from flask import Flask from flask import render_template app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('index.html', name=" taiyangxue ", html='<b>Bob</b>') @app.route('/filter') def filter(): return render_template('filter.html', data={ 'name': 'Bob', 'age': 23, 'city': 'Beijing' }, data1=False, name=None, list=[1,2,3,4]) # Define filter functions def mylen(arg):# Implement a function that can find the length return len(arg) def interval(test_str, start, end): # Returns the contents of a specified interval in a string return test_str[int(start):int(end)] # Registration filter env = app.jinja_env env.filters['mylen'] = mylen env.filters['interval'] = interval # The view function @app.route('/myfilter') def myfilter(): return render_template('myfilter.html', phone='13300000000') # Control structure if-else @app.route('/hello2/<name>/<gender>') def hello2(name, gender): return render_template('hello2.html', name=name, gender=gender) # Control structure for @app.route('/names') def names(): return render_template('for.html', names=['Lily', 'Bob', 'Tom', 'Jan']) # macro @app.route('/marco') def marco(): return render_template('mymarco.html', names=['Lily', 'Bob', 'Tom', 'Jan']) # Inherit @app.route('/hello3') def hello3(): return render_template('hello3.html') if __name__ == '__main__':