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Python description leetcode 76 Minimum covering substring


Python describe LeetCode 76. Minimum cover substring

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Give you a string s 、 A string t . return s Covered by t The smallest string of all characters . If s There is no coverage in t Substring of all characters , Returns an empty string "" .

Be careful :

  • about t Duplicate characters in , The number of characters in the substring we are looking for must not be less than t The number of characters in the .
  • If s There is such a substring in , We guarantee that it is the only answer .

Example 1:

 Input :s = "ADOBECODEBANC", t = "ABC"
Output :"BANC"

Example 2:

 Input :s = "a", t = "a"
Output :"a"

Example 3:

 Input : s = "a", t = "aa"
Output : ""
explain : t Two characters in 'a' Shall be included in s In the string of ,
Therefore, there is no qualified substring , Returns an empty string .

Tips :

  • 1 <= s.length, t.length <= 105
  • s and t It's made up of English letters

** Advanced :** You can design one in o(n) The algorithm to solve this problem in time ?

Their thinking

Double pointer ,O(n)

l,r Respectively represent the left and right of the current interval
r Go straight to the right , When we first find a sequence that can be satisfied , stop . Move l, Until the condition is not met , stay l The starting position of the shortest sequence satisfied by the update in the movement

Python describe

class Solution:
def minWindow(self, s: str, t: str) -> str:
def is_ok(sd, td):
for key, value in td.items():
if sd.get(key, 0) < value:
return False
return True
n, m = len(s), len(t)
if n < m:
return ""
td = {
sd = {
for i in range(m):
td[t[i]] = td.get(t[i], 0) + 1
sd[s[i]] = sd.get(s[i], 0) + 1
start = end = 0
if is_ok(sd, td):
start, end = 0, m
l, r = 0, m
while r < n:
sd[s[r]] = sd.get(s[r], 0) + 1
while is_ok(sd, td):
if end == 0 or r - l + 1 < end - start + 1:
start, end = l, r+1
sd[s[l]] -= 1
l += 1
r += 1
return s[start:end]

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