After data set processing , Generate new data , To store this data in Excel In file , But I can't write it .
The code is as follows :
Churn_y = np.array(Churn).reshape(-1, 1)
SeniorCitizen_x = np.array(SeniorCitizen).reshape(-1, 1)
Contract_x = Contract_dummies.values
InternetService_x = InternetService_dummies.values
PaymentMethod_x = np.array(PaymentMethod).reshape(-1, 1)
OnlineSecurity_x = np.array(OnlineSecurity).reshape(-1, 1)
OnlineBackup_x = np.array(OnlineBackup).reshape(-1, 1)
DeviceProtection_x = np.array(DeviceProtection).reshape(-1, 1)
TechSupport_x = np.array(TechSupport).reshape(-1, 1)
tenure_x = tenure_dummies.values
MonthlyCharges_x = MonthlyCharges_dummies.values
X = np.concatenate([SeniorCitizen_x, Contract_x, InternetService_x, PaymentMethod_x, OnlineSecurity_x,OnlineBackup_x, DeviceProtection_x, TechSupport_x, tenure_x, MonthlyCharges_x], axis=1)
Want to generate two xlsx file
List of articles 0 Preface 1 I
List of articles 1. Draw line