# Import MongoClient modular from pymongo import MongoClient, ASCENDING, DESCENDING # Two ways #1. Incoming database IP And port number mc = MongoClient('', 27017) #2. Pass in the connection string directly mc = MongoClient('mongodb://') # Connection with password # First specify the connection testdb database # db = mc.testdb # adopt authenticate Method authentication account password # db.authenticate('username','password') # Check if the connection is successful , The following results are output to indicate that the connection is successful print(mc.server_info()) # Specify two ways to manipulate the database #1. obtain testdb database , If not, create it automatically db = mc.testdb #2. Effect and above db = mc.testdb identical db = mc['testdb'] # Print out testdb All sets under the database ( surface ) print(db.collection_names()) # There are two ways to specify the set of operations #1. obtain test aggregate , If not, create it automatically collection = db.test #2. Effect and collection = db.test identical collection = db['test'] # Print a row of data in the set print(collection.find_one()) book = { 'name' : 'Python Basics ', 'author' : ' Zhang San ', 'page' : 80 } # Insert a record into the collection collection.insert_one(book) # about insert_many() Method , We can pass data as a list of parameters book1 = { 'name' : 'Java Basics ', 'author' : ' Li Bai ', 'page' : 100 } book2 = { 'name' : 'Java virtual machine ', 'author' : ' Wang Wu ', 'page' : 100 } # establish book_list list book_list = [book1, book2] # Insert multiple records into the collection collection.insert_many(book_list) # Query a record by condition , Returns if it does not exist None res = collection.find_one({'author': ' Zhang San '}) print (res) # Query multiple records by criteria , Returns if it does not exist None res = collection.find({'page': 100}) print (res) # Use find() The query will return an object # Traversing objects , And print the query results for r in res: print(r) # Inquire about page Greater than 50 The record of res = collection.find({'page': {'$gt': 50}}) book = collection.find_one({'author': ' Zhang San '}) book['page'] = 90 # The update meets the conditions {'author', ' Zhang San '} The first record res = collection.update_one({'author': ' Zhang San '}, {'$set': book}) # The result of the update is an object , We can call matched_count and modified_count Property to obtain the number of matched data and the number of affected data . print(res.matched_count, res.modified_count) # The update meets the conditions page>90 All records ,page Field self addition 10 res = collection.update_many({'page': {'$gt': 90}}, {'$inc': {'page': 10}}) # Number of records matched and affected by print update print(res.matched_count, res.modified_count) book3 = {'name':'Python senior ', 'author':' Zhao Fei ', 'page': 50} #upsert=True Indicates that if there are no records that meet the update conditions , Will be book3 Insert into the collection res = collection.update_one({'author': ' Zhao Fei '}, {'$set': book3}, upsert=True) print(res.matched_count, res.modified_count) # Check all records , And traverse and print out res = collection.find() for r in res: print(r) # Delete the first record that meets the conditions result = collection.delete_one({'author': ' Zhang San '}) # You can also return an object by deleted_count Number of records deleted by attribute query print(result.deleted_count) # Delete all records that meet the conditions , Here is the deletion page < 90 The record of result = collection.delete_many({'page': {'$lt': 90}}) print(result.deleted_count) # The query returns the records that meet the conditions and deletes them result = collection.find_one_and_delete({'author': ' Wang Wu '}) print(result) # Count the number of query results # Number of all results collection.find().count() # The number of results satisfying the conditions collection.find({'page': 100}).count() # Query results are sorted by field # Ascending results = collection.find().sort('page', ASCENDING) # Descending results = collection.find().sort('page', DESCENDING) # The following query results are based on page Ascending sort , Only the second record and the next two results are returned results = collection.find().sort('page', ASCENDING).skip(1).limit(2) print(results) # unique=True when , Create a unique index , When the index field inserts the same value, an error will be automatically reported , The default is False collection.create_index('page', unique= True) # Print out the created index print(collection.index_information()) # Delete index collection.drop_index('page_1') # Delete the collection collection.drop()