I have seen a couple of posts on memory usage using Python Multiprocessing module. I've read several articles about using Python Memory usage of multiprocessing modules .However the questions don't seem to answer the problem I have here. However , These questions do not seem to answer the questions I have encountered here .I am posting my analysis with the hope that some one can help me. I post my analysis , I hope someone can help me .
I am using multiprocessing to perform tasks in parallel and I noticed that the memory consumption by the worker processes grow indefinitely. I use multiprocessing to execute tasks in parallel , I noticed that the memory consumption of the worker process increased infinitely .I have a small standalone example that should replicate what I notice. I have a small independent example , It should copy what I noticed .
import multiprocessing as mpimport timedef calculate(num): l = [num*num for num in range(num)] s = sum(l) del l # delete lists as an option return sif __name__ == "__main__": pool = mp.Pool(processes=2) time.sleep(5) print "launching calculation" num_tasks = 1000 tasks = [pool.apply_async(calculate,(i,)) for i in range(num_tasks)] for f in tasks: print f.get(5) print "calculation finished" time.sleep(10) print "closing pool" pool.close() print "closed pool" print "joining pool" pool.join() print "joined pool" time.sleep(5)
I am running Windows and I use the task manager to monitor the memory usage. I'm running Windows And use task manager to monitor memory usage .I am running Python 2.7.6. I'm running Python 2.7.6.
I have summarized the memory consumption by the 2 worker processes below. I summarize the following 2 Memory consumption of worker processes .
+---------------+----------------------+----------------------+| num_tasks | memory with del | memory without del || | proc_1 | proc_2 | proc_1 | proc_2 |+---------------+----------------------+----------------------+| 1000 | 4884 | 4694 | 4892 | 4952 || 5000 | 5588 | 5596 | 6140 | 6268 || 10000 | 6528 | 6580 | 6640 | 6644 |+---------------+----------------------+----------------------+
In the table above, I tried to change the number of tasks and observe the memory consumed at the end of all calculation and before join
-ing the pool
. In the above table , I try to change the number of tasks and observe the end of all calculations and join
Memory consumed before .The 'del' and 'without del' options are whether I un-comment or comment the del l
line inside the calculate(num)
function respectively.'del' and 'without del' The options are whether I uncomment or comment calculate(num)
In function del l
That's ok .Before calculation, the memory consumption is around 4400. Before calculating , Memory consumption in 4400 about .
I have a process that is based on this example, and is meant to run long term. I have a process based on this example , Designed for long-term operation .I observe that this worker processes are hogging up lots of memory(~4GB) after an overnight run. I observed that this worker process took up a lot of memory after running overnight (~4GB).Doing a join
to release memory is not an option and I am trying to figure out a way without join
-ing. Conduct join
To free memory is not an option , I'm trying to find a way not to use join
Methods .
This seems a little mysterious. It seems a bit mysterious .Has anyone encountered something similar? Has anyone ever experienced something like this ?How can I fix this issue? How can I solve this problem ?