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Python basic logging compression, deletion according to the specified folder

One 、Logging Module brief introduction
  • TimedRotatingFileHandler Split logs by date , How many to keep backupCount

  • RotatingFileHandler Split by file size , How many files to keep

  • filename Is the file name prefix of the output log , for instance testServiceLog This is the log file name prefix

    when Is a string , Defines the interval time unit for log segmentation : The parameters are as follows :
    "S":Second second
    "M":Minutes minute
    "H":Hour Hours
    "D":Days God
    "W":Week day(0 = Monday)
    "midnight":Roll over at midnight
    interval Is the number of interval time units
    suffix Avoid duplicate file names
    backupCount Is the number of files to keep the log
    maxBytes Number of bytes
Two 、 My application scenarios
  • Online logs used to be huge , Logs eat up a lot of memory
  • Retain 14 Days log and compressed , Delete 14 Days beyond the log
  • The log folder is reserved for 300M, Greater than 300M Delete the log ( Immortal demand )
  • acutely ,tm I wrote for two days , It doesn't work on the Internet , The grass
3、 ... and 、 Use related modules
  • zipfile Compress . After testing 579M Compress it into 1.9M
  • logging Don't explain
import re
import logging
from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
import zipfile
import codecs
import sys
import os
import time
import glob
_MIDNIGHT = 24 * 60 * 60 # number of seconds in a day
class TimedCompressedRotatingFileHandler(TimedRotatingFileHandler):
def __init__(self, filename, when='h', interval=1, backupCount=0, encoding=None, delay=False, utc=False, atTime=None):
TimedRotatingFileHandler.__init__(self, filename, when='h', interval=1, backupCount=0, encoding=None, delay=False, utc=False, atTime=None)
self.when = when.upper()
self.backupCount = backupCount
self.utc = utc
self.atTime = atTime
self.baseFilename = filename
# Calculate the real rollover interval, which is just the number of
# seconds between rollovers. Also set the filename suffix used when
# a rollover occurs. Current 'when' events supported:
# S - Seconds
# M - Minutes
# H - Hours
# D - Days
# midnight - roll over at midnight
# W{
0-6} - roll over on a certain day; 0 - Monday
# Case of the 'when' specifier is not important; lower or upper case
# will work.
if self.when == 'S':
self.interval = 1 # one second
self.suffix = "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"
self.extMatch = r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{2}(\.\w+)?$"
elif self.when == 'M':
self.interval = 60 # one minute
self.suffix = "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M"
self.extMatch = r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}-\d{2}(\.\w+)?$"
elif self.when == 'H':
self.interval = 60 * 60 # one hour
self.suffix = "%Y-%m-%d_%H"
self.extMatch = r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}_\d{2}(\.\w+)?$"
elif self.when == 'D' or self.when == 'MIDNIGHT':
self.interval = 60 * 60 * 24 # one day
self.suffix = "%Y-%m-%d"
self.extMatch = r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(\.\w+)?$"
elif self.when.startswith('W'):
self.interval = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 # one week
if len(self.when) != 2:
raise ValueError("You must specify a day for weekly rollover from 0 to 6 (0 is Monday): %s" % self.when)
if self.when[1] < '0' or self.when[1] > '6':
raise ValueError("Invalid day specified for weekly rollover: %s" % self.when)
self.dayOfWeek = int(self.when[1])
self.suffix = "%Y-%m-%d"
self.extMatch = r"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(\.\w+)?$"
raise ValueError("Invalid rollover interval specified: %s" % self.when)
self.extMatch = re.compile(self.extMatch, re.ASCII)
self.interval = self.interval * interval # multiply by units requested
# The following line added because the filename passed in could be a
# path object (see Issue #27493), but self.baseFilename will be a string
filename = self.baseFilename
if os.path.exists(filename):
t = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
t = int(time.time())
self.rolloverAt = self.computeRollover(t)
def computeRollover(self, currentTime):
Work out the rollover time based on the specified time.
result = currentTime + self.interval
# If we are rolling over at midnight or weekly, then the interval is already known.
# What we need to figure out is WHEN the next interval is. In other words,
# if you are rolling over at midnight, then your base interval is 1 day,
# but you want to start that one day clock at midnight, not now. So, we
# have to fudge the rolloverAt value in order to trigger the first rollover
# at the right time. After that, the regular interval will take care of
# the rest. Note that this code doesn't care about leap seconds. :)
# if self.when == 'S' or self.when.startswith('W'):
if self.when == 'MIDNIGHT' or self.when.startswith('W'):
# This could be done with less code, but I wanted it to be clear
if self.utc:
t = time.gmtime(currentTime)
t = time.localtime(currentTime)
currentHour = t[3]
currentMinute = t[4]
currentSecond = t[5]
currentDay = t[6]
# r is the number of seconds left between now and the next rotation
if self.atTime is None:
rotate_ts = _MIDNIGHT
rotate_ts = ((self.atTime.hour * 60 + self.atTime.minute) * 60 +
r = rotate_ts - ((currentHour * 60 + currentMinute) * 60 +
if r < 0:
# Rotate time is before the current time (for example when
# self.rotateAt is 13:45 and it now 14:15), rotation is
# tomorrow.
currentDay = (currentDay + 1) % 7
result = currentTime + r
# If we are rolling over on a certain day, add in the number of days until
# the next rollover, but offset by 1 since we just calculated the time
# until the next day starts. There are three cases:
# Case 1) The day to rollover is today; in this case, do nothing
# Case 2) The day to rollover is further in the interval (i.e., today is
# day 2 (Wednesday) and rollover is on day 6 (Sunday). Days to
# next rollover is simply 6 - 2 - 1, or 3.
# Case 3) The day to rollover is behind us in the interval (i.e., today
# is day 5 (Saturday) and rollover is on day 3 (Thursday).
# Days to rollover is 6 - 5 + 3, or 4. In this case, it's the
# number of days left in the current week (1) plus the number
# of days in the next week until the rollover day (3).
# The calculations described in 2) and 3) above need to have a day added.
# This is because the above time calculation takes us to midnight on this
# day, i.e. the start of the next day.
if self.when.startswith('W'):
day = currentDay # 0 is Monday
if day != self.dayOfWeek:
if day < self.dayOfWeek:
daysToWait = self.dayOfWeek - day
daysToWait = 6 - day + self.dayOfWeek + 1
newRolloverAt = result + (daysToWait * (60 * 60 * 24))
if not self.utc:
dstNow = t[-1]
dstAtRollover = time.localtime(newRolloverAt)[-1]
if dstNow != dstAtRollover:
if not dstNow: # DST kicks in before next rollover, so we need to deduct an hour
addend = -3600
else: # DST bows out before next rollover, so we need to add an hour
addend = 3600
newRolloverAt += addend
result = newRolloverAt
return result
def shouldRollover(self, record):
Determine if rollover should occur.
record is not used, as we are just comparing times, but it is needed so
the method signatures are the same
t = int(time.time())
if t >= self.rolloverAt:
return 1
return 0
def getFilesToDelete(self):
Determine the files to delete when rolling over.
More specific than the earlier method, which just used glob.glob().
dirName, baseName = os.path.split(self.baseFilename)
fileNames = os.listdir(dirName)
result = []
prefix = baseName + "."
plen = len(prefix)
file_size = 0
for fileName in fileNames:
if fileName[:plen] == prefix:
suffix = fileName[plen:]
filename = os.path.join(dirName, fileName)
if not filename.endswith('.zip'):
zip_file_name = filename + '.zip'
z = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_name, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
z.write(filename, fileName)
if self.extMatch.match(suffix): # According to the document +. Whether in suffix
result.append(os.path.join(dirName, fileName))
file_size += os.stat(filename).st_size
if file_size >= 1024 * 1024 * 300:
result.append(os.path.join(dirName, fileName))
if len(result) < self.backupCount:
result = []
result = result[:len(result) - self.backupCount]
return result
def doRollover(self):
do a rollover; in this case, a date/time stamp is appended to the filename
when the rollover happens. However, you want the file to be named for the
start of the interval, not the current time. If there is a backup count,
then we have to get a list of matching filenames, sort them and remove
the one with the oldest suffix.
if self.stream:
self.stream = None
# get the time that this sequence started at and make it a TimeTuple
currentTime = int(time.time())
dstNow = time.localtime(currentTime)[-1]
t = self.rolloverAt - self.interval
if self.utc:
timeTuple = time.gmtime(t)
timeTuple = time.localtime(t)
dstThen = timeTuple[-1]
if dstNow != dstThen:
if dstNow:
addend = 3600
addend = -3600
timeTuple = time.localtime(t + addend)
dfn = self.rotation_filename(self.baseFilename + "." + time.strftime(self.suffix, timeTuple))
if os.path.exists(dfn):
self.rotate(self.baseFilename, dfn)
if self.backupCount > 0:
for s in self.getFilesToDelete():
if not self.delay:
self.stream = self._open()
newRolloverAt = self.computeRollover(currentTime)
while newRolloverAt <= currentTime:
newRolloverAt = newRolloverAt + self.interval
# If DST changes and midnight or weekly rollover, adjust for this.
if (self.when == 'MIDNIGHT' or self.when.startswith('W')) and not self.utc:
dstAtRollover = time.localtime(newRolloverAt)[-1]
if dstNow != dstAtRollover:
if not dstNow: # DST kicks in before next rollover, so we need to deduct an hour
addend = -3600
else: # DST bows out before next rollover, so we need to add an hour
addend = 3600
newRolloverAt += addend
self.rolloverAt = newRolloverAt
notes :
  • Please cut according to - self.extMatch Field type segmentation
  • The technical control wave line is ugly , Multiple inheritance BaseRotatingHandler
  • The usage is the same as normal to call a lesson
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acutely , Write for two days , The sincerity on the Internet doesn't work . A great bai .

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