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Take you to learn Python automated testing (VII) -- warning box processing bit


Warning box handling

stay web in , In addition to the elements and operations mentioned above , There is also the processing of the prompt box of the page , The warning boxes on a page are usually divided into these categories js alert 、 confirm as well as prompt, These warning boxes , We can all go through switch_to_alert() To deal with it . The warning box can be handled in the following ways :

 text

The text in the secure warning box

 accept

Click OK... In the warning box 32

 dismiss

If the warning box is completely cleared , You can click "cancel all" through this method .

Save the following code as .html file , Click the clear data button above , Will produce a confirm The police

Notice frame , Click ok , Ok... Is displayed in the input box , Click cancel all , Then the input box displays "all clear..." , Next to this

A warning box is processed . The code is as follows :

<script> function clear1()

if(confirm(" Are you sure you want to clear the data ?"))

document.main.text1.value = " determine ";

document.main.text1.value = " Complete elimination ";
<form name="main">
<input type="text" name="text1" />
<input type="button" name="Submit" value=" Empty data " onClick="return
from selenium import webdriver
Import webdriver
from time import sleep
Need to use sleep Come and pause , So import here time Of sleep modular
driver = webdriver.Firefox()
open firefox browser
open html file
driver.find_element_by_css_selector('body > form:nth
child(1) > input:nth-child(2)').click()
Click button
Get the text of the warning box , Assign to text Variable
print text Output text
Click Cancel... In the warning box
wait for 3 second
driver.find_element_by_css_selector('body > form:nth
child(1) > input:nth-child(2)').click()
Click the button again
Click OK... In the warning box

Cookie Handle

adopt webdriver Can be used for cookie Processing , Common treatment methods include full

cookie、 add to cookie、 Delete the specified cookie、 Delete all cookie.

obtain cookie Information

from selenium import webdriver
from time import sleep

Open the front landing page

[email protected]')
enter one user name
Input password
Click login
cookie = drvier.get_cookies()
Get the information after login cookie Information
print cookie
Print what you get cookie Information

towards cookie Add information to

from selenium import webdriver
from time import sleep

Open the front landing page

cookie = drvier.add_cookie({
add to cookie Information
add to cookie, have access to add_cookie Way to add .

Delete cookie Information in

Delete cookie
Delete all cookie


In the process of self-test , It is usually necessary to judge the test results , Here you can

expected_conditions To achieve the desired results , To assert execution status .

expected_conditions Provides multiple methods , The common methods are as follows :

 title_is: Judge the of the front page title Whether it is the expected result

 title_contains: Judge the of the front page title Contains the expected character

 presence_of_element_located: Determine whether an element exists , However, it does not mean that the element is visible ,

If the element exists , Returns the element , Otherwise, throw an exception .

 visibility_of_element_located: Determine whether there are elements on the page , And the element is visible , If saved

In and visible , Returns the element , Otherwise, throw it out of order . presence_of_all_elements_located: Determine that at least one page exists , There should be a , be

Returns a list of all elements , Otherwise return an empty list .

 text_to_be_present_in_element: Determine whether the text of an element contains the expected string ,

Match returns True, Otherwise return to False.

from selenium import webdriver
Import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions
Import expected_conditions modular
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
stay expected_conditions Positioning... Is required in ,by Provide unified use
find_element() Method , Simplifies positioning operations
from time import sleep
Import sleep modular
Open the browser
Open the landing page
wait for 3 second
drvier.find_element_by_id('email').send_keys('[email protected]
enter one user name
Input password
Now wait 2 second , It's mainly about getting title, Too soon , Acquired title
It was before the successful login title
35is_title=expected_conditions.title_is(u' home page - Creationist ')
Determine the of the page title Whether it is the expected string
If it is equal to the expected string , The result returned here is True, Otherwise False.
Title_is It's a Class, The class Implemented in the __call__ Method , So this
A class object can be called like a function .
is_in_title=expected_conditions.title_contains(u' Creationist ')
Judge title Contains the expected string
It can be used print Print his return result as True also False
By.CSS_SELECTOR,'.sq_menu > a:nth-child(3)'))
Determine whether the element exists on the page , Not necessarily on the page
print is_exist(drvier)
If there is , The element information is returned here , Otherwise there will be
NoSuchElementException It's abnormal .
Whether there is at least one specified element on the page
print in_ele(drvier)
If there is , This returns a list , Otherwise, the returned list is empty
Check whether the element is visible
print visibility_exist(drvier)
If the element exists and is visible , Element information is returned , Elements are not visible , Then return an exception ,
NoSuchElementException It's abnormal , If the element exists , But it's not visible ,
Then return to False.
lement((By.CSS_SELECTOR,'.menu > ul:nth-child(1) > li:nth
child(1) > a:nth-child(1)'),u' It means ')
Check whether the element contains a string
print is_text_in_ele(drvier)
If the check contains a string , Then return to True, Otherwise return to False.

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