tkinter yes Python The oriented tk Graphical interface library , It is convenient for graphic interface design and interactive programming .tkinter It's easy to use 、 And Python Good combination of .tkinter stay Python 3.x The default integration mode is , No additional installation operations are required ; The deficiency is the lack of appropriate visual interface design tools , You need code to complete window design and element layout .
This example uses Python Version is 3.8, If you want to python 2.x Next use tkinter, Please install it first . It should be noted that , Different Python Version tkinter It may be used in a slightly different way , The proposal USES Python3.x edition .
The difficulty of this example is intermediate , Suitable for having Python Basis and Tkinter User learning of component programming knowledge .
from tkinter import *from tkinter.filedialog import *from tkinter.messagebox import *import os filename = "" def author(): showinfo(title=" author ", message="Python") def power(): showinfo(title=" Copyright information ", message=" Class practice ") def mynew(): global top, filename, textPad top.title(" Unnamed file ") filename = None textPad.delete(1.0, END) def myopen(): global filename filename = askopenfilename(defaultextension=".txt") if filename == "": filename = None else: top.title(" Notepad " + os.path.basename(filename)) textPad.delete(1.0, END) f = open(filename, 'r') textPad.insert(1.0, f.close() def mysave(): global filename try: f = open(filename, 'w') msg = textPad.get(1.0, 'end') f.write(msg) f.close() except: mysaveas() def mysaveas(): global filename f = asksaveasfilename(initialfile=" unnamed .txt", defaultextension=".txt") filename = f fh = open(f, 'w') msg = textPad.get(1.0, END) fh.write(msg) fh.close() top.title(" Notepad " + os.path.basename(f)) def cut(): global textPad textPad.event_generate("<<Cut>>") def copy(): global textPad textPad.event_generate("<<Copy>>") def paste(): global textPad textPad.event_generate("<<Paste>>") def undo(): global textPad textPad.event_generate("<<Undo>>") def redo(): global textPad textPad.event_generate("<<Redo>>") def select_all(): global textPad # textPad.event_generate("<<Cut>>") textPad.tag_add("sel", "1.0", "end") def find(): t = Toplevel(top) t.title(" lookup ") t.geometry("260x60+200+250") t.transient(top) Label(t, text=" lookup :").grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="e") v = StringVar() e = Entry(t, width=20, textvariable=v) e.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=2, pady=2, sticky="we") e.focus_set() c = IntVar() Checkbutton(t, text=" Case insensitive ", variable=c).grid(row=1, column=1, sticky='e') Button(t, text=" Find all ", command=lambda: search(v.get(), c.get(), textPad, t, e)).grid(row=0, column=2, sticky="e" + "w", padx=2, pady=2) def close_search(): textPad.tag_remove("match", "1.0", END) t.destroy() t.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", close_search) def mypopup(event): # global editmenu editmenu.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root) def search(needle, cssnstv, textPad, t, e): textPad.tag_remove("match", "1.0", END) count = 0 if needle: pos = "1.0" while True: pos =, pos, nocase=cssnstv, stopindex=END) if not pos: break lastpos = pos + str(len(needle)) textPad.tag_add("match", pos, lastpos) count += 1 pos = lastpos textPad.tag_config('match', fg='yellow', bg="green") e.focus_set() t.title(str(count) + " One is matched ") top = Tk()top.title(" Notepad ")top.geometry("600x400+100+50") menubar = Menu(top) # File function filemenu = Menu(top)filemenu.add_command(label=" newly build ", accelerator="Ctrl+N", command=mynew)filemenu.add_command(label=" open ", accelerator="Ctrl+O", command=myopen)filemenu.add_command(label=" preservation ", accelerator="Ctrl+S", command=mysave)filemenu.add_command(label=" Save as ", accelerator="Ctrl+shift+s", command=mysaveas)menubar.add_cascade(label=" file ", menu=filemenu) # Editing function editmenu = Menu(top)editmenu.add_command(label=" revoke ", accelerator="Ctrl+Z", command=undo)editmenu.add_command(label=" redo ", accelerator="Ctrl+Y", command=redo)editmenu.add_separator()editmenu.add_command(label=" shear ", accelerator="Ctrl+X", command=cut)editmenu.add_command(label=" Copy ", accelerator="Ctrl+C", command=copy)editmenu.add_command(label=" Paste ", accelerator="Ctrl+V", command=paste)editmenu.add_separator()editmenu.add_command(label=" lookup ", accelerator="Ctrl+F", command=find)editmenu.add_command(label=" Future generations ", accelerator="Ctrl+A", command=select_all)menubar.add_cascade(label=" edit ", menu=editmenu) # About function aboutmenu = Menu(top)aboutmenu.add_command(label=" author ", command=author)aboutmenu.add_command(label=" Copyright ", command=power)menubar.add_cascade(label=" About ", menu=aboutmenu) top['menu'] = menubar # shortcutbar = Frame(top, height=25, bg='light sea green')# shortcutbar.pack(expand=NO, fill=X)# Inlabe = Label(top, width=2, bg='antique white')# Inlabe.pack(side=LEFT, anchor='nw', fill=Y) textPad = Text(top, undo=True)textPad.pack(expand=YES, fill=BOTH)scroll = Scrollbar(textPad)textPad.config(yscrollcommand=scroll.set)scroll.config(command=textPad.yview)scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) # Hotkey binding textPad.bind("<Control-N>", mynew)textPad.bind("<Control-n>", mynew)textPad.bind("<Control-O>", myopen)textPad.bind("<Control-o>", myopen)textPad.bind("<Control-S>", mysave)textPad.bind("<Control-s>", mysave)textPad.bind("<Control-A>", select_all)textPad.bind("<Control-a>", select_all)textPad.bind("<Control-F>", find)textPad.bind("<Control-f>", find) textPad.bind("<Button-3>", mypopup)top.mainloop()