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Can Python crawlers be a sideline? At which level can I take orders? See how Python crawlers make money


See a lot of friends asking python Can reptiles be a sideline , My friends are through python Earn money by doing sidelines . Depend on meeting python Reptile can earn more than 10000 a month . His screenshot showed me his income chart is like this , People earn more from their sidelines in a month than many people do from their main business .

It only represents personal income

In addition to the main business, there are more than 10000 incomes every month , Finance is relatively free . At that time, I asked him how he learned , He gave me a set of study courses , It's not that difficult for me to learn , If you want to learn how to pick up the order from the crawler, you can get the tutorial at the end of the article .

Friends unfamiliar with reptiles may not know what reptiles are . Here is a brief introduction :

Crawler is to obtain information efficiently and in large quantities on the Internet through code 、 A technical means of sorting information . Big data era , How to quickly in the vast network 、 A lot of 、 Automatically get the information you want , And used for data analysis and decision-making ? You need to learn reptile Technology !

** Writing crawlers is a very useful skill point , Especially for Python Even a necessary skill for Engineers .** We can collect the data later , Through data cleaning , Finally, let the data be used for business analysis ; You can also get information and use it in your daily life , For example, before buying a house, grab the historical transaction records of the corresponding region and then make a decision ; You can also implement an aggregation application , Even commercial operation in the future …… So there is a profession called 「 Reptile Engineer 」.

In learning programming development , Writing about crawlers is a great entry point , In the process of implementing the crawler, we can not only improve the familiarity of the corresponding programming language , You can also collect the content you are interested in , For further use . Writing crawlers is a very productive and fulfilling job , You can quickly feel the fun of programming .

Since reptiles are so powerful , So what can reptiles do ? such as :

  1. Crawling pictures 、 Crawling video
  2. Climb Douban Top250 In the movie 、 Academic papers
  3. Climb Taobao's sales data 、 The changing trend of house prices
  4. Analyze and forecast the stock market
  5. Climb Baidu network disk resources , Save to database ( Of course , Just save the link and title of the resource ), Then make a web disk search engine

And so on, and so on, in addition to the above, there are many unlisted , As long as it's the data you want to crawl , As long as you can access the data through the browser, you can get it through the crawler . Even Baidu we use every day , In fact, it makes use of this reptile Technology , Release countless crawlers to various websites every day , Get their information back for you to use .

There's always someone who needs data from all kinds of websites , such as facebook、 Big data websites like cat's eye . Through some outsourcing websites , Orders can be received soon , Generally, we provide Party A with reptiles 、 Data analysis 、 Data cleansing services .( You can go to pig Bajie and other outsourcing platforms )

Summarize some order receiving platforms of crawler , You can collect it , I'm afraid I can't find :

One 、 Domestic order receiving platform

1. Programmer Inn :https://www.proginn.com

Programmer Inn China's leading free work platform , For middle and high end programmers 、 Product managers and designers and other Internet related personnel provide stable online work opportunities , Including free work 、 Telecommuting and part-time jobs , It also supports hiring on demand , There are many working modes , I would like to recommend you to try .

Although the name is called programmer Inn , But apart from programmers , Like a product manager , Designers and other Internet related personnel , All of them can find their own projects on it . You can experience what you are interested in .

2. CODING Code, :https://mart.coding.net

Coding Its Internet software outsourcing service platform , The platform is mainly outsourcing .

3. Open source crowdsourcing :http://zb.oschina.net/projects

Open source crowdsourcing platform in China , Mainly crowdsourcing .

4. Pig eight quit :https://zbj.com

Find a part-time place , Mainly entry-level projects , Not for professional programmers , Only for novices .

5. English selection :http://linktion.cn

The platform focuses on customized development outsourcing services , It's also a platform for outsourcing projects .

6. Pack fast :http://kuaima.co

7. Codex crowdsourcing platform :http://mayigeek.com

8. Morning and night :http://yizaoyiwan.com/

9. Development state :http://www.kaifabang.com

10. Everyone develops :http://rrkf.com

11. Centimeter footprints :http://www.limijiaoyin.com

12. Sxsoft:https://www.sxsoft.com/

13. Apes rush to send :https://www.yuanjisong.com/

14. Realize network portal :http://shixian.com/

15. Zhicheng outsourcing network :http://www.taskcity.com/

Two 、 Foreign order receiving platform

1. Upwork:https://www.upwork.com/

Upwork It's the largest in the world 、 The best 、 The most standardized comprehensive human outsourcing service platform , By the famous Elance and oDesk Merge . Gather here 900 Thousands of freelancers from all over the world , You can definitely find the right position for you .

2. Freelancer:https://www.freelance.com/

http://Freelancer.com The types of work covered many different areas , From program development to marketing 、 advertisement 、 accounting 、 Legal affairs can work remotely .

3. Dribbble:https://dribbble.com/jobs

You read that right ,Dribbble It's not just the most popular designer community in the world , It's also a good source for designers to find remote work . Since being Tiny After the acquisition ,Dribbble Our recruitment attributes are gradually increasing , Try to keep it going PO Make your own good work , Waiting for your Bole , You can also focus on Jobs page , To the heart Team Submit resume .

4. Stackoverflow:https://stackoverflow.com/jobs

Well known by programmers Stackoverflow It's a company where people work remotely , Programmers have a great advantage in teleworking ,Stackoverflow Jobs There's a selection of remote positions in the , There are plenty of remote technical positions .

5. 99designs:https://99designs.com/

99designs It's a hiring platform for designers , You can take part in design competition here to bid for open projects , It can also provide one-to-one professional services to employers .

6. Remoteok:https://remoteok.io/

Remoteok Not only the initial part-time remote work , And the full-time category , Signing contracts and internships . Founder of the website Pieter Levels Itself is a digital nomad , He is also Nomadlist The founder of .

7. Toptal:https://www.toptal.com/

Toptal It's a high-end freelancer platform , It is suitable for remote workers who have experience and work hard . It will connect enterprises with software engineers around the world , Designers and business consultants are connected .

8. Ange:https://angel.co/job-collections/remote

AngelList It's a platform for startups and angel investors , There are also remote work opportunities offered by startups , If you're interested in joining a startup remotely , You can try it .

9. Topcoder:https://www.topcoder.com/

Topcoder Attract the world's top programmers through algorithm competitions , He will divide a large project into many small modules , Through the competition mode to the user to do , The winner can get the bonus for the module .

For the latter question ,python To what extent do reptiles learn to take orders :

First you have to be proficient in Python Reptiles , So some Python The basics certainly need to be understood ,Python Installation and use of the environment ,Python Basic grammar , list , Dictionaries , String processing these simple knowledge are needed to learn .

secondly Python The main library that crawlers use is request library , This library is something you have to learn , The data you get still needs to be processed by yourself , Filtering rules through data , Regular expressions and so on . If it's a dynamic website, ah Xiu wants to learn selenium.

Of course, you also need to learn some basic knowledge of the front end , Because all the data you crawl is on the Internet , So you have to understand the front-end basics , Otherwise, you may not find the data you need , What about crawling data .

There is now a lot of websites have developed their own anti climbing mechanism , So some common anti climbing measures are also what you need to learn , You can't get the data you want without learning .

Come here to summarize , I want to write one myself Python Crawler program , You have to learn Python Basics , Including environmental installation , Basic grammar , Dictionaries , Regular matching , There are also some data processing technologies and so on . The second is the library of mock requests request, There are also some anti climbing technologies and front-end foundations .

Python Experience sharing

Learn from good examples Python Whether it's employment or sideline, it's good to make money , But learn to Python Still have a learning plan . Finally, let's share a complete set of Python Learning materials , For those who want to learn Python Let's have a little help !

Python Learning route

Here is the Python The commonly used technical points have been sorted out , There is a summary of knowledge points in various fields , You can find the corresponding learning resources according to the above knowledge points .

Learning software

Python Common development software , It will save you a lot of time .

Learning video

Programming learning must watch more videos , Combine books and videos to get twice the result with half the effort .

100 Exercises

Practical cases

Optical theory is useless , When learning programming, never talk on paper , Be sure to practice , Apply what you have learned to practice .

Finally, I wish you progress every day !!

The full version above Python The full set of learning materials has been uploaded to CSDN official , Friends can scan the bottom of wechat directly if necessary CSDN The official two-dimensional code is free 【 Guarantee 100% free 】.

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