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Using protobuf in Python



Before doing game development , The game server and front end adopt Protobuf For data transmission , In order to avoid being maliciously cracked , Also on the Protobuf The generated data is simply offset . It's going to be used again recently Protobuf 了 , So simply record the relevant content .

Background knowledge

The most commonly used data communication format should be JSON, But in some applications with large requests ,JSON Yes 2 A question :

  • 1.JSON There are a lot of business irrelevant data in , Such as braces 、 Brackets, etc , When transmitting , This data wastes bandwidth .

  • 2.JSON Slow decoding speed , When the quantity is large , Decoding takes up a lot of server resources .

Google Encountered these problems , And then put forward Protobuf, Its core purpose is to solve the above problems 2 A question .

Protobuf Choose the form of binary encoding , Code the business data into it , There will be no irrelevant data , Even field names are not encoded , This reduces bandwidth pressure , Besides Google I designed the encoding and decoding algorithm , To ensure that resources are occupied reasonably and as quickly as possible .

Besides ,Protobuf There is also a blessing effect : It is difficult for humans to read the encoded data . This side effect achieves the effect of data protection to a certain extent , Some websites use this feature to implement anti - crawling .

For development reasons ,Protobuf It is divided into proto2 and proto3 Two versions , The two are incompatible , That is to use proto2 Apps cannot be used with proto3 Application communication , This article mainly discusses proto3, And will not involve proto2 And proto3 Comparison .

proto File syntax

Use Protobuf The first step in communication , Is to define proto file , Let's start with a simple proto file , as follows :

message Person{
    required string name = 1;
    message Info{
        required int32 id = 1;
        repeated string phonenumber = 2; 
    repeated Info info = 2;

Think about it first , Why do you need proto file ? Why not like JSON How about using it directly ?

Take a look back. Protobuf One of the advantages : Only the service related data is encoded into the binary stream to be transmitted , To save bandwidth .

Protobuf The principle of this feature is : Both sides of the communication have defined proto file .

The sender passes this proto The file defines what to send , This content doesn't need to be like JSON like that , There are field names 、 These are bracketed , After receiving the data , Then use what you have proto file , Analyze the data directly according to the algorithm .

I always stressed ,JSON When transmitting , There will be field names 、 There are brackets , Some people may be confused , Let's give you an example , as follows JSON:

{"name": "ayuliao", "age": 30}

This paragraph JSON During transmission ,name and age These two field names will also be transferred , But these two field names have no business meaning , It is mainly used to obtain data , Suppose this data uses Protobuf transmission ,Protobuf Will not name and age Code into data stream , Only will ayuliao And 30 Code in , After receiving the data , I have a copy of the same as the sender proto file , Then press proto Decode the format in the file .

Think about it. , Without a field name , Reasonable decoding Protobuf data , It must be required that the transmission data is organized according to certain rules , such as ayuliao Must be in 30 front , So I will decode it first ayuliao, Decode again 30, thus , We introduce proto A syntax requirement for a file ,message The assignment ID in the structure cannot be repeated .

See the above proto file , There are two messge structure , External message Structure is Person,Person Among them are name And info Two attributes , among name The assigned identification number of is 1,info The assigned identification number of is 2, In the same message in , The assignment ID cannot be repeated , otherwise protobuf Not working properly .

Besides , From above proto You can also find ,message Different attributes in can have different qualifiers , Yes 3 Kind of :

  • required: The data sent by the sender must contain the value of this field , The data received by the receiver must also be able to identify this field , vernacular , add required Modifier , Both sides of this field must use , Otherwise, the report will be wrong .

  • optional: Optional fields , The sender can optionally send this field , If the receiver can recognize this field, it will decode it accordingly , If you can't identify , Then ignore it directly .

  • repeated: Repeatable fields , The sender can contain multiple values each time , Similar to passing an array .

In daily use protobuf when , There are two common tips:

1. The allocation of identification numbers is generally divided by business , Fields between different businesses are not closely sorted by size , Such as :

message data {
  optional string name = 10001;
  optional int32 age = 10002;
  optional string job = 20001;
  optional string hobby = 20002;

Above proto, Basic information (name、age) With 1000 start , Other information (job、hobby) With 2000 start , So when you want to add it later , More clarity , For example, the basic information of gender should be added :optional string sex = 10003;.

2. Many uses protobuf The communication system will set the qualifier of the field to optional, In this way, the system is upgraded , Old programs can communicate with new programs without upgrading , It's just that you can't recognize the new field , In this way, smooth upgrade can be achieved .

Here is an excerpt from the Internet proto The data types that files can use and when generated in different programming languages , Types mapped in the programming language , No need to remember , When needed , Just turn it over here .

.proto typenotesC ++ typeJava typePython type [2]TypeRuby typeC# typePHP typedouble
floatfloatfloatFLOAT32floatfloatfloatINT32 Use variable length encoding . Coding negative numbers is inefficient - If your field may have negative values , Please switch to sint32.INT32INTINTINT32Fixnum or Bignum (as needed)INTIntegerInt64 Use variable length encoding . Coding negative numbers is inefficient - If your field may have negative values , Please switch to sint64.Int64longint / long [3]Int64TWINSlongInteger/string[5]UINT32 Use variable length encoding .UINT32int [1]int / long [3]UINT32Fixnum or Bignum (as needed)UINTIntegerUINT64 Use variable length encoding .UINT64Long [1]int / long [3]UINT64TWINSULONGInteger/string[5]SINT32 Use variable length encoding . The signature of the int value . These are more than normal int32 Encode negative numbers more effectively .INT32INTINTINT32Fixnum or Bignum (as needed)INTIntegersint64 Use variable length encoding . The signature of the int value . These are more than normal int64 Encode negative numbers more effectively .Int64longint / long [3]Int64TWINSlongInteger/string[5]fixed32 Always four bytes . If the value is usually greater than 2 28, More than uint32 More effective .UINT32int [1]int / long [3]UINT32Fixnum or Bignum (as needed)UINTIntegerfixed64 Always eight bytes . If the value is usually greater than 2 56, More than uint64 More effective .UINT64Long [1]int / long [3]UINT64TWINSULONGInteger/string[5]sfixed32 Always four bytes .INT32INTINTINT32Fixnum or Bignum (as needed)INTIntegersfixed64 Always eight bytes .Int64longint / long [3]Int64TWINSlongInteger/string[5]Boolean
BooleanBooleanBooleanBooleanTrueClass / FalseClassBooleanBooleanstring The string must always contain UTF-8 Encoding or 7 position ASCII Text .stringstringstr / unicode[4]stringString (UTF-8)stringstringbyte Can contain any sequence of bytes .stringByte stringStrait[]byteString (ASCII-8BIT)Byte stringstring

Protobuf stay Python Basic use in

The present , Microservice architecture is quite popular ,Python The commonly used communication technology in this area is Protobuf+gRPC, This article first introduces briefly Protobuf, Later, based on this article , Write an essay Protobuf+gRPC Use case of .

First , We need to download protoc compiler , adopt protoc, We can define proto The file is converted into the corresponding programming language .

Download address :https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases, If you're like me , The use of windows 64 A system of , Then download win64 Version of protoc Can be .

And then , We define a simple proto file , be known as demo.proto, The contents are as follows :

syntax = "proto3";
message Person {
    string name = 1;
    int32 id = 2;
    string email = 3;
    string phone = 4;

adopt protoc take demo.proto Translate it into Python file , The order is as follows (protoc Replace the path with your own path ):

& "C:\Users\admin\Downloads\protoc-21.1-win64\bin\protoc.exe" --python_out=. demo.proto

--python_out Used to specify the build Python The path where the file should be stored , Followed by demo.proto File path ( Note that there are spaces for spacing ).

After running the command , Will be generated with the name demo_pd2.py The file of .

And then we import demo_pd2 file , Use one of the Person Class can implement Protobuf Coding and decoding of .

Through a simple code demonstration :

from asyncore import read
import demo_pb2
R = 'read'
W = 'write'
def fwrb(filepath, opt, data=None):
    if opt == R:
        with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
            return f.read()
    elif opt == W:
        with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
filepath = './person_protobuf_data'
person = demo_pb2.Person()
person.name = "ayuliao"
person.id = 6
person.email = "[email protected]"
person.phone = "13229483229"
person_protobuf_data = person.SerializeToString()
print(f'person_protobuf_data: {person_protobuf_data}')
fwrb(filepath, W, person_protobuf_data)
data_from_file = fwrb(filepath, R)
parse_person  = demo_pb2.Person()
#  No data
print(f'parse_person1 : {parse_person}')
# ParseFromString Function returns the length of the parsed data
parse_data_len = parse_person.ParseFromString(data_from_file)
#  After the parsing ,parse_person Objects are filled with data
print(f'parse_person2 : {parse_person}')
print(f'parse_data_len: {parse_data_len}')
print(f'data_from_file lenght: {len(data_from_file)}')

In the above code , It should be noted that ,ParseFromString The function does not directly return the parsed result , Instead, the result is filled directly into the parse_person In the object .


This article discusses protobuf Basic knowledge of ,protobuf It is common in applications requiring high communication quality , But my personal view is still : Do not add entities if not necessary , If the application does not arrive, you need to use protobuf The point of , It's still a priority HTTP Well .

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