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[original launch] learn Python recursive algorithm from Xiao Hui


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1.1.  A recursive algorithm

1.1.1.  Algorithm definition

Recursive algorithm in computer science refers to a method to solve problems by repeatedly decomposing problems into sub problems of the same kind . Simply speaking , Recursion is to call itself in the body of a method .

1.1.2.  The basic idea

The essence of recursive algorithm is to decompose problems into subproblems of similar problems with reduced scale , The method is then recursively called to represent the solution to the problem . Recursive algorithms are generally used to solve three kinds of problems :

(1) The problem is defined recursively (Fibonacci function , Factorial )

(2) The solution to the problem is recursive ( Some problems can only be solved by recursion , for example , The hanotta problem )

(3) Data structures are recursive ( Linked list 、 Operation of trees, etc , Including tree traversal , Depth of tree )

  Design a recursive algorithm program , Need to recognize the three elements of recursion :

(1) Reduce a problem to a smaller scale , Steps similar to mathematical induction

(2) The parent problem and the child problem cannot overlap , The parent problem can be solved by the solution of the child problem

(3) Determine the conditions for recursive termination , For example, the tree reaches the leaf node , Binary search left be equal to right

1.1.3.  Code implementation -- Factorial

Problem description :

seek 6 The factorial , namely 6!=65432*1.

Algorithm analysis :

Factorials of positive integers (factorial) Is all positive integers less than or equal to this number , also 0 The factorial of is 1. Natural number n The factorial writing of n!. Define a recursive function fact, Input parameter is greater than 0, Recursively call itself in the function . The call graph is as follows :

Code implementation :

【 example 1-1】 6 The factorial :

def fact(n):
    result = 1
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        result = n * fact(n-1)
    return result
if __name__ == '__main__':

Execution results : 720

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