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[graduation project recommendation] Based on Django Dalian Housing source analysis and recommendation system


【 Graduation project recommendation 】 be based on Django Dalian Housing source analysis and recommendation system

Design background
In recent years, our real estate market has shown a sustained and booming momentum , People's pursuit for the quality of house purchasing , It has developed from a low level to a high level , From the original perceptual house purchase to rational house purchase, it has been continuously improved , The rapid development of information technology makes people's consumption choices more and more fast and scientific , Use the association of data and the combination of people's lives , It will not only bring more scientific consumption , It can also help people adapt their consumption reality , Is that people's lives are better .
Design necessity
China is in a period of accelerated urbanization , The scale of the city is expanding , A large number of people from rural to urban areas , Rural areas have gradually evolved into urban areas , The urban population is increasing . In the process of Urbanization , The housing problem has become the most distressing problem for people , And with the continuous improvement of people's quality of life , Consumers will consider more and more real estate factors in the process of buying a house , for example : Residential green , Social service facilities around the community , Location resources , Housing prices and other factors , So many problems that these consumers consider in the process of purchasing houses , A complete housing information analysis and recommendation system is particularly important .
The system design
Data acquisition and data storage

System architecture
front end :html,css,jquery,Echarts, Baidu Maps
Back end :Django
Reptiles :Scrapy
database :mysql,monggodb
Module partition

Project directory structure

System interface display

Data account
Query statistics

  1. Simple query
  2. Conditions of the query
  3. Public facilities inquiry

Location resources

  1. Location resource analysis
  2. Location resource query

    Comparison of housing resources

    Housing recommendation

    Personal information module

    Community details

    Surrounding facilities of the community

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