From the above observation, we found that this data can be transformed into a dictionary for crawling , But after my actual test, I found that , It is the most simple and convenient to extract with regularization , So here is the way of regular extraction , Interested readers can try to extract data by dictionary . The code is as follows :

r = response.text
title = re.findall('"page_title":"(.*?)"',r)
comments_count = re.findall('"comments_count":(.*?),',r)
attitudes_count = re.findall('"attitudes_count":(.*?),',r)
for i in range(len(title)):

3  Store the data

The data has been parsed , We can store it directly , Here I store data in csv In file , The code is as follows :

for i in range(len(title)):
with open(f'{key}.csv', 'a', newline='') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)

03 Data cleaning

After data collection , It needs to be cleaned , Make it meet the analysis requirements before visual analysis .

1  Import data

use pandas Read the crawled data and preview .

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(' Weiya .csv',encoding='gbk')

2 Date conversion

We found that , The data in the month is abbreviated in English , We need to turn it into numbers , The code is as follows :

c = []
for i in list(df[' month ']):
if i == 'Nov':
elif i == 'Dec':
elif i == 'Apr':
elif i == 'Jan':
elif i == 'Oct':
df[' month '] = c
df.to_csv(' Weiya .csv',encoding='gbk',index=False)

3 View data type

View field types and missing values , Meet the needs of analysis , No additional treatment is required .


04 Visual analysis

Let's visually analyze these data .

1 Daily number of microblogs

Here we only climb closer 100 Pages of data , It could be the cause of 20 and 21 The reason why there is less microblog data on .

The code is as follows :

from pyecharts.charts import Bar
from pyecharts import options as opts
from collections import Counter # Count the frequency of words
a = 0
for i in list(df[' month ']):
if i == 12:
if list(df[' Japan '])[a] notin c:
c.append(list(df[' Japan '])[a])
a = 0
for i in c:
for i in list(df[' month ']):
if i == 12:
d[list(df[' Japan '])[a]]+=1
a += 1
columns = []
data = []
for k,v in d.items():
bar = (
.add_yaxis(" Number of pieces ", data)
.set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title=" Daily number of microblogs "))
bar.render(" Word frequency .html")

2 Comment like top10

We found that doutujun starfish has the most comments and likes , Yes 7.5w+, Let's take a look at its comments , It makes users like it so much .

Maybe it's early to like so many , The position is relatively front , Another reason may be that the content conforms to everyone's wishes .

3 Comment time distribution

Analyze the release time of all comments , We found that 21 Point has the most comments , At that time, it was almost the same time when it came to the hot search list , It seems that not being on the hot search list still has a great impact on Weibo .

The code is as follows :

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('weiya.csv',encoding='gbk')
a = 0
for i in list(df[' when ']):
if i notin c:
a = 0
for i in c:
for i in list(df[' when ']):
from collections import Counter # Count the frequency of words
from pyecharts.charts import Bar
from pyecharts import options as opts
columns = []
data = []
for k,v in d.items():
bar = (
.add_yaxis(" Time ", data)
.set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title=" Time distribution "))
bar.render(" Word frequency .html")

4 Clouds of words

We can see from the picture of words , There are a lot of tax evasion , In line with the theme , The second is cancellation 、 Blockade and imprisonment , It seems that people still hate illegal acts .

The code is as follows :

from imageio import imread
import jieba
from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS
with open("weiya.txt",encoding='utf-8') as f:
job_title_1 = f.read()
with open(' Stop Thesaurus .txt','r',encoding='utf-8') as f:
stop_word = f.read()
word = jieba.cut(job_title_1)
words = []
for i in list(word):
if i notin stop_word:
contents_list_job_title = " ".join(words)
wc = WordCloud(stopwords=STOPWORDS.add(" One "), collocations=False,
font_path=r"K:\ Su Xin's poems are written in regular script .ttf",
width=400, height=300, random_state=42,
mask=imread('xin.jpg', pilmode="RGB")
wc.to_file(" Recommended language .png")

05 Summary

As public figures, netizens and celebrities should set an example , You can't enjoy fame and wealth while still doing illegal acts .

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