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Leetcode22 annual summary of question brushing by type (XI) graph theory (python/c++)


explain : The first five questions are basically solved in two ways : DFS and A topological sort
DFS Very winding , Topological sorting is easier to understand , Topology sorting is generally preferred

But for example 6, it is more convenient to use backtracking to find all possible paths , Just use DFS

Patients with a :207. The curriculum

You must take this semester numCourses Courses , Write it down as 0 To numCourses - 1 .

Before you take some courses, you need some prerequisite courses . Prerequisite courses by array prerequisites give , among prerequisites[i] = [ai, bi] , If you want to learn a course ai be must Learn the course first bi .

for example , The prerequisite course is right for [0, 1] Express : Want to learn the course 0 , You need to finish the course first 1 .
Please judge whether it is possible to complete all the courses ? If possible , return true ; otherwise , return false

Example 1:

Input :numCourses = 2, prerequisites = [[1,0]]
Output :true
explain : All in all 2 Courses . Study the course 1 Before , You need to complete the course 0 . It's possible .

class Solution(object):
def canFinish(self, numCourses, prerequisites):
""" :type numCourses: int :type prerequisites: List[List[int]] :rtype: bool """
deg=collections.Counter() # It is often used to count word frequency 
for prerequisite in prerequisites:
a,b=prerequisite[0],prerequisite[1] #b Point to a.b As key,a As val
deg[a]+=1 # Count the penetration of the pointed point , For only pointing actions 、 Points that are not pointed to actions , The default value is 0
q = collections.deque() ## Record the initial penetration as 0 Set of points for 
for u in range(numCourses):
if deg[u]==0:
while len(q)>0:
for v in adj[tmp]:
if deg[v]==0:
# print(res)
return len(res)==numCourses ## Determine whether the penetration of all points can be reduced to 0, if , Then there is no ring , Delegates can complete all questions 
## Empathy 、 Different initialization methods 
class Solution(object):
def canFinish(self, numCourses, prerequisites):
""" :type numCourses: int :type prerequisites: List[List[int]] :rtype: bool """
# First, create a topology diagram , And then judge whether there is a case of mutual repair 
# If it is solved according to the idea of topological sorting , The right way of thinking should be :
# The first step is 0( That is, there is no need to take a course first ) The course begins to solve , If the penetration is 0, natural True
# If the penetration is not zero , from 
graph=[[] for _ in range(numCourses)]
indegree=[0 for _ in range(numCourses)]
# graph=collections.defaultdict(list)
# indegree=collections.defaultdict(int)
for cur,pre in prerequisites:
for i in range(len(indegree)):
if not indegree[i]:
while deque:
for cur in graph[pre]:
if not indegree[cur]:
return not numCourses

Example 2 :210. The curriculum II

Now you have numCourses Courses need to be selected , Write it down as 0 To numCourses - 1. Give you an array prerequisites , among prerequisites[i] = [ai, bi] , In elective courses ai front must First elective bi .

for example , Want to learn the course 0 , You need to finish the course first 1 , We use a match to represent :[0,1] .
Return to the learning order you arranged to complete all the courses . There may be more than one correct order , You just go back Any one That's all right. . If it is not possible to complete all the courses , return An empty array .

Example 1:

Input :numCourses = 2, prerequisites = [[1,0]]
Output :[0,1]
explain : All in all 2 Courses . To learn the course 1, You need to finish the course first 0. therefore , The correct order of courses is [0,1] .
Example 2:

Input :numCourses = 4, prerequisites = [[1,0],[2,0],[3,1],[3,2]]
Output :[0,2,1,3]
explain : All in all 4 Courses . To learn the course 3, You should finish the course first 1 And courses 2. And the curriculum 1 And courses 2 They should all be in the class 0 after .
therefore , A correct sequence of courses is [0,1,2,3] . The other right sort is [0,2,1,3] .

Python3 The official DFS solution More winding
I want to use python2 Rewrite the code , The main changes are valid Variable . Its function is to record whether there is a ring , Once changed to False Should not change again , Even recursive backtracking should not change its value .
The official code is nonlocal Statement of . Its function is simply explained : Declare in the external function first , In the internal function nonlocal Statement , Thus, the variable in the internal function and the variable with the same name in the external function are the same variable .
nonlocal explain

class Solution:
def findOrder(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
edges = collections.defaultdict(list)
# Mark the status of each node :0= Not searched ,1= Searching ,2= Completed 
visited = [0] * numCourses
# Use arrays to simulate stacks , Subscript 0 It's the bottom of the stack ,n-1 For the top of the stack 
result = list()
# Judge whether there is a ring in a directed graph 
valid = True
for info in prerequisites:
def dfs(u: int):
nonlocal valid
# Mark the node as 「 Searching 」
visited[u] = 1
# Search its adjacent nodes 
# Just find a ring , Stop searching now 
for v in edges[u]:
# If 「 Not searched 」 Then search for adjacent nodes 
if visited[v] == 0:
if not valid:
# If 「 Searching 」 That means we found the ring 
elif visited[v] == 1:
valid = False
# Mark the node as 「 Completed 」
visited[u] = 2
# Putting nodes on the stack 
result.append(u) ### According to the characteristics of recursive functions , First marked as 「 Completed 」 The node of , It must be the last point of a digraph ( Acyclic time )
# Pick one at a time 「 Not searched 」 The node of , Start depth first search 
for i in range(numCourses):
if valid and not visited[i]:
if not valid:
return list()
# If there is no ring , Then there is topological sorting 
# Pay attention to the subscript 0 It's the bottom of the stack , Therefore, you need to output the array in reverse order 
return result[::-1]

python2 edition ( adopt def init(self): hold self.valid Declare as a global variable

class Solution(object):
def __init__(self):
def dfs(self,u,visited,edges,result):
# Mark the node as 「 Searching 」
visited[u] = 1
# Search its adjacent nodes 
# Just find a ring , Stop searching now 
for v in edges[u]:
# If 「 Not searched 」 Then search for adjacent nodes 
if visited[v] == 0:
if not self.valid:
# If 「 Searching 」 That means we found the ring , because visited[v]==1 explain v Nodes are still searching , And in the u In the search process, I returned to v 
# It means the ring is formed 
elif visited[v] == 1:
self.valid = False
# Mark the node as 「 Completed 」
visited[u] = 2
# Putting nodes on the stack 
result.append(u) ## According to the characteristics of recursive functions , First marked as 「 Completed 」 The node of , It must be the last point of a digraph ( Acyclic time )
def findOrder(self, numCourses, prerequisites):
""" :type numCourses: int :type prerequisites: List[List[int]] :rtype: List[int] """
# Store digraphs 
edges = collections.defaultdict(list)
# Mark the status of each node :0= Not searched ,1= Searching ,2= Completed 
visited = [0] * numCourses
# Use arrays to simulate stacks , Subscript 0 It's the bottom of the stack ,n-1 For the top of the stack 
result = list()
# Judge whether there is a ring in a directed graph 
for info in prerequisites:
# Pick one at a time 「 Not searched 」 The node of , Start depth first search 
for i in range(numCourses):
if self.valid and not visited[i]:
if not self.valid:
return list()
# If there is no ring , Then there is topological sorting 
# Pay attention to the subscript 0 It's the bottom of the stack , Therefore, you need to output the array in reverse order 
return result[::-1] ## You need to output from beginning to end 

But to be fair ,DFS It's too much trouble to do the problem about graph theory , Therefore, the solution of topological sorting is recommended . The definition of topological sorting is BFS And greedy algorithm are applied to the proper nouns of directed graphs .
「 A topological sort 」 One added effect of is : It can detect whether there are rings in the directed graph . If... In the priority diagram , Existential ring , Topological sorting cannot continue to get the penetration value is 0 The node of , Exit loop , At this point, there are nodes in the graph that have not been traversed , It shows that there are rings in the graph .( The first question of SF technology competition )

The basic code has changed soup without changing medicine

class Solution(object):
def findOrder(self, numCourses, prerequisites):
""" :type numCourses: int :type prerequisites: List[List[int]] :rtype: List[int] """
adj=[[] for _ in range(numCourses)]
indeg=[0 for _ in range(numCourses)]
for prerequisite in prerequisites:
from collections import deque
for i in range(numCourses):
if indeg[i]==0:
while queue:
for relate in adj[top]: # The processing depth is 0 Adjacency of points 
if indeg[relate]==0:
queue.append(relate) # The extension depth is 0 The point of 
# print(res)
if len(res)!=numCourses:
return []
return res

Example 3 :851. Noise and wealth

There is a group n Individuals as subjects , from 0 To n - 1 Number , Each of them has a different amount of money , And different levels of quiet value (quietness). For convenience , We'll number it x The person of is abbreviated as "person x ".

Give you an array richer , among richer[i] = [ai, bi] Express person ai Than person bi More money . Give you another integer array quiet , among quiet[i] yes person i Quiet value of .richer The data given in Self-consistent logic ( in other words , stay person x Than person y More money at the same time , There will be no person y Than person x More money ).

Now? , Returns an array of integers answer As the answer , among answer[x] = y The premise is , There must be no less than person x Of the people ,person y Is the quietest person ( That is, quiet value quiet[y] The youngest ).

Example 1:

Input :richer = [[1,0],[2,1],[3,1],[3,7],[4,3],[5,3],[6,3]], quiet = [3,2,5,4,6,1,7,0]
Output :[5,5,2,5,4,5,6,7]
explain :
answer[0] = 5,
person 5 Than person 3 There's more money ,person 3 Than person 1 There's more money ,person 1 Than person 0 There's more money .
Only quieter ( There is a lower quiet value quiet[x]) The people are person 7,
But it's not clear if he is better than person 0 More money .
answer[7] = 7,
There must be no less than person 7 Of the people ( This may include person 3,4,5,6 as well as 7),
The quietest ( There is a lower quiet value quiet[x]) The people are person 7.
Other answers can be explained by similar reasoning .

DFS solution

class Solution(object):
def loudAndRich(self, richer, quiet):
""" :type richer: List[List[int]] :type quiet: List[int] :rtype: List[int] """
# according to richer Array to establish adjacency table , The rule is from the poorer to the richer 
# The question is actually asking , One of its reachable points from a certain point , The point with the lowest quiet value 
#step1 First find the current person's label , Then according to this label , Again richer Find people in the matrix who have more money than it ( The current person is the second element of the matrix , Then chain connection , Find everyone who has more money than it , Including itself ) Knowledge points of digraph 
adj=[[] for _ in range(n)]
for r in richer:
ans=[-1]*n # Initializing the result array 
def dfs(x):
if ans[x]!=-1:
for y in adj[x]: #x The poorer people ,y Are the richer people 
dfs(y) # The logic here is from x We can arrive at y, Then recurse to find y In the reachable point of , The point with the lowest quiet value 
# Last comparison y Whether the point at which the minimum quiet value can be reached is less than x The point at which the minimum quiet value can be reached (quiet[ans[y]]<quiet[ans[x]])
# If it is , to update ans[x]=ans[y]
if quiet[ans[y]]<quiet[ans[x]]:
for i in range(n):
return ans

Topological sorting solution

class Solution(object):
def loudAndRich(self, richer, quiet):
""" :type richer: List[List[int]] :type quiet: List[int] :rtype: List[int] """
# according to richer Array to establish adjacency table , The rule is from the wealthier to the poorer 
# The question is actually asking , One of its reachable points from a certain point , The point with the lowest quiet value 
adj=[[] for _ in range(n)]
indeg=[0 for _ in range(n)]
for r in richer:
adj[r[0]].append(r[1]) # From the richer to the poorer 
from collections import deque
for i in range(n):
if indeg[i]==0:
ans=list(range(n)) # At the beginning, set everyone's answer as yourself ( The money must be no less than person x Of the people ,person y Is the quietest person 
while queue:
for relate in adj[top]:
if quiet[ans[top]]<quiet[ans[relate]]: #ans[relate] Represents the adjacency point relate Of those who have found no less money than themselves , And the quietest person 
ans[relate]=ans[top]# If top The answer is quieter , And the neighbor must have no more money than himself ( The rich point to the poor , I am rich and my neighbors are poor ), Then the answer of the adjacent node should be changed to top The answer 
if indeg[relate]==0:
return ans

Example 4 :997. Find the judge in town

There are in the town n personal , Press from 1 To n The sequence number of . rumors , One of these people is secretly a town judge .

If the town judge really exists , that :

The town judge won't trust anyone .
everyone ( Except for the town judge ) Trust the town judge .
Only one person satisfies attributes at the same time 1 And attribute 2 .
Give you an array trust , among trust[i] = [ai, bi] Indicates that the number is ai The person's trust number is bi People who .

If the town judge exists and can identify him , Please return the judge's number ; otherwise , return -1 .

Example 1:

Input :n = 2, trust = [[1,2]]
Output :2

class Solution(object):
def findJudge(self, n, trust):
""" :type n: int :type trust: List[List[int]] :rtype: int """
##[ai, bi] Indicates that the number is ai The person's trust number is bi People who , The directed graph points from the trustor to the trusted person 
# The question : Find out if the degree of penetration is n-1, The degree of 0 Point number of , If you don't return -1
# adj=[[] for _ in range(n)]
indeg=[0 for _ in range(n)]
outdeg=[0 for _ in range(n)]
for t in trust:
# adj[t[0]-1].append(t[1]-1) #t[0] Point to t[1]
indeg[t[1]-1]+=1 # Press from 1 To n The sequence number of , For the convenience of handling all the time -1 operation , Add... When returning the answer 
for i in range(n):
if indeg[i]==n-1 and outdeg[i]==0:
return i+1
return -1

Example 5 :841. Keys and rooms

Yes n A room , The room is from 0 To n - 1 Number . first , except 0 All the other rooms outside room No . Your goal is to enter all the rooms . However , You can't enter a locked room without getting the key .

When you enter a room , You may find a different set of keys in it , Each key has a corresponding room number , It means that the key can open the room . You can take all the keys to unlock other rooms .

Give you an array rooms among rooms[i] You entered i A collection of keys available in room . If you can get into all Room return true, Otherwise return to false.

Example 1:

Input :rooms = [[1],[2],[3],[]]
Output :true
explain :
We from 0 Room No , Get the key 1.
Then we go to 1 Room number , Get the key 2.
Then we go 2 Room number , Get the key 3.
At last we went to 3 Room number .
Because we can get into every room , We go back to true.

class Solution(object):
def canVisitAllRooms(self, rooms):
""" :type rooms: List[List[int]] :rtype: bool """
# The title can be passed first dfs Recursively record whether all rooms have been visited 
visited=[False for _ in range(n)]
def dfs(key,visited,rooms):# key Room number visited by the representative 
if visited[key]:# The cycle exit condition is if this room has been visited , be return
return # Exit conditions avoid dead loops , Again, I marked all that I could access True
# print(visited)
for i in range(m):
# print(visited)
for i in range(n):
if not visited[i]:
return False
return True

Topological sorting method

class Solution(object):
def canVisitAllRooms(self, rooms):
""" :type rooms: List[List[int]] :rtype: bool """
visited=[False for _ in range(n)]
from collections import deque
while queue:
if not top:
for i in top:
if visited[i]: # If you have already been there, don't go on 
queue.append(rooms[i]) # Get i Room key No Go to i Room number 
visited[i]=True #i Room has been to 
for i in range(n):
if not visited[i]:
return False
return True

Example 6 :797. All possible paths

Here you are n Of nodes Directed acyclic graph (DAG), Please find all slave nodes 0 To the node n-1 And output ( No specific order is required )

graph[i] Is a slave node i List of all nodes that can be accessed ( That is, the slave node i To the node graph[i][j] There is a directed side ).

Input :graph = [[1,2],[3],[3],[]]
Output :[[0,1,3],[0,2,3]]
explain : There are two paths 0 -> 1 -> 3 and 0 -> 2 -> 3

class Solution(object):
def allPathsSourceTarget(self, graph):
""" :type graph: List[List[int]] :rtype: List[List[int]] """
# This question is special in graph Itself is the adjacency table , No extra operation 
def dfs(key,graph,path):
if key>=n-1: # Find all slave nodes 0 To the node n-1 And output The final destination is n-1
# path.append(key)
# print(path)
for relate in graph[key]:
dfs(relate,graph,path+[relate]) ## The backtracking of recursive functions is used here 
return ans

Example 7 :802. Find the ultimate security state

One has n A directed graph of nodes , Node press 0 To n - 1 Number . The figure consists of a Index from 0 Start Of 2D An array of integers graph Express , graph[i] Is associated with the node i Integer array of adjacent nodes , This means that the slave node i To graph[i] Each node in the has an edge .

If a node has no connected directed edge , Then it is Terminal nodes . If it's not out there , Then the node is the terminal node . If all possible paths from this node lead to Terminal nodes , Then the node is Security nodes .

Returns a list consisting of all Security nodes As an array of answers . The elements in the answer array should be pressed Ascending array .

Input :graph = [[1,2],[2,3],[5],[0],[5],[],[]]
Output :[2,4,5,6]
explain : The schematic diagram is shown above .
node 5 And nodes 6 Is the terminal node , Because they don't come out .
From the node 2、4、5 and 6 All paths from the start point to the node 5 or 6 .

class Solution(object):
def eventualSafeNodes(self, graph):
""" :type graph: List[List[int]] :rtype: List[int] """
# Solution 1 : Depth-first search + Tri-colour marking 
# The important thing is to understand the meaning of the question , The safe state of this question actually refers to i Traverse for the starting point , Traverse nodes that do not form a ring 
# Because as long as it doesn't form a ring , Can finally point to the terminal node 
# Search with depth first + Tricolor marks can be obtained i As a mark of whether the starting point is looped 
# n = len(graph)
# color = [0] * n # 0 Hang in the air 1 It's going on 2 Completed 
# def safe(x):
# if color[x] > 0:
# return color[x] == 2
# color[x] = 1 ## If you order x
# for y in graph[x]:
# if not safe(y):
# return False
# color[x] = 2
# # If dfs After traversing, it doesn't return , It means that the point is not in the ring , It belongs to the security node , Modify the status and return to True
# return True
# return [i for i in range(n) if safe(i)]
# Solution 2 : Reverse image + A topological sort 
# This question graph Adjacency table , No need to rebuild 
# If all possible paths from this node lead to Terminal nodes , Then the node is Security nodes .
# It is necessary to calculate the output of each node , The degree of 0 Is the terminal node 
# If you make an inverse graph , That is, the degree of penetration is 0 Is the terminal node , And the final penetration can be 0 The node of 
indeg=[0 for _ in range(n)]
adj=[[] for _ in range(n)]
for x,ys in enumerate(graph): #graph:x Point to y 
for y in ys:
adj[y].append(x) #adj:y Point to x 
# Now the degree of penetration is 0 The point of 
from collections import deque
for i in range(n):
if indeg[i]==0:
# res=[] 
while queue:
# res.append(top)
for relate in adj[top]:
if indeg[relate]==0:
# res.sort()
# return res # There are two ways to return results , One is to directly define a res Save the result , However, the results are required to be arranged in positive order , It also needs to be res.sort() It will increase the time complexity 
return [i for i, d in enumerate(indeg) if d == 0] # A direct use indeg, If indeg[i]==0, Return its subscript 

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