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Isnt it that 1000 lines of Python code realize Tetris / minesweeping / Gobang / snake?


Python Developing small games , Once again, it has two sides. …

One 、 Effect display (https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=SFu7oNIZ)

1、 tetris

2、 Mine clearance

3、 gobang

4、 snake

harm , This is the most thrilling , For my little heart , Don't play, don't play …

Two 、 Code display (https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=SFu7oNIZ)

1、 tetris
Block part

This part of the code is saved separately py file , Here I'll name it blocks.py

Design of square shape , At first I made 4 × 4, Length and width are the longest 4 If you rotate, you don't consider how to rotate , Is to replace one figure with another .

To implement this function , Just fix the coordinates of the upper left corner .

python Answering question consulting Learning exchange group 2:660193417###
import random
from collections import namedtuple
Point = namedtuple('Point', 'X Y')
Shape = namedtuple('Shape', 'X Y Width Height')
Block = namedtuple('Block', 'template start_pos end_pos name next')
# S Shape of square
S_BLOCK = [Block(['.OO',
'...'], Point(0, 0), Point(2, 1), 'S', 1),
'.O.'], Point(0, 0), Point(1, 2), 'S', 0)]
# Z Shape of square
Z_BLOCK = [Block(['OO.',
'...'], Point(0, 0), Point(2, 1), 'Z', 1),
'O..'], Point(0, 0), Point(1, 2), 'Z', 0)]
# I Shape block
I_BLOCK = [Block(['.O..',
'.O..'], Point(1, 0), Point(1, 3), 'I', 1),
'....'], Point(0, 2), Point(3, 2), 'I', 0)]
# O Shape block
O_BLOCK = [Block(['OO',
'OO'], Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1), 'O', 0)]
# J Shape block
J_BLOCK = [Block(['O..',
'...'], Point(0, 0), Point(2, 1), 'J', 1),
'.O.'], Point(1, 0), Point(2, 2), 'J', 2),
'..O'], Point(0, 1), Point(2, 2), 'J', 3),
'OO.'], Point(0, 0), Point(1, 2), 'J', 0)]
# L Shape block
L_BLOCK = [Block(['..O',
'...'], Point(0, 0), Point(2, 1), 'L', 1),
'.OO'], Point(1, 0), Point(2, 2), 'L', 2),
'O..'], Point(0, 1), Point(2, 2), 'L', 3),
'.O.'], Point(0, 0), Point(1, 2), 'L', 0)]
# T Shape block
T_BLOCK = [Block(['.O.',
'...'], Point(0, 0), Point(2, 1), 'T', 1),
'.O.'], Point(1, 0), Point(2, 2), 'T', 2),
'.O.'], Point(0, 1), Point(2, 2), 'T', 3),
'.O.'], Point(0, 0), Point(1, 2), 'T', 0)]
def get_block():
block_name = random.choice('OIZTLSJ')
b = BLOCKS[block_name]
idx = random.randint(0, len(b) - 1)
return b[idx]
def get_next_block(block):
b = BLOCKS[block.name]
return b[block.next]

The main code of the game

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import sys
import time
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import blocks
SIZE = 30 # The size of each of these little squares
BLOCK_HEIGHT = 25 # Height of play area
BLOCK_WIDTH = 10 # Play area width
BORDER_WIDTH = 4 # Game area border width
BORDER_COLOR = (40, 40, 200) # Game area border color
SCREEN_WIDTH = SIZE * (BLOCK_WIDTH + 5) # The width of the game screen
SCREEN_HEIGHT = SIZE * BLOCK_HEIGHT # The height of the game screen
BG_COLOR = (40, 40, 60) # Background color
BLOCK_COLOR = (20, 128, 200) #
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
RED = (200, 30, 30) # GAME OVER Font color for
def print_text(screen, font, x, y, text, fcolor=(255, 255, 255)):
imgText = font.render(text, True, fcolor)
screen.blit(imgText, (x, y))
def main():
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption(' tetris ')
font1 = pygame.font.SysFont('SimHei', 24) # In black 24
font2 = pygame.font.Font(None, 72) # GAME OVER The font of
font_pos_x = BLOCK_WIDTH * SIZE + BORDER_WIDTH + 10 # The information on the right shows the font location of the area X coordinate
gameover_size = font2.size('GAME OVER')
font1_height = int(font1.size(' score ')[1])
cur_block = None # Current falling block
next_block = None # Next block
cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y = 0, 0
game_area = None # The whole game area
game_over = True
start = False # Do you want to start , When start = True,game_over = True when , Only show GAME OVER
score = 0 # score
orispeed = 0.5 # Raw speed
speed = orispeed # Current speed
pause = False # Pause
last_drop_time = None # Last time I fell
last_press_time = None # Last press time
def _dock():
nonlocal cur_block, next_block, game_area, cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y, game_over, score, speed
for _i in range(cur_block.start_pos.Y, cur_block.end_pos.Y + 1):
for _j in range(cur_block.start_pos.X, cur_block.end_pos.X + 1):
if cur_block.template[_i][_j] != '.':
game_area[cur_pos_y + _i][cur_pos_x + _j] = '0'
if cur_pos_y + cur_block.start_pos.Y <= 0:
game_over = True
# Calculation to eliminate
remove_idxs = []
for _i in range(cur_block.start_pos.Y, cur_block.end_pos.Y + 1):
if all(_x == '0' for _x in game_area[cur_pos_y + _i]):
remove_idxs.append(cur_pos_y + _i)
if remove_idxs:
# Calculate the score
remove_count = len(remove_idxs)
if remove_count == 1:
score += 100
elif remove_count == 2:
score += 300
elif remove_count == 3:
score += 700
elif remove_count == 4:
score += 1500
speed = orispeed - 0.03 * (score // 10000)
# eliminate
_i = _j = remove_idxs[-1]
while _i >= 0:
while _j in remove_idxs:
_j -= 1
if _j < 0:
game_area[_i] = ['.'] * BLOCK_WIDTH
game_area[_i] = game_area[_j]
_i -= 1
_j -= 1
cur_block = next_block
next_block = blocks.get_block()
cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y = (BLOCK_WIDTH - cur_block.end_pos.X - 1) // 2, -1 - cur_block.end_pos.Y
def _judge(pos_x, pos_y, block):
nonlocal game_area
for _i in range(block.start_pos.Y, block.end_pos.Y + 1):
if pos_y + block.end_pos.Y >= BLOCK_HEIGHT:
return False
for _j in range(block.start_pos.X, block.end_pos.X + 1):
if pos_y + _i >= 0 and block.template[_i][_j] != '.' and game_area[pos_y + _i][pos_x + _j] != '.':
return False
return True
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_RETURN:
if game_over:
start = True
game_over = False
score = 0
last_drop_time = time.time()
last_press_time = time.time()
game_area = [['.'] * BLOCK_WIDTH for _ in range(BLOCK_HEIGHT)]
cur_block = blocks.get_block()
next_block = blocks.get_block()
cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y = (BLOCK_WIDTH - cur_block.end_pos.X - 1) // 2, -1 - cur_block.end_pos.Y
elif event.key == K_SPACE:
if not game_over:
pause = not pause
elif event.key in (K_w, K_UP):
if 0 <= cur_pos_x <= BLOCK_WIDTH - len(cur_block.template[0]):
_next_block = blocks.get_next_block(cur_block)
if _judge(cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y, _next_block):
cur_block = _next_block
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
if not game_over and not pause:
if time.time() - last_press_time > 0.1:
last_press_time = time.time()
if cur_pos_x > - cur_block.start_pos.X:
if _judge(cur_pos_x - 1, cur_pos_y, cur_block):
cur_pos_x -= 1
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
if not game_over and not pause:
if time.time() - last_press_time > 0.1:
last_press_time = time.time()
# You cannot remove the right border
if cur_pos_x + cur_block.end_pos.X + 1 < BLOCK_WIDTH:
if _judge(cur_pos_x + 1, cur_pos_y, cur_block):
cur_pos_x += 1
if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
if not game_over and not pause:
if time.time() - last_press_time > 0.1:
last_press_time = time.time()
if not _judge(cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y + 1, cur_block):
last_drop_time = time.time()
cur_pos_y += 1
_draw_game_area(screen, game_area)
_draw_info(screen, font1, font_pos_x, font1_height, score)
# Draw the next box in the display message
_draw_block(screen, next_block, font_pos_x, 30 + (font1_height + 6) * 5, 0, 0)
if not game_over:
cur_drop_time = time.time()
if cur_drop_time - last_drop_time > speed:
if not pause:
if not _judge(cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y + 1, cur_block):
last_drop_time = cur_drop_time
cur_pos_y += 1
if start:
print_text(screen, font2,
(SCREEN_WIDTH - gameover_size[0]) // 2, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - gameover_size[1]) // 2,
# Draw the current falling square
_draw_block(screen, cur_block, 0, 0, cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y)
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# Painting background
def _draw_background(screen):
# Fill background color
# Draw game area dividers
pygame.draw.line(screen, BORDER_COLOR,
# Painted grid lines
def _draw_gridlines(screen):
# Painted grid lines A vertical bar
for x in range(BLOCK_WIDTH):
pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK, (x * SIZE, 0), (x * SIZE, SCREEN_HEIGHT), 1)
# Painted grid lines Horizontal line
for y in range(BLOCK_HEIGHT):
pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK, (0, y * SIZE), (BLOCK_WIDTH * SIZE, y * SIZE), 1)
# Draw the box that has fallen
def _draw_game_area(screen, game_area):
if game_area:
for i, row in enumerate(game_area):
for j, cell in enumerate(row):
if cell != '.':
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLOCK_COLOR, (j * SIZE, i * SIZE, SIZE, SIZE), 0)
# Draw a single square
def _draw_block(screen, block, offset_x, offset_y, pos_x, pos_y):
if block:
for i in range(block.start_pos.Y, block.end_pos.Y + 1):
for j in range(block.start_pos.X, block.end_pos.X + 1):
if block.template[i][j] != '.':
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLOCK_COLOR,
(offset_x + (pos_x + j) * SIZE, offset_y + (pos_y + i) * SIZE, SIZE, SIZE), 0)
# Draw scores and other information
def _draw_info(screen, font, pos_x, font_height, score):
print_text(screen, font, pos_x, 10, f' score : ')
print_text(screen, font, pos_x, 10 + font_height + 6, f'{score}')
print_text(screen, font, pos_x, 20 + (font_height + 6) * 2, f' Speed : ')
print_text(screen, font, pos_x, 20 + (font_height + 6) * 3, f'{score // 10000}')
print_text(screen, font, pos_x, 30 + (font_height + 6) * 4, f' next :')
if __name__ == '__main__':

2、 Mine clearance
Mine part
Same , Save separately py file ,mineblock.py

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import random
from enum import Enum
SIZE = 20 # Block size
MINE_COUNT = 99 # Number of Mines
class BlockStatus(Enum):
normal = 1 # Did not click
opened = 2 # Clicked
mine = 3 # mine
flag = 4 # Marked as a mine
ask = 5 # Mark as question mark
bomb = 6 # Step on a mine
hint = 7 # Around the double-click
double = 8 # Is being double-click by the left and right mouse button
class Mine:
def __init__(self, x, y, value=0):
self._x = x
self._y = y
self._value = 0
self._around_mine_count = -1
self._status = BlockStatus.normal
def __repr__(self):
return str(self._value)
# return f'({self._x},{self._y})={self._value}, status={self.status}'
def get_x(self):
return self._x
def set_x(self, x):
self._x = x
x = property(fget=get_x, fset=set_x)
def get_y(self):
return self._y
def set_y(self, y):
self._y = y
y = property(fget=get_y, fset=set_y)
def get_value(self):
return self._value
def set_value(self, value):
if value:
self._value = 1
self._value = 0
value = property(fget=get_value, fset=set_value, doc='0: Non mine 1: Thunder ')
def get_around_mine_count(self):
return self._around_mine_count
def set_around_mine_count(self, around_mine_count):
self._around_mine_count = around_mine_count
around_mine_count = property(fget=get_around_mine_count, fset=set_around_mine_count, doc=' The number of mines around ')
def get_status(self):
return self._status
def set_status(self, value):
self._status = value
status = property(fget=get_status, fset=set_status, doc='BlockStatus')
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class MineBlock:
def __init__(self):
self._block = [[Mine(i, j) for i in range(BLOCK_WIDTH)] for j in range(BLOCK_HEIGHT)]
# Buried mine
for i in random.sample(range(BLOCK_WIDTH * BLOCK_HEIGHT), MINE_COUNT):
self._block[i // BLOCK_WIDTH][i % BLOCK_WIDTH].value = 1
def get_block(self):
return self._block
block = property(fget=get_block)
def getmine(self, x, y):
return self._block[y][x]
def open_mine(self, x, y):
# Step on the thunder
if self._block[y][x].value:
self._block[y][x].status = BlockStatus.bomb
return False
# First change the status to opened
self._block[y][x].status = BlockStatus.opened
around = _get_around(x, y)
_sum = 0
for i, j in around:
if self._block[j][i].value:
_sum += 1
self._block[y][x].around_mine_count = _sum
# If there's no ray around , So it will be around 8 The recursion that is not in the middle is not opened
# This can achieve a little bit of a large open effect
if _sum == 0:
for i, j in around:
if self._block[j][i].around_mine_count == -1:
self.open_mine(i, j)
return True
def double_mouse_button_down(self, x, y):
if self._block[y][x].around_mine_count == 0:
return True
self._block[y][x].status = BlockStatus.double
around = _get_around(x, y)
sumflag = 0 # The number of Mines marked around
for i, j in _get_around(x, y):
if self._block[j][i].status == BlockStatus.flag:
sumflag += 1
# The surrounding mines are all marked
result = True
if sumflag == self._block[y][x].around_mine_count:
for i, j in around:
if self._block[j][i].status == BlockStatus.normal:
if not self.open_mine(i, j):
result = False
for i, j in around:
if self._block[j][i].status == BlockStatus.normal:
self._block[j][i].status = BlockStatus.hint
return result
def double_mouse_button_up(self, x, y):
self._block[y][x].status = BlockStatus.opened
for i, j in _get_around(x, y):
if self._block[j][i].status == BlockStatus.hint:
self._block[j][i].status = BlockStatus.normal
def _get_around(x, y):
""" return (x, y) The coordinates of the surrounding points """
# Note here ,range At the end is the open interval , So add 1
return [(i, j) for i in range(max(0, x - 1), min(BLOCK_WIDTH - 1, x + 1) + 1)
for j in range(max(0, y - 1), min(BLOCK_HEIGHT - 1, y + 1) + 1) if i != x or j != y]


Main code

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import sys
import time
from enum import Enum
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from mineblock import *
# The width of the game screen
# The height of the game screen
class GameStatus(Enum):
readied = 1,
started = 2,
over = 3,
win = 4
def print_text(screen, font, x, y, text, fcolor=(255, 255, 255)):
imgText = font.render(text, True, fcolor)
screen.blit(imgText, (x, y))
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def main():
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption(' Mine clearance ')
font1 = pygame.font.Font('resources/a.TTF', SIZE * 2) # The font of the score
fwidth, fheight = font1.size('999')
red = (200, 40, 40)
# Load resource image , Because resource files vary in size , So we did a unified scaling process
img0 = pygame.image.load('resources/0.bmp').convert()
img0 = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img0, (SIZE, SIZE))
img1 = pygame.image.load('resources/1.bmp').convert()
img1 = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img1, (SIZE, SIZE))
img2 = pygame.image.load('resources/2.bmp').convert()
img2 = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img2, (SIZE, SIZE))
img3 = pygame.image.load('resources/3.bmp').convert()
img3 = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img3, (SIZE, SIZE))
img4 = pygame.image.load('resources/4.bmp').convert()
img4 = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img4, (SIZE, SIZE))
img5 = pygame.image.load('resources/5.bmp').convert()
img5 = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img5, (SIZE, SIZE))
img6 = pygame.image.load('resources/6.bmp').convert()
img6 = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img6, (SIZE, SIZE))
img7 = pygame.image.load('resources/7.bmp').convert()
img7 = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img7, (SIZE, SIZE))
img8 = pygame.image.load('resources/8.bmp').convert()
img8 = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img8, (SIZE, SIZE))
img_blank = pygame.image.load('resources/blank.bmp').convert()
img_blank = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img_blank, (SIZE, SIZE))
img_flag = pygame.image.load('resources/flag.bmp').convert()
img_flag = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img_flag, (SIZE, SIZE))
img_ask = pygame.image.load('resources/ask.bmp').convert()
img_ask = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img_ask, (SIZE, SIZE))
img_mine = pygame.image.load('resources/mine.bmp').convert()
img_mine = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img_mine, (SIZE, SIZE))
img_blood = pygame.image.load('resources/blood.bmp').convert()
img_blood = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img_blood, (SIZE, SIZE))
img_error = pygame.image.load('resources/error.bmp').convert()
img_error = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img_error, (SIZE, SIZE))
face_size = int(SIZE * 1.25)
img_face_fail = pygame.image.load('resources/face_fail.bmp').convert()
img_face_fail = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img_face_fail, (face_size, face_size))
img_face_normal = pygame.image.load('resources/face_normal.bmp').convert()
img_face_normal = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img_face_normal, (face_size, face_size))
img_face_success = pygame.image.load('resources/face_success.bmp').convert()
img_face_success = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img_face_success, (face_size, face_size))
face_pos_x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - face_size) // 2
face_pos_y = (SIZE * 2 - face_size) // 2
img_dict = {
0: img0,
1: img1,
2: img2,
3: img3,
4: img4,
5: img5,
6: img6,
7: img7,
8: img8
bgcolor = (225, 225, 225) # Background color
block = MineBlock()
game_status = GameStatus.readied
start_time = None # Starting time
elapsed_time = 0 # Time consuming
while True:
# Fill background color
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
mouse_x, mouse_y = event.pos
x = mouse_x // SIZE
y = mouse_y // SIZE - 2
b1, b2, b3 = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
if game_status == GameStatus.started:
# Press the left and right mouse buttons at the same time , If all thunder has been marked , Then open a circle around
# If you haven't marked all the mines yet , There is an effect of pressing all around at the same time
if b1 and b3:
mine = block.getmine(x, y)
if mine.status == BlockStatus.opened:
if not block.double_mouse_button_down(x, y):
game_status = GameStatus.over
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
if y < 0:
if face_pos_x <= mouse_x <= face_pos_x + face_size \
and face_pos_y <= mouse_y <= face_pos_y + face_size:
game_status = GameStatus.readied
block = MineBlock()
start_time = time.time()
elapsed_time = 0
if game_status == GameStatus.readied:
game_status = GameStatus.started
start_time = time.time()
elapsed_time = 0
if game_status == GameStatus.started:
mine = block.getmine(x, y)
if b1 and not b3: # Press the left mouse button
if mine.status == BlockStatus.normal:
if not block.open_mine(x, y):
game_status = GameStatus.over
elif not b1 and b3: # Press the right mouse button
if mine.status == BlockStatus.normal:
mine.status = BlockStatus.flag
elif mine.status == BlockStatus.flag:
mine.status = BlockStatus.ask
elif mine.status == BlockStatus.ask:
mine.status = BlockStatus.normal
elif b1 and b3:
if mine.status == BlockStatus.double:
block.double_mouse_button_up(x, y)
flag_count = 0
opened_count = 0
for row in block.block:
for mine in row:
pos = (mine.x * SIZE, (mine.y + 2) * SIZE)
if mine.status == BlockStatus.opened:
screen.blit(img_dict[mine.around_mine_count], pos)
opened_count += 1
elif mine.status == BlockStatus.double:
screen.blit(img_dict[mine.around_mine_count], pos)
elif mine.status == BlockStatus.bomb:
screen.blit(img_blood, pos)
elif mine.status == BlockStatus.flag:
screen.blit(img_flag, pos)
flag_count += 1
elif mine.status == BlockStatus.ask:
screen.blit(img_ask, pos)
elif mine.status == BlockStatus.hint:
screen.blit(img0, pos)
elif game_status == GameStatus.over and mine.value:
screen.blit(img_mine, pos)
elif mine.value == 0 and mine.status == BlockStatus.flag:
screen.blit(img_error, pos)
elif mine.status == BlockStatus.normal:
screen.blit(img_blank, pos)
print_text(screen, font1, 30, (SIZE * 2 - fheight) // 2 - 2, '%02d' % (MINE_COUNT - flag_count), red)
if game_status == GameStatus.started:
elapsed_time = int(time.time() - start_time)
print_text(screen, font1, SCREEN_WIDTH - fwidth - 30, (SIZE * 2 - fheight) // 2 - 2, '%03d' % elapsed_time, red)
if flag_count + opened_count == BLOCK_WIDTH * BLOCK_HEIGHT:
game_status = GameStatus.win
if game_status == GameStatus.over:
screen.blit(img_face_fail, (face_pos_x, face_pos_y))
elif game_status == GameStatus.win:
screen.blit(img_face_success, (face_pos_x, face_pos_y))
screen.blit(img_face_normal, (face_pos_x, face_pos_y))
if __name__ == '__main__':

3、 gobang
Gobang doesn't have so many 7788 materials and other codes

python Answering question consulting Learning exchange group 2:660193417###
import sys
import random
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import pygame.gfxdraw
from collections import namedtuple
Chessman = namedtuple('Chessman', 'Name Value Color')
Point = namedtuple('Point', 'X Y')
BLACK_CHESSMAN = Chessman(' The spots ', 1, (45, 45, 45))
WHITE_CHESSMAN = Chessman(' An albino ', 2, (219, 219, 219))
offset = [(1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1)]
class Checkerboard:
def __init__(self, line_points):
self._line_points = line_points
self._checkerboard = [[0] * line_points for _ in range(line_points)]
def _get_checkerboard(self):
return self._checkerboard
checkerboard = property(_get_checkerboard)
# Judge whether can drop son
def can_drop(self, point):
return self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X] == 0
def drop(self, chessman, point):
Move later
:param chessman:
:param point: Move later position
:return: If the son falls, he wins , Return to the winning side , Otherwise return to None
print(f'{chessman.Name} ({point.X}, {point.Y})')
self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X] = chessman.Value
if self._win(point):
print(f'{chessman.Name} win victory ')
return chessman
# Judge if you won
def _win(self, point):
cur_value = self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X]
for os in offset:
if self._get_count_on_direction(point, cur_value, os[0], os[1]):
return True
def _get_count_on_direction(self, point, value, x_offset, y_offset):
count = 1
for step in range(1, 5):
x = point.X + step * x_offset
y = point.Y + step * y_offset
if 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points and self._checkerboard[y][x] == value:
count += 1
for step in range(1, 5):
x = point.X - step * x_offset
y = point.Y - step * y_offset
if 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points and self._checkerboard[y][x] == value:
count += 1
return count >= 5
python Answering question consulting Learning exchange group 2:660193417###
SIZE = 30 # The time interval between each point on the chessboard
Line_Points = 19 # Each line of the chessboard / Points per column
Outer_Width = 20 # The width outside the chessboard
Border_Width = 4 # Border width
Inside_Width = 4 # The space between the border and the actual chessboard
Border_Length = SIZE * (Line_Points - 1) + Inside_Width * 2 + Border_Width # The length of the border line
Start_X = Start_Y = Outer_Width + int(Border_Width / 2) + Inside_Width # Grid line start point ( top left corner ) coordinate
SCREEN_HEIGHT = SIZE * (Line_Points - 1) + Outer_Width * 2 + Border_Width + Inside_Width * 2 # The height of the game screen
SCREEN_WIDTH = SCREEN_HEIGHT + 200 # The width of the game screen
Stone_Radius = SIZE // 2 - 3 # The radius of the piece
Stone_Radius2 = SIZE // 2 + 3
Checkerboard_Color = (0xE3, 0x92, 0x65) # Chessboard color
BLACK_COLOR = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE_COLOR = (255, 255, 255)
RED_COLOR = (200, 30, 30)
BLUE_COLOR = (30, 30, 200)
RIGHT_INFO_POS_X = SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2 * 2 + 10
def print_text(screen, font, x, y, text, fcolor=(255, 255, 255)):
imgText = font.render(text, True, fcolor)
screen.blit(imgText, (x, y))
def main():
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption(' gobang ')
font1 = pygame.font.SysFont('SimHei', 32)
font2 = pygame.font.SysFont('SimHei', 72)
fwidth, fheight = font2.size(' Black wins ')
checkerboard = Checkerboard(Line_Points)
cur_runner = BLACK_CHESSMAN
winner = None
computer = AI(Line_Points, WHITE_CHESSMAN)
black_win_count = 0
white_win_count = 0
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_RETURN:
if winner is not None:
winner = None
cur_runner = BLACK_CHESSMAN
checkerboard = Checkerboard(Line_Points)
computer = AI(Line_Points, WHITE_CHESSMAN)
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if winner is None:
pressed_array = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
if pressed_array[0]:
mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
click_point = _get_clickpoint(mouse_pos)
if click_point is not None:
if checkerboard.can_drop(click_point):
winner = checkerboard.drop(cur_runner, click_point)
if winner is None:
cur_runner = _get_next(cur_runner)
AI_point = computer.AI_drop()
winner = checkerboard.drop(cur_runner, AI_point)
if winner is not None:
white_win_count += 1
cur_runner = _get_next(cur_runner)
black_win_count += 1
print(' Beyond the chessboard area ')
# Drawing board
# Draw the existing pieces on the chessboard
for i, row in enumerate(checkerboard.checkerboard):
for j, cell in enumerate(row):
if cell == BLACK_CHESSMAN.Value:
_draw_chessman(screen, Point(j, i), BLACK_CHESSMAN.Color)
elif cell == WHITE_CHESSMAN.Value:
_draw_chessman(screen, Point(j, i), WHITE_CHESSMAN.Color)
_draw_left_info(screen, font1, cur_runner, black_win_count, white_win_count)
if winner:
print_text(screen, font2, (SCREEN_WIDTH - fwidth)//2, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - fheight)//2, winner.Name + ' win victory ', RED_COLOR)
def _get_next(cur_runner):
if cur_runner == BLACK_CHESSMAN:
# Drawing board
def _draw_checkerboard(screen):
# Fill the checkerboard background color
# Draw a border outside the checkerboard grid line
pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLACK_COLOR, (Outer_Width, Outer_Width, Border_Length, Border_Length), Border_Width)
# Painted grid lines
for i in range(Line_Points):
pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK_COLOR,
(Start_Y, Start_Y + SIZE * i),
(Start_Y + SIZE * (Line_Points - 1), Start_Y + SIZE * i),
for j in range(Line_Points):
pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK_COLOR,
(Start_X + SIZE * j, Start_X),
(Start_X + SIZE * j, Start_X + SIZE * (Line_Points - 1)),
# Draw the star position and Tianyuan
for i in (3, 9, 15):
for j in (3, 9, 15):
if i == j == 9:
radius = 5
radius = 3
# pygame.draw.circle(screen, BLACK, (Start_X + SIZE * i, Start_Y + SIZE * j), radius)
pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * i, Start_Y + SIZE * j, radius, BLACK_COLOR)
pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * i, Start_Y + SIZE * j, radius, BLACK_COLOR)
# Painting pieces
def _draw_chessman(screen, point, stone_color):
# pygame.draw.circle(screen, stone_color, (Start_X + SIZE * point.X, Start_Y + SIZE * point.Y), Stone_Radius)
pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * point.X, Start_Y + SIZE * point.Y, Stone_Radius, stone_color)
pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, Start_X + SIZE * point.X, Start_Y + SIZE * point.Y, Stone_Radius, stone_color)
python Answering question consulting Learning exchange group 2:660193417###
# Draw the left information display
def _draw_left_info(screen, font, cur_runner, black_win_count, white_win_count):
_draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, Start_X + Stone_Radius2), BLACK_CHESSMAN.Color)
_draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, Start_X + Stone_Radius2 * 4), WHITE_CHESSMAN.Color)
print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, Start_X + 3, ' The player ', BLUE_COLOR)
print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, Start_X + Stone_Radius2 * 3 + 3, ' The computer ', BLUE_COLOR)
print_text(screen, font, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_HEIGHT - Stone_Radius2 * 8, ' The war situation :', BLUE_COLOR)
_draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - int(Stone_Radius2 * 4.5)), BLACK_CHESSMAN.Color)
_draw_chessman_pos(screen, (SCREEN_HEIGHT + Stone_Radius2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - Stone_Radius2 * 2), WHITE_CHESSMAN.Color)
print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, SCREEN_HEIGHT - int(Stone_Radius2 * 5.5) + 3, f'{black_win_count} - ', BLUE_COLOR)
print_text(screen, font, RIGHT_INFO_POS_X, SCREEN_HEIGHT - Stone_Radius2 * 3 + 3, f'{white_win_count} - ', BLUE_COLOR)
def _draw_chessman_pos(screen, pos, stone_color):
pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, pos[0], pos[1], Stone_Radius2, stone_color)
pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, pos[0], pos[1], Stone_Radius2, stone_color)
# According to the mouse click position , Return to the game area coordinates
def _get_clickpoint(click_pos):
pos_x = click_pos[0] - Start_X
pos_y = click_pos[1] - Start_Y
if pos_x < -Inside_Width or pos_y < -Inside_Width:
return None
x = pos_x // SIZE
y = pos_y // SIZE
if pos_x % SIZE > Stone_Radius:
x += 1
if pos_y % SIZE > Stone_Radius:
y += 1
if x >= Line_Points or y >= Line_Points:
return None
return Point(x, y)
class AI:
def __init__(self, line_points, chessman):
self._line_points = line_points
self._my = chessman
self._opponent = BLACK_CHESSMAN if chessman == WHITE_CHESSMAN else WHITE_CHESSMAN
self._checkerboard = [[0] * line_points for _ in range(line_points)]
def get_opponent_drop(self, point):
self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X] = self._opponent.Value
def AI_drop(self):
point = None
score = 0
for i in range(self._line_points):
for j in range(self._line_points):
if self._checkerboard[j][i] == 0:
_score = self._get_point_score(Point(i, j))
if _score > score:
score = _score
point = Point(i, j)
elif _score == score and _score > 0:
r = random.randint(0, 100)
if r % 2 == 0:
point = Point(i, j)
self._checkerboard[point.Y][point.X] = self._my.Value
return point
def _get_point_score(self, point):
score = 0
for os in offset:
score += self._get_direction_score(point, os[0], os[1])
return score
def _get_direction_score(self, point, x_offset, y_offset):
count = 0 # The number of our continuous subsets at the drop
_count = 0 # The number of consecutive sons of the other party at the drop
space = None # Whether there are spaces in our continuous subsets
_space = None # Whether there is a space in the other party's continuum
both = 0 # Whether the two ends of our continuum are blocked
_both = 0 # Whether the two ends of the opponent's continuum are blocked
# If it is 1 It means our prescription is on the side ,2 It means the enemy's prescription
flag = self._get_stone_color(point, x_offset, y_offset, True)
if flag != 0:
for step in range(1, 6):
x = point.X + step * x_offset
y = point.Y + step * y_offset
if 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points:
if flag == 1:
if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
count += 1
if space is False:
space = True
elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
_both += 1
if space is None:
space = False
break # Exit with the second space
elif flag == 2:
if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
_both += 1
elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
_count += 1
if _space is False:
_space = True
if _space is None:
_space = False
# Meeting an edge is blocking
if flag == 1:
both += 1
elif flag == 2:
_both += 1
if space is False:
space = None
if _space is False:
_space = None
_flag = self._get_stone_color(point, -x_offset, -y_offset, True)
if _flag != 0:
for step in range(1, 6):
x = point.X - step * x_offset
y = point.Y - step * y_offset
if 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points:
if _flag == 1:
if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
count += 1
if space is False:
space = True
elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
_both += 1
if space is None:
space = False
break # Exit with the second space
elif _flag == 2:
if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
_both += 1
elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
_count += 1
if _space is False:
_space = True
if _space is None:
_space = False
# Meeting an edge is blocking
if _flag == 1:
both += 1
elif _flag == 2:
_both += 1
score = 0
if count == 4:
score = 10000
elif _count == 4:
score = 9000
elif count == 3:
if both == 0:
score = 1000
elif both == 1:
score = 100
score = 0
elif _count == 3:
if _both == 0:
score = 900
elif _both == 1:
score = 90
score = 0
elif count == 2:
if both == 0:
score = 100
elif both == 1:
score = 10
score = 0
elif _count == 2:
if _both == 0:
score = 90
elif _both == 1:
score = 9
score = 0
elif count == 1:
score = 10
elif _count == 1:
score = 9
score = 0
if space or _space:
score /= 2
return score
# It is our side to judge that the designated position is in the designated direction 、 Right prescription 、 empty
def _get_stone_color(self, point, x_offset, y_offset, next):
x = point.X + x_offset
y = point.Y + y_offset
if 0 <= x < self._line_points and 0 <= y < self._line_points:
if self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._my.Value:
return 1
elif self._checkerboard[y][x] == self._opponent.Value:
return 2
if next:
return self._get_stone_color(Point(x, y), x_offset, y_offset, False)
return 0
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':

4、 snake

python Answering question consulting Learning exchange group 2:660193417###
import random
import sys
import time
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from collections import deque
SCREEN_WIDTH = 600 # Screen width
SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480 # Screen height
SIZE = 20 # Small square size
LINE_WIDTH = 1 # Grid line width
# The coordinate range of the game area
# Score and color of food
FOOD_STYLE_LIST = [(10, (255, 100, 100)), (20, (100, 255, 100)), (30, (100, 100, 255))]
LIGHT = (100, 100, 100)
DARK = (200, 200, 200) # The color of the snake
BLACK = (0, 0, 0) # Grid line color
RED = (200, 30, 30) # Red ,GAME OVER Font color for
BGCOLOR = (40, 40, 60) # Background color
def print_text(screen, font, x, y, text, fcolor=(255, 255, 255)):
imgText = font.render(text, True, fcolor)
screen.blit(imgText, (x, y))
# Initialize snake
def init_snake():
snake = deque()
snake.append((2, SCOPE_Y[0]))
snake.append((1, SCOPE_Y[0]))
snake.append((0, SCOPE_Y[0]))
return snake
def create_food(snake):
food_x = random.randint(SCOPE_X[0], SCOPE_X[1])
food_y = random.randint(SCOPE_Y[0], SCOPE_Y[1])
while (food_x, food_y) in snake:
# If food comes to snakes , So let's start over
food_x = random.randint(SCOPE_X[0], SCOPE_X[1])
food_y = random.randint(SCOPE_Y[0], SCOPE_Y[1])
return food_x, food_y
def get_food_style():
return FOOD_STYLE_LIST[random.randint(0, 2)]
python Answering question consulting Learning exchange group 2:660193417###
def main():
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption(' snake ')
font1 = pygame.font.SysFont('SimHei', 24) # The font of the score
font2 = pygame.font.Font(None, 72) # GAME OVER The font of
fwidth, fheight = font2.size('GAME OVER')
# If the snake is moving to the right , Then quickly click down and left , Because the program refresh is not so fast , The down event will be overwritten to the left , Cause the snake to retreat , direct GAME OVER
# b Variables are used to prevent this from happening
b = True
# The snake
snake = init_snake()
# food
food = create_food(snake)
food_style = get_food_style()
# Direction
pos = (1, 0)
game_over = True
start = False # Do you want to start , When start = True,game_over = True when , Only show GAME OVER
score = 0 # score
orispeed = 0.5 # Raw speed
speed = orispeed
last_move_time = None
pause = False # Pause
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_RETURN:
if game_over:
start = True
game_over = False
b = True
snake = init_snake()
food = create_food(snake)
food_style = get_food_style()
pos = (1, 0)
# score
score = 0
last_move_time = time.time()
elif event.key == K_SPACE:
if not game_over:
pause = not pause
elif event.key in (K_w, K_UP):
# This judgment is to prevent the snake from pressing the down button when it moves up , Lead to direct GAME OVER
if b and not pos[1]:
pos = (0, -1)
b = False
elif event.key in (K_s, K_DOWN):
if b and not pos[1]:
pos = (0, 1)
b = False
elif event.key in (K_a, K_LEFT):
if b and not pos[0]:
pos = (-1, 0)
b = False
elif event.key in (K_d, K_RIGHT):
if b and not pos[0]:
pos = (1, 0)
b = False
# Fill background color
# Painted grid lines A vertical bar
for x in range(SIZE, SCREEN_WIDTH, SIZE):
pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK, (x, SCOPE_Y[0] * SIZE), (x, SCREEN_HEIGHT), LINE_WIDTH)
# Painted grid lines Horizontal line
for y in range(SCOPE_Y[0] * SIZE, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SIZE):
pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK, (0, y), (SCREEN_WIDTH, y), LINE_WIDTH)
if not game_over:
curTime = time.time()
if curTime - last_move_time > speed:
if not pause:
b = True
last_move_time = curTime
next_s = (snake[0][0] + pos[0], snake[0][1] + pos[1])
if next_s == food:
# Eat the food
score += food_style[0]
speed = orispeed - 0.03 * (score // 100)
food = create_food(snake)
food_style = get_food_style()
if SCOPE_X[0] <= next_s[0] <= SCOPE_X[1] and SCOPE_Y[0] <= next_s[1] <= SCOPE_Y[1] \
and next_s not in snake:
game_over = True
# Painting food
if not game_over:
# avoid GAME OVER When the time is right GAME OVER The words are covered up
pygame.draw.rect(screen, food_style[1], (food[0] * SIZE, food[1] * SIZE, SIZE, SIZE), 0)
# Draw a snake
for s in snake:
pygame.draw.rect(screen, DARK, (s[0] * SIZE + LINE_WIDTH, s[1] * SIZE + LINE_WIDTH,
print_text(screen, font1, 30, 7, f' Speed : {score//100}')
print_text(screen, font1, 450, 7, f' score : {score}')
if game_over:
if start:
print_text(screen, font2, (SCREEN_WIDTH - fwidth) // 2, (SCREEN_HEIGHT - fheight) // 2, 'GAME OVER', RED)
if __name__ == '__main__':

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