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Differences between sort() and sorted() in Python and their usage examples



One 、

Two 、

python Input string to list in


This article mainly talks about sort And sorted The main difference , In order to use it correctly

One 、

sort() Can only be used for list ;sorted() Can be used for all iteratible objects ;

such as :

str_a = "blue"print(sorted(str_a))>>>['b', 'e', 'l', 'u'] Two 、

sort() To sort a list is to sort in place , Does not return a new list ;

sorted() A new list will be returned after sorting ;

such as :

about sort() Come on :lis_a = [5,4,3,2,1]lis_a.sort()print(lis_a)>>>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] about sorted() Come on :lis_a = [5,4,3,2,1]lis_b = sorted(lis_a)print(lis_a)print(lis_b)>>>[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]>>>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Why there are two ways , Instead of simply using one method ?

Here's my personal understanding , Maybe not all right , Please correct any mistakes . In my submission , Because the list is a variable sequence , So it can be modified in situ , That is, you can sort in place . But for iteratable objects such as strings , Is immutable , It cannot be modified in its original place .sort() Method belongs to in situ modification , So it may only be used for lists , For other immutable iteratible objects, another kind of sorted() Method .

There is also a little shallow ,sort() Because it is sorted in place , Therefore, the original list has been modified . If you don't want to change the original list , that python Provides sorted() Method .

Some people may not understand what it means to modify in place ? If you understand, you don't have to look down .

such as :

Variable sequence :lis_a = ['a','b','c','d','e','f'] Immutable sequence :str_a = "abcdef"lis_a[0] = 1str_a[0] = 1 # The sequence can be indexed print(lis_a)print(str_a)

So it's a mistake

But for a list it is :

python Input string to list in

python Use in input() To enter a string from the keyboard And this operation is a little careless == There will be some problems ,== For example, convert the input string into a list :

a = input()lis = list(a)print(lis)

When you enter a line of strings separated by spaces :

Then you may want me to a If you remove the space in the ok 了 , You might think of using replace Method .== But what if you enter a negative number ?==

So face these problems , We can use split() Method :

a = input().split()lis = list(a)print(lis)

When separated by spaces split() There is no need to put any parameter in brackets :

If you separate them with commas , Then it needs to be changed to :input().split(",")

Actually , Generally, when using space spacing , It is easy to have the above problems .


This is about python in sort() and sorted() That's all for the differences and usages , More about python sort() and sorted() Please search the previous articles of software development network or continue to browse the relevant articles below. I hope you will support software development network more in the future !

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