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Fish on time, collect the net on time, and python realizes the countdown to work! Never work overtime


Have you ever had time to fish

In the Internet world , It is often said that 996 Work system , But there is no lack of 965 Of , Even more 007 Of , and 007 It's a little ICU I feel it. , therefore , Everyone will sneak in , Occasionally touch fish , There are many ways to fish , Have you ever fished at work ? What did you do in your fishing time ? If you finish the task of the day early , Isn't it great to sit and wait for work ? I want to say that this time is still very difficult , It's better to find something to do quickly , Then do something ? Write a countdown to work , It was such a pleasant decision ……

Realize the idea

The countdown time refreshes , Definitely need a graphical interface , That's what we need GUI Programming , So here I'm going to use theta tkinter Realize the interface of local window , Use tkinter It can realize the regular refresh display of page layout and time , And the operation involving time , It must be used time modular , Here I also added the function of automatic shutdown at the end of countdown ( Annotated , It can be opened if necessary ), So it also uses os Modular system Realize the function of regular shutdown .

Running environment

Python Running environment :Windows + python3.8

Modules used :tkinter、time、os

If the module is not installed , Please use pip instatll xxxxxx Installation , for example :pip install tkinter

Interface layout

Let's take a look at the interface after implementation


You can see from the screenshot , There are three main messages :

• current time : This is a real-time display of the current time , The format is formatted year, month, day, hour, minute and second

• Time from work : This can be modified , The default is 18:00:00, You can modify it according to your off-duty time

• The rest of the time : Here is the rest of the countdown , spot START Refresh per second after

Set page data

tk_obj = Tk()
tk_obj.resizable(0, 0)
tk_obj.title(' Countdown application ')
Label(tk_obj, text=' The countdown to work ', font=' Song style 20 bold', bg='white').pack()

Set the current time

Label(tk_obj, font=' Song style 15 bold', text=' current time :', bg='white').place(x=50, y=60)
curr_time = Label(tk_obj, font=' Song style 15', text='', fg='gray25', bg='white')
curr_time.place(x=160, y=60)

Set the off hours

Label(tk_obj, font=' Song style 15 bold', text=' Time from work :', bg='white').place(x=50, y=110)

Time from work - Hours

work_hour = StringVar()
Entry(tk_obj, textvariable=work_hour, width=2, font=' Song style 12').place(x=160, y=115)

Time from work - minute

work_minute = StringVar()
Entry(tk_obj, textvariable=work_minute, width=2, font=' Song style 12').place(x=185, y=115)

Time from work - Number of seconds

work_second = StringVar()
Entry(tk_obj, textvariable=work_second, width=2, font=' Song style 12').place(x=210, y=115)

Set the remaining time

Label(tk_obj, font=' Song style 15 bold', text=' The rest of the time :', bg='white').place(x=50, y=160)
down_label = Label(tk_obj, font=' Song style 23', text='', fg='gray25', bg='white')
down_label.place(x=160, y=155)
down_label.config(text='00 when 00 branch 00 second ')

Start timing button

Button(tk_obj, text='START', bd='5', command=refresh_down_time, bg='green', font=' Song style 10 bold').place(x=150, y=220)

Scheduled refresh remaining time

By obtaining the set off-duty time , Compare the time difference of the current time , So as to get the remaining time , Reuse while Cycle processing time remaining per second , And refresh to the interface in real time , Until the remaining time is 0 The program will end , Even operate the automatic shutdown function of the computer .

def refresh_down_time():
""" Refresh countdown time """
# Current timestamp
now_time = int(time.time())
# After hours, minute and second data filtering
work_hour_val = int(work_hour.get())
if work_hour_val > 23:
down_label.config(text=' The interval of hours is (00-23)')
work_minute_val = int(work_minute.get())
if work_minute_val > 59:
down_label.config(text=' The interval of minutes is (00-59)')
work_second_val = int(work_second.get())
if work_second_val > 59:
down_label.config(text=' The interval of seconds is (00-59)')
# Turn off time into time stamp
work_date = str(work_hour_val) + ':' + str(work_minute_val) + ':' + str(work_second_val)
work_str_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d ') + work_date
time_array = time.strptime(work_str_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
work_time = time.mktime(time_array)
if now_time > work_time:
down_label.config(text=' It's past work time ')
# Seconds left from time off
diff_time = int(work_time - now_time)
while diff_time > -1:
# Get countdown - Minutes and seconds
down_minute = diff_time // 60
down_second = diff_time % 60
down_hour = 0
if down_minute > 60:
down_hour = down_minute // 60
down_minute = down_minute % 60
# Refresh countdown time
down_time = str(down_hour).zfill(2) + ' when ' + str(down_minute).zfill(2) + ' branch ' + str(down_second).zfill(2) + ' second '
if diff_time == 0:
# The countdown is over
down_label.config(text=' It's time to get off work ')
# Automatic shutdown , Turn it off in one minute , May cancel
# down_label.config(text=' The next minute will automatically shut down ')
# os.system('shutdown -s -f -t 60')
diff_time -= 1

In order to facilitate everyone to test and fish smoothly , I also posted the complete countdown program , If you have any questions, you can also give feedback in time

-- coding: utf-8 --

Countdown to off duty time
author: gxcuizy
date: 2021-04-27
from tkinter import *
import time
import os
def refresh_current_time():
""" Refresh the current time """
clock_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
curr_time.after(1000, refresh_current_time)
def refresh_down_time():
""" Refresh countdown time """
# Current timestamp
now_time = int(time.time())
# After hours, minute and second data filtering
work_hour_val = int(work_hour.get())
if work_hour_val > 23:
down_label.config(text=' The interval of hours is (00-23)')
work_minute_val = int(work_minute.get())
if work_minute_val > 59:
down_label.config(text=' The interval of minutes is (00-59)')
work_second_val = int(work_second.get())
if work_second_val > 59:
down_label.config(text=' The interval of seconds is (00-59)')
# Turn off time into time stamp
work_date = str(work_hour_val) + ':' + str(work_minute_val) + ':' + str(work_second_val)
work_str_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d ') + work_date
time_array = time.strptime(work_str_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
work_time = time.mktime(time_array)
if now_time > work_time:
down_label.config(text=' It's past work time ')
# Seconds left from time off
diff_time = int(work_time - now_time)
while diff_time > -1:
# Get countdown - Minutes and seconds
down_minute = diff_time // 60
down_second = diff_time % 60
down_hour = 0
if down_minute > 60:
down_hour = down_minute // 60
down_minute = down_minute % 60
# Refresh countdown time
down_time = str(down_hour).zfill(2) + ' when ' + str(down_minute).zfill(2) + ' branch ' + str(down_second).zfill(2) + ' second '
if diff_time == 0:
# The countdown is over
down_label.config(text=' It's time to get off work ')
# Automatic shutdown , Turn it off in one minute , May cancel
# down_label.config(text=' The next minute will automatically shut down ')
# os.system('shutdown -s -f -t 60')
diff_time -= 1

The main entry of the program

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Set page data
tk_obj = Tk()
tk_obj.resizable(0, 0)
tk_obj.title(' Countdown application ')
Label(tk_obj, text=' The countdown to work ', font=' Song style 20 bold', bg='white').pack()
# Set the current time
Label(tk_obj, font=' Song style 15 bold', text=' current time :', bg='white').place(x=50, y=60)
curr_time = Label(tk_obj, font=' Song style 15', text='', fg='gray25', bg='white')
curr_time.place(x=160, y=60)
# Set the off hours
Label(tk_obj, font=' Song style 15 bold', text=' Time from work :', bg='white').place(x=50, y=110)
# Time from work - Hours
work_hour = StringVar()
Entry(tk_obj, textvariable=work_hour, width=2, font=' Song style 12').place(x=160, y=115)
# Time from work - minute
work_minute = StringVar()
Entry(tk_obj, textvariable=work_minute, width=2, font=' Song style 12').place(x=185, y=115)
# Time from work - Number of seconds
work_second = StringVar()
Entry(tk_obj, textvariable=work_second, width=2, font=' Song style 12').place(x=210, y=115)
# Set the remaining time
Label(tk_obj, font=' Song style 15 bold', text=' The rest of the time :', bg='white').place(x=50, y=160)
down_label = Label(tk_obj, font=' Song style 23', text='', fg='gray25', bg='white')
down_label.place(x=160, y=155)
down_label.config(text='00 when 00 branch 00 second ')
# Start timing button
Button(tk_obj, text='START', bd='5', command=refresh_down_time, bg='green', font=' Song style 10 bold').place(x=150, y=220)


We have any questions , You can leave me a message , I will reply in time. , If something is wrong , Please help correct . If you have any fun ways to fish , You can also leave a message to me in the comment area , Let's fish happily together !

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