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No action, no intention Python object-oriented-45. Object oriented programming

  • 1、 The concept of object-oriented programming
  • 2、 The difference between object-oriented programming and process oriented programming
    • (1) Process oriented programming
    • (2) object-oriented programming
  • 3、 Object oriented understanding
  • 4、Python Object - oriented programming
  • 5、 Several core features of object-oriented

1、 The concept of object-oriented programming

  • Python It has been an object-oriented language since the beginning of design , Because of that , We must have heard of it Python in Everything is the object That's what I'm saying .
  • object-oriented programming (Object-oriented Programming, abbreviation OOP), It's a kind of programming idea .
  • Object oriented programming regards object as the basic unit of program , An object contains data ( attribute ) And functions that manipulate data .
  • In the idea of object-oriented design , Think of a program as the result of multiple objects working together . The program is divided into several sub modules , Then, multiple objects complete their respective modules, and finally realize the function of the program .
  • object-oriented programming , Is an idea of encapsulating code .
  • Object oriented programming is developed on the basis of process oriented programming , It is more flexible and extensible than process oriented programming .

2、 The difference between object-oriented programming and process oriented programming

(1) Process oriented programming

Process oriented programming takes function as the basic unit of program . When programming , Write groups of functions , Then execute the functions step by step , That is, the sequential execution of a set of functions . To simplify programming , Process oriented functions continue to be divided into subfunctions , That is to cut large function into small function to reduce the complexity of the system .

Process oriented programming , The core is " The process ", Focus on the steps to solve the problem , That is, what to do first and then what to do . Process oriented programming is like a pipeline , It's a kind of mechanical thinking . If program starts with the solving a big problem , Process oriented programming thinking will decompose a big problem into many small problems , These small problems can be further decomposed , Until the small problem is simple enough to be solved in one small step .

  1. advantage :

    • It greatly reduces the complexity of writing programs , Just follow the steps , Just stack the code .
    • Complex problems flow , And simplify it .
  2. shortcoming :
    • A set of assembly lines or processes is to solve a problem , If one of the methods is modified , Then other components should be modified accordingly .
    • That is to say, there are problems , Pull one hair and move the whole body .

(2) object-oriented programming

The object-oriented programming takes the object as the basic unit of the program , When programming , Design many objects ( Class ), Each object has the ability to solve some corresponding problems . Our object-oriented programming is based on process oriented programming , Class is the function ( Small steps ) It was packaged , As long as you find the specific class , Create objects , You can call the specific functions .

Object oriented is a thinking mode used to solve problems , In later development , Look for someone first , Call specific functions in the object . If there is really no object that can complete the requirements , Then define your own class , And define the required functions into the object , Convenient for future use .

  1. advantage :

    • Object oriented is an idea that is more in line with people's thinking habits .
    • The process oriented is more embodied in the executor , In object-oriented, it is more reflected in the commander , Command objects to do things .
    • Object oriented simplifies complex problems .
    • Because of the encapsulation of object-oriented 、 Inherit 、 Characteristics of polymorphism , Make the system more flexible 、 Easy maintenance 、 Easy to reuse 、 Easy to expand , You can design low coupling systems .
  2. shortcoming :
    • Performance is lower than process oriented .
    • As the saying goes, there must be gains and losses , But in today's hardware crazy development , When the system becomes more and more complex , weigh the advantages and disadvantages , We choose object-oriented programming .

3、 Object oriented understanding

Object oriented is an abstract programming idea , There is an idea in many programming languages .

1) demand

for example : Wash the clothes

reflection : There are several ways to do laundry ?

answer : Hand wash and Machine wash .

2) Process oriented laundry

Hand washing is equivalent to washing clothes facing the process :

  • Find Basin
  • water
  • Add washing powder
  • soak
  • Scrub
  • Wring out water
  • Pour water
  • Airing
  • Put it away and fold it

After so many steps , You finally finished your clothes , But I'm exhausted .

3) Object oriented laundry

Machine washing is equivalent to object-oriented washing clothes .

This washing machine is the object , Put the clothes in the washing machine :

  • Turn on the washing machine ( Class to create objects )
  • Wash the clothes ( Call method in object )
    • Washing machine -- Add water
    • Washing machine -- Add washing powder
    • Washing machine -- soak
    • Washing machine -- Scrub
    • Washing machine -- dehydration
    • Washing machine -- Drainage
    • Washing machine -- dry
  • Turn off the washing machine ( When the program is finished, put away your clothes )

You sit by the window and watch the sunset , Sigh that life is so beautiful !

4) summary :

reflection : Compare two ways of washing clothes , Which way is simpler ?

answer : Machine washing is simpler .

Machine wash only needs to find a washing machine , Add simple operations to complete the laundry work , And don't care what's going on inside the washing machine .

Object oriented is to treat programming as a thing , For the outside world , Things are used directly , Don't worry about his internal situation . Programming is about setting what things can do .

4、Python Object - oriented programming

Object oriented programming is the use of class and object To create various models , To realize the description of the real world .

The reason for using object-oriented programming :

  • On the one hand, it can make the maintenance and expansion of programs easier , And can greatly improve the efficiency of program development .
  • in addition , Object oriented programs make it easier for people to understand your code logic , To make team development more leisurely .

5、 Several core features of object-oriented

  1. Class class : A class refers to the same feature extraction of the same thing , Extract the same attribute method and define it in the class .
  2. Object object : An object is an instance of a class , The object is concrete , Class is abstract .
  3. encapsulation : Working details of hiding objects from the outside world .
  4. Inherit : A subclass inherits the fields and methods of the base class .
  5. polymorphic : Use the same operation for objects of different classes .

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