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Python data structure learning notes -- search and sorting algorithm



  • One 、 Search for
    • ( One ) The way to search
    • ( Two ) Sequential search
    • ( 3、 ... and ) Two point search
  • Two 、 Sort
    • Inner sort and outer sort
    • ( One ) Bubble sort
    • ( Two ) Selection sort
    • ( 3、 ... and ) Insertion sort
    • ( Four ) Shell Sort
    • ( 5、 ... and ) Merge sort
    • ( 6、 ... and ) Quick sort
  • summary

One 、 Search for

( One ) The way to search

Search for It refers to the algorithm process of finding a specific element from the element set , The search process usually returns True or False, Indicates whether the element exists .Python Through the operator in To check whether an element is in the element collection , as follows :

print("C" in ["C", "S", "D", "N"])
print("C" in (1, 2, 3))
print("c" in {
"a": "A", "b": "B", "c": "C"})
print("c" in {
1, "123", "ab"})

The operation results are as follows :

( Two ) Sequential search

With python As an example , Because its elements have a linear or sequential relationship , Each element has a unique subscript , And the subscripts are ordered , Can be accessed sequentially , So as to carry out Sequential search . The concept of sequential search is to find elements from left to right , From the first element , If it is not found at the end of the list, it means that the element is not in the list .
The time complexity of sequential search with unordered list and sequential list is O(n), Only when there is no target element to search in the list , The efficiency of sequential search of ordered elements is higher .
The sequence search code of the unordered list is as follows :

# Order search of unordered list 
def sequential_Search(alist, item): # Pass in two parameters : An unordered list with elements to search 
pos = 0 # Subscript value from 0 Start 
found = False
while pos < len(alist) and not found: # Until the search for elements stops 
if alist[pos] == item: # If the element corresponding to the current subscript value is equal to the element to be searched ,found Variable value is True
found = True
pos = pos + 1 # Subscript value plus one , Continue to search 
return found
# Sequential search of an ordered list 
def orderedSequential_Search(alist, item): # Pass in two parameters : A list of sequences and elements to search 
pos = 0 # Subscript value from 0 Start 
found = False
stop = False
while pos < len(alist) and not found and not stop:
if alist[pos] == item: # If the element corresponding to the current subscript value is equal to the element to be searched ,found The variable is equal to True
found = True
if alist[pos] > item: # If the current subscript value is greater than the element to be searched , be stop The variable is equal to True
stop = True
pos = pos + 1 # Subscript value plus one , Continue to search 
return found
print(sequential_Search([6, 4, 5, 0], 6))
print(orderedSequential_Search([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 6))

The operation results are as follows :

( 3、 ... and ) Two point search

Binary search compared to sequential search , It doesn't start searching the list from the first element , But start with the middle element , So it's called Two point search . If this element is target element to search , Stop searching immediately ; If not , You can take advantage of the ordered nature of the list , Exclude half of the elements , Go down in turn , Until the target element is searched . In a nutshell , That is to divide a big problem into small problems , So as to narrow the scope , In turn, to solve .
For an ordered list , The time complexity of binary search algorithm in the worst case is O(logn), The binary search code for the ordered list is as follows :

# Binary search of ordered list 
def binarySearch(alist, item): # Pass in two parameters : A list of sequences and elements to search 
first = 0
last = len(alist) - 1 # The subscript value of the last element of the list 
found = False
while first <= last and not found:
midpoint = (first + last) // 2 # Divide by two 
if alist[midpoint] == item:
found = True
if item < alist[midpoint]:
last = midpoint - 1
first = midpoint + 1
return found
print(binarySearch([1, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18], 14))

The operation results are as follows :

Steps to resolve :

Binary search is improved by using recursive method , The code is as follows :

# The recursive method of binary search 
def binarySearch(alist, item):
if len(alist) == 0:
return False
midpoint = len(alist) // 2
if alist[midpoint] == item:
return True
if item < alist[midpoint]:
return binarySearch(alist[:midpoint], item) # alist[:midpoint] It means to get from the beginning to midpoint Subscript value 
return binarySearch(alist[midpoint + 1:], item) #alist[midpoint + 1:] It means to take from the end to midpoint+1 Subscript value 
print(binarySearch([1, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18], 14))

The operation results are as follows :

Two 、 Sort

Inner sort and outer sort

According to whether the contents to be sorted are in memory Sorting can be divided into inner sorting and outer sorting , Internal order The whole sorting process of is in memory , and External sorting Because there is too much to sort , Memory cannot hold , External storage is required , That is, the sorting process is included 、 Data can only be exchanged between external memory .

( One ) Bubble sort

Bubble sort By comparing adjacent elements in pairs , If the reverse order , That is, when the big one is in front and the small one is in the back, it will be exchanged , The small elements are swapped to the front , Until there is no reverse order , It is called bubble sort because in the sorting process , The smaller elements will float to the surface like bubbles after exchange , That is, the smallest element will go to the front of the sequence , The largest element will sink to the bottom of the sequence .

No matter how the elements are arranged in bubble sort , To contain n The list of elements needs to be traversed for bubble sorting n-1 round , The time complexity of the algorithm is O(n2), In the best case , The list is already in order and no exchange operation is required ; And in the worst case , Each comparison will result in an exchange .
The program code for bubble sorting is as follows :

# Bubble sort 
def BubbleSort(alist):
for passnum in range(len(alist) - 1, 0, -1): # range() The length of the list in the function is reduced by one to 0, Each cycle -1
for i in range(passnum):
if alist[i] > alist[i + 1]: # If the subscript in the list is i The element of is greater than the subscript i+1 The elements of , Then perform the following operations to exchange two variables 
temp = alist[i] # Intermediate variable temp The storage subscript is i The elements of 
alist[i] = alist[i + 1] # Exchange two elements 
alist[i + 1] = temp # Intermediate variable temp Assign a value to the subscript i+1 The elements of 
BubbleSort([3, 0, 1, 9, 10, -2])

The operation results are as follows :

The specific implementation steps are as follows :

1、 because python Characteristics of , By assigning values at the same time, the exchanged three lines of statements are directly replaced by one statement :

temp = alist[i]
alist[i] = alist[i + 1]
alist[i + 1] = temp

Replace with a,b=b,a In the form of , So as to directly exchange :

alist[i], alist[i + 1] = alist[i + 1], alist[i]
def BubbleSort(alist):
for passnum in range(len(alist) - 1, 0, -1): # range() The length of the list in the function is reduced by one to 0, Each cycle -1
for i in range(passnum):
if alist[i] > alist[i + 1]: # If the subscript in the list is i The element of is greater than the subscript i+1 The elements of , Then perform the following operations to exchange two variables 
alist[i], alist[i + 1] = alist[i + 1], alist[i] # Directly use a statement to exchange 
BubbleSort([3, 0, 1, 9, 10, -2])

The operation results are as follows :

2、 Short bubbling
Bubble sorting is inefficient , Because the elements must be exchanged before the final location is determined , It iterates through the unordered parts of the list .
If no exchange occurs in a round of traversal , It indicates that the elements in the list have been ordered , At this time, the program can be terminated by modifying the program , be called Short bubble sort , Among variables passnum Control the number of cycles of the cycle , Thus, it terminates when no exchange occurs in the traversal , The code is as follows :

# Short bubble sort 
def ShortBubbleSort(alist):
exchanges = True # Variable exchanges The value starts with True
passnum = len(alist) - 1 # Variable passnum The value is the length of the list minus one 
while passnum > 0 and exchanges:
exchanges = False
for i in range(passnum):
if alist[i] > alist[i + 1]:
exchanges = True
alist[i], alist[i + 1] = alist[i + 1], alist[i]
passnum = passnum - 1
ShortBubbleSort([3, 0, 1, 9, 10, -2])

The operation results are as follows :

( Two ) Selection sort

Selection sort Each time the list is traversed, only one exchange is made , Find the maximum value at each iteration , And put it in the right place after traversing . If given n Order of elements , Need to traverse n-1 round , This is because the last element is going to n-1 After the wheel traverses, it is in place , The time complexity of the algorithm is also O(n2).
The code for selecting sorting is as follows :

# Selection sort 
def SelectSort(alist):
for i in range(len(alist) - 1, 0, -1): # range() The length of the list in the function is reduced by one to 0, Each cycle -1
positionOfMax = 0
for location in range(1, i + 1): # Exchange every time you traverse the list 
if alist[location] > alist[positionOfMax]:
positionOfMax = location
alist[i], alist[positionOfMax] = alist[positionOfMax], alist[i]
SelectSort([9, 12, 0, -6, 7, 36, 1])

The operation results are as follows :

The specific implementation steps are as follows :

By comparing bubble sort with selection sort , Sort list [9, 12, 0, -6, 7, 36, 1], Choosing to sort only swaps 5 Time , And bubble sort up to a dozen times , Therefore, choosing a sorting algorithm is usually faster .

( 3、 ... and ) Insertion sort

Insertion sort The principle of is to maintain an ordered sublist at one end of the list , Put the elements on the other side one by one Insert To this ordered list , Each round compares the current element with the elements in the ordered sublist , An ordered sublist moves its elements to the right , When it is smaller or reaches the end of the sublist , Insert the current element , Finally, make the whole list orderly , The time complexity of insertion sorting is also O(n2).
The code for inserting sorting is as follows :

# Insertion sort 
def InsertSort(alist):
for index in range(1, len(alist)): # for The number of cycles is 1 Length to list -1
currentvalue = alist[index]
position = index
while position > 0 and alist[position - 1] > currentvalue:
alist[position] = alist[position - 1]
position = position - 1
alist[position] = currentvalue
print(InsertSort([2, 0, 9, -3, 1, 4]))

The operation results are as follows :

The specific implementation steps are as follows , The numbers marked in red on the left are arranged in good order :

( Four ) Shell Sort

Shell Sort It is a sort algorithm improved by inserting sort , It splits the sorted list into multiple sub lists , Then insert and sort each sub list , Where the shard list uses an increment ( Or step size ) Select elements with a certain increment interval to form a sub list , Increment of sublistcount = len(alist) // 2, Then reduce the increment to sublistcount = sublistcount // 2 Continue to slice the list , Finally, the increment at this time is 1 To insert and sort .
The time complexity of Hill sort using the following code is O(n1) to O(n2) Between , The program code for Hill sorting is as follows :

# Shell Sort 
def ShellSort(alist):
sublistcount = len(alist) // 2 # Select in increments of the length of the list 2 Division of , Segmentation list 
while sublistcount > 0:
for startposition in range(sublistcount):
InsertSort(alist, startposition, sublistcount)
print(" Currently selected increment :", sublistcount, " Current list order :", alist)
sublistcount = sublistcount // 2 # Continue to slice the list 
def InsertSort(alist, start, gap): # Insertion sort 
for i in range(start + gap, len(alist), gap):
currentvalue = alist[i]
position = i
while position > 0 and alist[position - gap] > currentvalue:
alist[position] = alist[position - gap]
position = position - gap
alist[position] = currentvalue
ShellSort([2, 0, 9, -3, 1, 4])

The operation results are as follows :

The specific implementation steps are as follows :

( 5、 ... and ) Merge sort

Merge sort It's a recursive algorithm , Each operation divides the current list into two Split , If the separated sublist is empty or has only one element , It can be considered as orderly ; If the sub list is not empty, the list will be divided into two , Recursively call merge sort on both parts , Go ahead one by one , When the list of two molecules divided into two parts is ordered , And then Merger For a sequence table , That is to finish sorting .
The time complexity of merging and sorting is O(nlogn), But the merging process requires additional storage space , The program code for merging and sorting is as follows :

# Merge sort 
def MergeSort(alist):
print(" segmentation ", alist)
if len(alist) > 1: # If the length of the list is greater than 1 Then execute the following code 
mid = len(alist) // 2 # Split the current list in two 
left_half = alist[:mid] # The split left sub list 
right_half = alist[mid:] # The right sub list of the split 
MergeSort(left_half) # Recursively call its own function 
MergeSort(right_half) # Recursively call its own function 
i, j, k = 0, 0, 0
while i < len(left_half) and j < len(right_half): # Merge the split list into a sequential table 
if left_half[i] < right_half[j]:
alist[k] = left_half[i]
i = i + 1
alist[k] = right_half[j]
j = j + 1
k = k + 1
while i < len(left_half):
alist[k] = left_half[i]
i = i + 1
k = k + 1
while j < len(right_half):
alist[k] = right_half[j]
j = j + 1
k = k + 1
print(" Merger ", alist)
MergeSort([2, 0, 9, -3, 4, 1])

The operation results are as follows :

The specific implementation steps are as follows :

( 6、 ... and ) Quick sort

Just like merge sort , Quick sort also uses the method of dividing one into two , But it doesn't take up extra storage space , However, the list may not be split in two to affect efficiency .
First , Quick sort selects a benchmark value to be used to segment the list , That is, the separation point ; And then partition , Place elements larger than and smaller than the reference value on both sides , among leftmark and rightmark Variables represent the beginning and end elements of all remaining elements in the list .
The quick sort program code is as follows :

# Quick sort 
def quickSort(alist):
quickSortHelper(alist, 0, len(alist) - 1)
def quickSortHelper(alist, first, last): # Recursive function 
if first < last:
splitpoint = partition(alist, first, last)
quickSortHelper(alist, first, splitpoint - 1)
quickSortHelper(alist, splitpoint + 1, last)
def partition(alist, first, last): # Partition function 
pivotvalue = alist[first]
leftmark = first + 1
rightmark = last
done = False
while not done:
while leftmark <= rightmark and alist[leftmark] <= pivotvalue:
leftmark = leftmark + 1
while alist[rightmark] >= pivotvalue and rightmark >= leftmark:
rightmark = rightmark - 1
if rightmark < leftmark:
done = True
alist[leftmark], alist[rightmark] = alist[rightmark], alist[leftmark]
alist[first], alist[rightmark] = alist[rightmark], alist[first]
return rightmark
quickSort([2, 7, -1, 0, 9, -3, 4, 1])

The operation results are as follows :

The specific implementation steps are as follows :


name Time complexity Sequential search Whether the list is ordered or not , All for O(n) Two point search For ordered lists , by O(logn) Bubble sort O(n2) Selection sort O(n2) Insertion sort O(n2) Shell Sort Be situated between O(n) and O(n2) Between Merge sort O(nlogn) Quick sort O(nlogn), When the syncopation point is not near the middle of the list, it will be reduced to O(n2)
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