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Python advanced (25) coroutine


The definition of process

coroutines (Coroutine), Also called tasklet , fibers .( Coroutine is a lightweight thread in user mode )

effect : In execution A Function , Can interrupt at any time , To carry out B function , Then interrupt B function , Carry on A function ( It can switch automatically ), But this is not a function call ( No call statement ), The process is much like multithreading , However, the coroutine has only one thread executing

Popular understanding : Some function in a thread , Information such as temporary variables of the current function can be saved anywhere , Then switch to another function to execute , Note that this is not done by calling a function , And how often to switch and when to switch back to the original function is up to the developer

Coroutine and thread differences

When implementing multitasking , Thread switching goes far beyond save and restore at the system level CPU The context is so simple . The operating system has its own cache for each thread to run efficiently Cache Data, etc. , The operating system also does the data recovery for you . So switching between threads is very expensive . However, the switching of collaborative process is only simple operation CPU The context of , So you switch it a million times a second and the system works .

The standard of synergetic process

Concurrency must be implemented in only one single thread

  • No lock is needed to modify shared data
  • The user program stores multiple control flow context stacks
  • A process meets IO The operation automatically switches to other processes

The advantages of synergy

  • Because of its own context and stack , No thread context switching overhead , Switching at the program level , The operating system is completely unaware of , So it's more lightweight
  • No atomic locking and synchronization overhead
  • Easy to switch control flow , Simplify the programming model
  • Single thread can achieve the effect of concurrency , Make the most of cpu, And high scalability , The cost is low

Disadvantages of the process

  • Can't use multi-core resources : The essence of a process is a single thread , It cannot at the same time Single CPU For multiple cores , The process needs to work with the process to run in multiple CPU On
  • To block (Blocking) operation ( Such as IO when ) It will block the whole program
  • Computational operations , Use the coroutine to switch back and forth , It doesn't make any sense , Switch back and forth and save the State Instead, it reduces performance .

python The way to realize the coprocessing in

  • greenlet, It's a third-party module , Used to implement coroutine code (Gevent Xiecheng is based on greenlet Realization )
  • yield, generator , With the help of the characteristics of the generator, you can also implement the co program code .
  • asyncio, stay Python3.4 The module introduced in is used to write the coroutine code .
  • async & awiat, stay Python3.5 Two keywords introduced in , combination asyncio Module can be more convenient to write code ( recommend ).

async&await keyword

There are many ways to implement coprocessing , Now the most popular way is async&await, Other ways to understand , This article introduces the most popular way

Using coroutines requires understanding 2 individual , Event loops and define coprogramming functions

The event loop

Event loop is an effective way to deal with multi concurrency , It can be understood as a dead cycle , Loop to detect and execute some code , Let's look at the following pseudo code

 Task list = [ Mission 1, Mission 2, Mission 3............]
while True:
List of executable tasks , List of completed tasks = Go to the task list and check all the tasks , take ' Executable ' and ' Completed ' My task is to return to for Ready for mission in List of executable tasks :
Perform the tasks that are ready for Completed tasks in List of completed tasks :
Remove... From the task list Completed tasks If all the tasks in the task list have been completed , Then stop the cycle

The pseudo code above means : Get events in the loop , And then keep listening to the task list , If you have a task, just carry it out , Remove the completed task , Until all tasks in the task list are completed , End cycle

The benefits of using event loops : So that programmers do not have to control the addition of tasks 、 Delete and event control


The code is written as follows :

import asyncio
# Get the event loop
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Put the task on ` Task list `, Listen to the event loop
loop.run_until_complete( Mission )
# Closing event

Coprogramming functions and objects

You want to define a coprogram function , Format :async def Function name

Coroutine object : Execute the coprogram function () Get the coroutine object

# Define the coprogram function 
async def func():
pass # Create a collaboration object
result = func()

Be careful : Execute the coprogram function , Create a collaboration object , Function code doesn't run , If you want to run the internal code of the coroutine function , You have to give the coroutine object to the event loop to handle , Look at the code below

import asyncio
async def func():
print(" Hello ") result = func()
# The way 1
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# The way 2
asyncio.run(result) # python3.7 How to write it


await Is a keyword that can only be used in coprogramming functions , Used to meet IO Suspend during operation The current schedule ( Mission ), The current schedule ( Mission ) Pending process The event loop can be used to execute other coroutines ( Mission ), The current schedule IO When processing is complete , You can switch back again to execute await Later code .

give an example : We created 2 A mission , A download picture , A download video , Let's do the picture download task first , And then I met io operation , Normally, it will wait for the picture to download , but await You can suspend the task of downloading pictures first , Then automatically switch to download video task

Usage method :await + Can wait for the object ( Coroutine object 、Future object 、Task object )

Case study 1

import asyncio
async def func():
print(" Execute the internal code of the coroutine function ")
# encounter IO Operation suspends the current orchestration ( Mission ), etc. IO After the operation is completed, continue to execute .
# When the current schedule is suspended , The event loop can be used to execute other coroutines ( Mission ).
response = await asyncio.sleep(2)
print("IO End of request , The result is :", response)
result = func()

Case list 2

import asyncio
async def others():
print("start") # ④ Print start
await asyncio.sleep(2) # ⑤ Waiting time 2 second , In this process, you can switch to other coroutines
print("end") # ⑥ Print end
return ' Return value ' async def func():
print(" Execute the internal code of the coroutine function ") # ② Execute the coprogram function , Print print Code
response = await others() # ③ Wait for the coprogram function others
print(f"io End of request , The result is {response}") # ⑦ wait for others Print it when you're done print sentence if __name__ == '__main__':
asyncio.run(func()) # ① The coprogram function runs in an event loop

All of the above examples just create a task , namely : There is only one task in the task list of the event loop , So in IO You can't demonstrate the effect of switching to another task while waiting . When the program wants to create multiple task objects , Need to use Task Object to implement .

Task object

Tasks For concurrent scheduling coroutines , adopt asyncio.create_task( Coroutine object ) The way to create Task object , This allows the coroutine to join the event loop and wait for the scheduled execution . Besides using asyncio.create_task() Function , You can also use lower level loop.create_task() or ensure_future() function . Manual instantiation is not recommended Task object .

In essence, it encapsulates the coroutine object into task object , And join the coroutine into the event loop immediately , At the same time, track the state of the coroutine .

Be careful :asyncio.create_task() Function in Python 3.7 Is added to . stay Python 3.7 Before , You can switch to a lower level asyncio.ensure_future() function .

Case study 1

import asyncio
async def func():
await asyncio.sleep(2)
return " Return value " async def main():
print("main Start ")
# Create coroutines , Encapsulate the coroutine into a Task Object and immediately added to the task list of the event loop , Wait for the event loop to execute ( The default is ready state ).
task1 = asyncio.create_task(func())
# Create coroutines , Encapsulate the coroutine into a Task Object and immediately added to the task list of the event loop , Wait for the event loop to execute ( The default is ready state ).
task2 = asyncio.create_task(func())
print("main end ")
# When executing a coroutine, you encounter IO In operation , Will automatically switch to perform other tasks .
# Here await It is to wait for all the corresponding coroutines to be executed and get the results
ret1 = await task1
ret2 = await task2
print(ret1, ret2) asyncio.run(main())

Case study await+ Task list ( Most used )

import asyncio
async def func():
await asyncio.sleep(2)
return " Return value " async def main():
print("main Start ")
# Create coroutines , Encapsulate the coroutine into Task Object and added to the task list of the event loop , Wait for the event loop to execute ( The default is ready state ).
# Calling
task_list = [asyncio.create_task(func()), asyncio.create_task(func())]
print("main end ")
# When executing a coroutine, you encounter IO In operation , Will automatically switch to perform other tasks .
# Here await It's waiting for all coroutines to be executed , And save the return values of all coroutines to done
# If set timeout value , It means the maximum number of seconds to wait here , The return value of the completed coroutine is written to done in , If not, write pending in .
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(task_list)
print(done) asyncio.run(main())

Be careful : asyncio.wait Inside the source code, each of the coroutines in the list is executed ensure_future So it can be encapsulated as Task object , So I'm talking to wait When used in combination task_list The value of is [func(),func()] It's OK, too .

asyncio.Future object

asyncio Medium Future Object is a relatively lower level object , Usually we don't use this object directly , But directly Task Object to complete the task and track the status .( Task yes Futrue Subclasses of )

Future Provides us with... In asynchronous programming final result To deal with (Task Class also has the function of state processing )

Case study 1

async def main():
# Get the current event loop
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
# Create a task (Future object ), It's a task of doing nothing .
fut = loop.create_future()
# Waiting for the final result of the mission (Future object ), If there is no result, we will wait forever .
await fut

The result is that the program has been waiting , Can't end

Case study 2

import asyncio
async def set_after(fut):
await asyncio.sleep(2)
async def main():
# Get the current event loop
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
# Create a task (Future object ), No behavior , Then the task will never know when to end .
fut = loop.create_future()
# Create a task (Task object ), The binding set_after function , The function is inside 2s after , Will give fut assignment .
# I.e. manual setting future The end result of the mission , that fut And that's it .
await loop.create_task(set_after(fut))
# wait for Future Object acquisition final result , Otherwise, just wait
data = await fut

Future The object itself is bound to the function , So you want to loop events to get Future Result , You need to set it manually . and Task Object inheritance Future object , That's right Future Expand , It can be implemented after the execution of the corresponding binding function is completed , Automatic execution set_result, In order to achieve automatic end .

although , I usually use Task object , But the nature of dealing with results is based on Future Object .

futures.Future object

stay Python Of concurrent.futures There is also one in the module Future object , This object is used for asynchronous operation based on thread pool and process pool .

import time
from concurrent.futures import Future
from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor
from concurrent.futures.process import ProcessPoolExecutor
def func(value):
pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5)
# or pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=5)
for i in range(10):
fut = pool.submit(func, i)

Two Future The object is different , They are designed for different application scenarios , for example :concurrent.futures.Future I won't support it await grammar etc. .

stay Python Provided a will to futures.Future Object packed as asyncio.Future Object function asynic.wrap_future.

Next, you must ask : Why? python Will provide this function ?

Actually , Generally, in program development, we either use it uniformly asycio Implementation of asynchronous operation 、 Or both use the process pool and thread pool for asynchronous operations . But if Asynchrony and The process of pool / Asynchrony of thread pool Mix and match , Then you'll use this function .

import time
import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
def func1():
# Some time-consuming operation
return "OK"
async def main():
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
# The way 1. Run in the default loop's executor ( Default ThreadPoolExecutor )
# First step : Internal will call first ThreadPoolExecutor Of submit Method to apply for a thread to execute in the thread pool func1 function , And return a concurrent.futures.Future object
# The second step : call asyncio.wrap_future take concurrent.futures.Future The object is packaged as asycio.Future object .
# because concurrent.futures.Future Object does not support await grammar , So it needs to be packaged as asycio.Future object Can be used .
fut = loop.run_in_executor(None, func1)
result = await fut
print('default thread pool', result)
# The way 2. Run in a custom thread pool:
# with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool:
# result = await loop.run_in_executor(
# pool, func1)
# print('custom thread pool', result)
# The way 3. Run in a custom process pool:
# with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as pool:
# result = await loop.run_in_executor(
# pool, func1)
# print('custom process pool', result)

Application scenarios : When a project is developed with asynchronous programming of a co program , If you want to use a third-party module , When the third-party module does not support asynchronous programming in CO programming mode , You need to use this function , for example requests modular :

import asyncio
import requests
async def download_image(url):
# Send network request , Download the pictures ( Meet the network to download pictures IO request , Automation switches to other tasks )
print(" Start the download :", url)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# requests Module does not support asynchronous operation by default , So we use thread pool to implement .
future = loop.run_in_executor(None, requests.get, url)
response = await future
print(' Download complete ')
# Save the image to a local file
file_name = url.rsplit('_')[-1]
with open(file_name, mode='wb') as file_object:
if __name__ == '__main__':
url_list = [
tasks = [download_image(url) for url in url_list]
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.run_until_complete( asyncio.wait(tasks) )

Asynchronous iterator

What is an asynchronous iterator ?

Realized __aiter__() and __anext__() Object of method .__anext__ Must return a awaitable object .async for Can handle asynchronous iterators __anext__() Method returns the waiting object , Until it triggers a StopAsyncIteration abnormal .

What are asynchronous iteratable objects ?

Can be found in async for The object used in the statement . Must pass through it __aiter__() Method returns a asynchronous iterator.

import asyncio
class Reader(object):
""" Custom asynchronous iterators ( It's also an asynchronous iterative object ) """
def __init__(self):
self.count = 0
async def readline(self):
# await asyncio.sleep(1)
self.count += 1
if self.count == 100:
return None
return self.count
def __aiter__(self):
return self
async def __anext__(self):
val = await self.readline()
if val == None:
raise StopAsyncIteration
return val
async def func():
# Create asynchronous iteratable objects
async_iter = Reader()
# async for It must be placed in async def Within the function , Otherwise syntax error .
async for item in async_iter:

Asynchronous iterators don't really help much , Just supported async for It's just grammar .

Asynchronous context manager

Such objects are defined by __aenter__() and __aexit__() Method async with Control the environment in the statement

import asyncio
class AsyncContextManager:
def __init__(self):
self.conn = None
async def do_something(self):
# Asynchronous operation database
return 666
async def __aenter__(self):
# Asynchronously linked database
self.conn = await asyncio.sleep(1)
return self
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):
# Closing database links asynchronously
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def func():
async with AsyncContextManager() as f:
result = await f.do_something()

This asynchronous context manager is useful , Usually in the development process open 、 Handle 、 close In operation , It can be dealt with in this way .


uvloop yes asyncio An alternative to the event loop in , The replacement can make asyncio Performance improvement . in fact ,uvloop than nodejs、gevent Others, such as python Asynchronous frameworks should be at least fast 2 times , The performance is comparable Go Language .

install uvloop

pip3 install uvloop

Want to use... In a project uvloop Replace asyncio The loop of events is also very simple , Just do it in the code .

import asyncio
import uvloop
asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(uvloop.EventLoopPolicy()) # To write asyncio Code for , Consistent with the previous code .
# The automation of the internal event loop becomes uvloop

Be careful : Well-known asgi uvicorn It's used internally uvloop The event loop of .

asynchronous redis

When passed python To operate redis when , link 、 Set the value 、 Get value It's all about the Internet IO request , Use asycio Asynchronous mode can be used in IO Do some other tasks while waiting , To improve performance .

install Python Asynchronous operations redis modular

pip3 install aioredis

Case study : Connect multiple redis Do something ( encounter IO Will switch to other tasks , Provides performance )

import asyncio
import aioredis
async def execute(address, password):
print(" Start execution ", address)
# The Internet IO operation : First, connect, encounter IO The task is automatically switched , De link
redis = await aioredis.create_redis_pool(address, password=password)
# The Internet IO operation : encounter IO Will automatically switch tasks
await redis.hmset_dict('car', key1=1, key2=2, key3=3)
# The Internet IO operation : encounter IO Will automatically switch tasks
result = await redis.hgetall('car', encoding='utf-8')
# The Internet IO operation : encounter IO Will automatically switch tasks
await redis.wait_closed()
print(" end ", address)
task_list = [
execute('redis://', "123456"),
execute('redis://', "123456")

asynchronous MySQL

When passed python To operate MySQL when , Connect 、 perform SQL、 Shutting down is all about the Internet IO request , Use asycio Asynchronous mode can be used in IO Do some other tasks while waiting , To improve performance .

install Python Asynchronous operations redis modular

pip3 install aiomysql

Case study

import asyncio
import aiomysql
async def execute(host, password):
print(" Start ", host)
# The Internet IO operation : First, connect, encounter IO The task is automatically switched , De link
conn = await aiomysql.connect(host=host, port=3306, user='root', password=password, db='mysql')
# The Internet IO operation : encounter IO Will automatically switch tasks
cur = await conn.cursor()
# The Internet IO operation : encounter IO Will automatically switch tasks
await cur.execute("SELECT Host,User FROM user")
# The Internet IO operation : encounter IO Will automatically switch tasks
result = await cur.fetchall()
# The Internet IO operation : encounter IO Will automatically switch tasks
await cur.close()
print(" end ", host)
task_list = [
execute('', "123456"),
execute('', "123456")


When writing crawler applications , Need to go through the Internet IO To request target data , This situation is suitable for using asynchronous programming to improve performance , Next, we'll use aiohttp Module to achieve .

install aiohttp modular

pip3 install aiohttp

Case study

import aiohttp
import asyncio async def fetch(session, url):
print(f" Send a request :{url}")
async with session.get(url, verify_ssl=False) as response:
text = await response.text()
print(" Get the results :", url, len(text)) async def main():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
url_list = ["http://www.baidu.com", "http://www.taobao.com", "http://www.jd.com"]
tasks = [asyncio.create_task(fetch(session, url)) for url in url_list]
await asyncio.wait(tasks) if __name__ == '__main__':

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