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Python learning notes_ Devops_ Day04


CI/CD: Continuous integration / Continuous delivery

Programming language :

  • Explain to perform :shell / python / php
  • Compile implementation :c / c++ / go / java
# vim hello.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
printf("Hello World!\n");
return 0;
# gcc -o hello hello.c
# ./hello
graph LR
dev( The programmer )-- push -->git(git server)
ci(jenkins)-- Pull -->git
app( application server )-- Pull -->ci

Hosting plan :

  • Programmer host
  • The server (4G Above memory )
  • The server

git Use

All in Implemented on .

SCM: Software configuration management , Such as git / svn

# Basic configuration
[[email protected] ~]# yum install -y git
# Basic configuration of environment
[[email protected] ~]# git config --global user.name "Mr.Zhang"
[[email protected] ~]# git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
[[email protected] ~]# git config --global core.editor vim
[[email protected] ~]# git config --list
[[email protected] ~]# cat ~/.gitconfig

git Three important areas of

graph LR
work( work area )--git add-->stage( Temporary storage area )
stage--git commit-->ver( Version Library )

Create a version Library

  • Create a version library while creating a new project
[[email protected] ~]# git init mytest
Initialize empty Git Version Library in /root/mytest/.git/
[[email protected] ~]# ls -A mytest/
  • Existing software directory
[[email protected] ~]# mkdir myweb
[[email protected] ~]# cd myweb/
[[email protected] myweb]# echo '<h1>my web site</h1>' > index.html
[[email protected] myweb]# ls
[[email protected] myweb]# git init .
Initialize empty Git Version Library in /root/myweb/.git/
[[email protected] myweb]# ls -A
.git index.html

Join the trace

[[email protected] myweb]# git status
# In a branch master
# Initial submission
# Untracked files :
# ( Use "git add <file>..." To include content to submit )
# index.html
Submission is empty , But there are files that have not been tracked ( Use "git add" Set up tracking )
[[email protected] myweb]# git status -s
?? index.html # A question mark indicates that the status is unknown
# establish .gitignore Ignore files that you do not want to add to the repository
[[email protected] myweb]# vim .gitignore
# Add all files in the directory to the trace
[[email protected] myweb]# git add .
[[email protected] myweb]# git status
# In a branch master
# Initial submission
# Changes to be submitted :
# ( Use "git rm --cached <file>..." Get out of the staging area )
# A new file : index.html
[[email protected] myweb]# git status -s
A index.html

Get out of the staging area

[[email protected] myweb]# git rm --cached index.html
rm 'index.html'
[[email protected] myweb]# git status -s
?? index.html

Confirm to the version library

[[email protected] myweb]# git add .
[[email protected] myweb]# git status -s
A index.html
[[email protected] myweb]# git commit
[[email protected] myweb]# git status
# In a branch master
No documents to submit , Clean work area

Modify file , Continue to submit

[[email protected] myweb]# echo '<h2>2nd version</h2>' >> index.html
[[email protected] myweb]# git status
# In a branch master
# Changes that have not been staged for submission :
# ( Use "git add <file>..." Update content to submit )
# ( Use "git checkout -- <file>..." Discard workspace changes )
# modify : index.html
The modification has not been added to the submission ( Use "git add" and / or "git commit -a")
[[email protected] myweb]# git status -s
M index.html
[[email protected] myweb]# git add .
[[email protected] myweb]# git commit -m "2nd version"
[[email protected] myweb]# git status
# In a branch master
No documents to submit , Clean work area

Delete the workspace file and restore

[[email protected] myweb]# cp /etc/hosts .
[[email protected] myweb]# git status -s
?? hosts
[[email protected] myweb]# git add .
[[email protected] myweb]# git commit -m "add hosts"
[master 3145cda] add hosts
[[email protected] myweb]# git status
# In a branch master
No documents to submit , Clean work area
[[email protected] myweb]# rm -rf *
[[email protected] myweb]# git status
# In a branch master
# Changes that have not been staged for submission :
# ( Use "git add/rm <file>..." Update content to submit )
# ( Use "git checkout -- <file>..." Discard workspace changes )
# Delete : hosts
# Delete : index.html
The modification has not been added to the submission ( Use "git add" and / or "git commit -a")
[[email protected] myweb]# git checkout -- *
[[email protected] myweb]# ls
hosts index.html

Change of name 、 Delete the files in the version library

[[email protected] myweb]# cp /etc/passwd .
[[email protected] myweb]# git add .
[[email protected] myweb]# git commit -m "add passwd"
[[email protected] myweb]# git mv passwd mima
[[email protected] myweb]# git status
# In a branch master
# Changes to be submitted :
# ( Use "git reset HEAD <file>..." Get out of the staging area )
# rename : passwd -> mima
[[email protected] myweb]# git commit -m "mv passwd mima"
[master e84a1ea] mv passwd mima
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
rename passwd => mima (100%)
[[email protected] myweb]# git rm hosts
rm 'hosts'
[[email protected] myweb]# ls
index.html mima
[[email protected] myweb]# git status
# In a branch master
# Changes to be submitted :
# ( Use "git reset HEAD <file>..." Get out of the staging area )
# Delete : hosts
[[email protected] myweb]# git commit -m "rm hosts"
[master 3c281fc] rm hosts
1 file changed, 260 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 hosts
[[email protected] myweb]# git status

Switch to the specified submission location

[[email protected] myweb]# git log # View the submission history
# Switch to historical commit
[[email protected] myweb]# git checkout 92385f5778c954d683c5d32537cf41d4da8c07e6
# Return to the nearest location
[[email protected] myweb]# git checkout master

Branch management

  • Default git There is a branch called master
  • Users can create custom branches
  • git Branches are often used in software development
# View all branches
[[email protected] myweb]# git branch
* master
# Create a branch , Make sure the work area is clean
[[email protected] myweb]# git branch b1
[[email protected] myweb]# git branch
* master # * The sign indicates the current branch
# Switch branches
[[email protected] myweb]# git checkout b1
Switch to branch 'b1'
[[email protected] myweb]# git branch
* b1
# Execute commit in the current branch
[[email protected] myweb]# cp /etc/motd /etc/redhat-release .
[[email protected] myweb]# git add .
[[email protected] myweb]# git commit -m "add motd rh-release"
# Merging branches
[[email protected] myweb]# git checkout master
Switch to branch 'master'
[[email protected] myweb]# ls
index.html mima
[[email protected] myweb]# git merge b1
[[email protected] myweb]# ls
index.html mima motd redhat-release
# Delete the branch
[[email protected] myweb]# git branch -d b1
Branch deleted b1( For the 0639c44).

gitlab The server

  • Start virtual machine , At least 4GB Memory , install docker Software
  • take gitlab_zh.tar Import
--- After creating the virtual machine , install docker Then restart the service
# systemctl start docker
# systemctl enable docker
# docker load < gitlab_zh.tar # Import gitlab Chinese mirror

because gitlab The container needs to be 22 port , Modify the ssh port

[[email protected] ~]# vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Port 2022
[[email protected] ~]# systemctl restart sshd
# When logging out and connecting again , Port number needs to be specified
[[email protected] phase5]# ssh -p2022

Start the container

[[email protected] ~]# docker run -d -h gitlab --name gitlab -p 443:443 -p 80:80 -p 22:22 --restart always -v /srv/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab -v /srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab -v /srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab gitlab_zh:latest
# gitlab Containers require more resources , Therefore, a long startup time is required
[[email protected] ~]# docker ps # The status is displayed as healthy Only when , It'll take a few minutes

To configure gitlab: Experimental environment virtual machine ip)

  • First landing , Need to be for root User set password .
  • gitlab Important concepts
  • group group: Corresponding to a development team
  • member member: Add users to groups
  • project project: Corresponding software project

Create a devops Group , Type disclosure .

Create user . You cannot set a password when creating a new user , But you can set the password by clicking the edit user interface .

Create project myweb, Type disclosure , As group devops establish . Authorize the new user to be its primary programmer .

Configure user password free upload code

  • The user is in Can upload code without secret
[[email protected] myweb]# ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]" -b 4096
[[email protected] myweb]# cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
# Click on gitlab In the personal settings of the user's Avatar , The left navigation bar has SSH secret key , Paste the generated public key code , You can upload code without secret .
# Push code
[[email protected] myweb]# git remote rename origin old-origin
# The following errors can be ignored
error: Cannot rename configuration section 'remote.origin' To 'remote.old-origin'
[[email protected] myweb]# git remote add origin [email protected]:devops/myweb.git
[[email protected] myweb]# git push -u origin --all
[[email protected] myweb]# git push -u origin --tags

tag Mark

[[email protected] myweb]# git tag 1.0
[[email protected] myweb]# cp /etc/selinux/config .
[[email protected] myweb]# git add .
[[email protected] myweb]# git commit -m "add selinux config"
[[email protected] myweb]# git tag 2.0
[[email protected] myweb]# git tag
[[email protected] myweb]# git push
[[email protected] myweb]# git push --tag

Download code

  • stay web On the page , There is a sign of download , What type of code compression package can be downloaded according to your needs
  • It can also be done on the command line through SSH perhaps http Download the code
[[email protected] tmp]# git clone

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