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It must be seen by acquaintances. Python crawls a yellow page for public information, and the font anti crawls the actual battle


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    • ️ yellow xx page Font reverse crawling Actual combat scene
    • ️ Actual code

️ yellow xx page Font reverse crawling Actual combat scene

The target site of this collection is aHVhbmd5ZTg4.com , The screenshot of the home page is as follows .

Find it on the official website 【 yellow x page 】 tab , Then we get the following interface , The information involved is as follows , Randomly find a public data .

The contact person and contact number can be viewed on the company Yellow Page details page .

It is obvious that the mobile phone font is different from other fonts , After verification through the developer tool , Confirm that there is a font backcrawl .

Save font file , Get the following font vector diagram .

The result font code is fixed in English , Then the difficulty of reverse climbing of this font becomes extremely low .

️ Actual code

You can find the font file in the web page source code through the developer tool , So let's write the relevant extraction code .

import re
import requests
import base64
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
url = 'https://b2b.huangye88.com/qiye1edkfp0964c7/'
headers = {

'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.67 Safari/537.36'
res_text = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers).text
ba64 = re.findall('base64,(.*?)\"\)', res_text)[0]
# print(ba64)
data = base64.b64decode(ba64)
with open('./fonts/519.woff', 'wb') as f:
font = TTFont('./fonts/519.woff')

After getting the font , The saved XML The documentation is as follows .

This case is over .

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