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How to master the notes for the introduction to Python


The point of this section

  • Master what is collaborative process

The duration of this section needs to be controlled 15 Within minutes

One Introduction

 The topic of this section is to realize concurrency based on single thread , Only one main thread ( Obviously available cpu only one ) To achieve concurrency , So we need to review the nature of concurrency : Switch + Save state
cpu Running a task , Will cut off in two cases to perform other tasks ( Switching is forced by the operating system ), One situation is that the task is blocked , Another situation is that the task takes too long to calculate or a higher priority program replaces it

ps: In introducing process theory , Mention three execution states of a process , The thread is the execution unit , So we can also understand the above figure as three states of thread

One : The second case doesn't improve efficiency , Just to make cpu Be able to touch the rain and dew , Implementation looks like all tasks are “ meanwhile ” The effect of execution , If multiple tasks are purely computational , This kind of switching will reduce the efficiency . For this we can base on yield To verify .yield It is a way to save the running state of a task in a single thread , Let's review briefly :

1 yiled Can save state ,yield The state saving of is similar to the thread state saving of the operating system , however yield It's code level control , More lightweight
2 send You can pass the result of one function to another , In this way, the switch between programs in a single thread can be realized

Simply switching will reduce the operation efficiency

# Serial execution
import time
def consumer(res):
''' Mission 1: receive data , Processing data '''
def producer():
''' Mission 2: The production data '''
for i in range(10000000):
return res
# Serial execution
consumer(res) # It's written in consumer(producer()) Will reduce the efficiency of execution
print(stop-start) #1.5536692142486572
# be based on yield Concurrent execution
import time
def consumer():
''' Mission 1: receive data , Processing data '''
while True:
def producer():
''' Mission 2: The production data '''
for i in range(10000000):
# be based on yield Save state , Two tasks can be switched back and forth directly , That is, the effect of concurrency
#PS: If printing is added to every task , So it's obvious that the printing of the two tasks is once for you and once for me , That is, concurrent execution .
print(stop-start) #2.0272178649902344

Two : Switching in the first case . At the moment of the mission io Under the circumstances , Cut to task two to execute , In this way, we can use the blocking time of task one to complete the calculation of task two , The improvement of efficiency lies in this .

yield It doesn't work io Switch

import time
def consumer():
''' Mission 1: receive data , Processing data '''
while True:
def producer():
''' Mission 2: The production data '''
for i in range(10000000):
producer() # Concurrent execution , But the task producer encounter io It's going to block , It doesn't switch to other tasks in the thread to execute

For single thread , We cannot avoid the emergence of io operation , But if we can in our own program ( That is, the user program level , Not at the operating system level ) Controlling multiple tasks under a single thread can be encountered in one task io When blocked, switch to another task to calculate , This ensures that the thread is in the ready state to the maximum extent , That is, it can be cpu Status of execution , It's equivalent to us putting our own io Operations are hidden to the maximum extent , So you can confuse the operating system , Let it see : The thread seems to have been calculating ,io less , So more will be cpu The execution permission of is assigned to our thread .

 The essence of a process is to run on a single thread , User controls a task encounter io If it's blocked, switch to another task to execute , To improve efficiency . In order to achieve it , We need to find a solution that can meet the following conditions at the same time :
1\. You can control the switching between multiple tasks , Save the state of the task before switching , In order to re run , You can continue execution based on where you pause .
2\. As 1 A supplement to : It can detect io operation , In case of io Switching occurs in the case of operation

Two Introduction to the association

coroutines : It's concurrency under single thread , Also called tasklet , fibers . English name Coroutine. In a word, what is thread : Coroutine is a lightweight thread in user mode , That is, the scheduling is controlled by the user program itself .、

It's important to note that :

1\. python The threads of are kernel level , That is, scheduling is controlled by the operating system ( If a single thread encounters io Or if the execution time is too long, it will be forced to hand over cpu Executive authority , Switch other threads to run )
2\. Start the process in a single thread , Once encountered io, From the application level ( Not the operating system ) Control switch , To improve efficiency (!!! Not io The switching of operation has nothing to do with efficiency )

Compare the switching of operating system control threads , The user controls the switch of the process in a single thread

Advantages as follows :

1\. The switching cost of the cooperation process is less , Switching at the program level , The operating system is completely unaware of , So it's more lightweight
2\. Single thread can achieve the effect of concurrency , Make the most of cpu

Drawbacks as follows :

1\. The essence of the process is single thread , Can't use multi-core , Can be a program to open multiple processes , Open multiple threads in each process , Start the process in each thread
2\. A process is a single thread , So once the process is blocked , Will block the entire thread

Summarize the characteristics of the process :

  1. Concurrency must be implemented in only one single thread
  2. No lock is needed to modify shared data
  3. The user program stores multiple control flow context stacks
  4. additional : A process meets IO The operation automatically switches to other processes ( How to achieve detection IO,yield、greenlet Can't achieve , It uses gevent modular (select Mechanism ))

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