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Chapter 2 Introduction to Python


Chapter two Python introduction

What is computer language

 A computer is a machine used for computers , The computer must do whatever people want it to do !
You need to control the computer through its language ( programing language )!
There is no essential difference between computer language and human language , The difference is that the subjects of communication are different !
The development of computer language has gone through three stages :
machine language
- Machine language uses binary code to write programs
- Good execution efficiency , It's too cumbersome to write
Semiotic language ( assembly )
- Use symbols instead of machine codes
- When writing a program , You don't need to use binary , It's about writing symbols
- After writing , You need to convert symbols to machine code , And then it's done by the computer
The process of converting symbols into machine code is called assembly
- The process of converting machine code into symbols , It's called disassembly
- Assembly language is generally only applicable to some hardware , Poor compatibility
High-level language
- The grammar of advanced languages is basically similar to that of English today , And the relationship with hardware is not so close
- That is to say, we can develop programs in different hardware systems through high-level language
- And advanced languages are easier to learn , Now we know that languages are basically high-level languages
- C、C++、C#、Java、JavaScript、Python ...

Compiled and interpreted languages

 Computers can only recognize binary code ( Machine code ), So any language must be converted into machine code before it is executed by computer ,
It's like print('hello') Must be converted to something like 1010101 Such machine code
Depending on the timing of the switch , Language is divided into two categories :
Compiler language
- C Language
- Compiler language , The code will be compiled into machine code before execution , Then the machine code is handed over to the computer to execute
- a( Source code ) -- compile --> b( Compiled machine code )
- characteristic :
Very fast execution
Poor cross platform
Explanatory language
- Python JS Java
- Explanatory language , The code will not be compiled before execution , Instead, compile while executing
- a( Source code )-- Interpreter --> Explain to perform
- characteristic :
The execution speed is slow
Good cross platform

Python Introduction to

Python It's interpreted language
Python( English pronunciation :/ˈpaɪθən/ American pronunciation :/ˈpaɪθɑːn/), Is a widely used high-level programming language , It's a universal programming language , By Guido · Created by van Rossum , The first edition was published in 1991 year . It can be seen as an improvement ( Add some advantages of other programming languages , Like object-oriented ) Of LISP. As an interpretative language ,Python The philosophy of design emphasizes the readability of code and concise syntax ( In particular, use space indentation to divide code blocks , Instead of using braces or keywords ). Compared with C++ or Java,Python Let developers express their ideas in less code . Whether it's a small or a large program , The language tries to make the structure of the program clear .
Life is short you need Python ( Life is too short , I use Python)
Python Use of :
WEB application
Facebook douban ...
Crawler program
Scientific Computing
Automatic operation and maintenance
big data ( Data cleaning )
Cloud computing
Desktop software / game
Artificial intelligence

Python Development environment construction

 Development environment construction is installation Python Interpreter
Python The interpreter classification of :
CPython( official )
use c language-written Python Interpreter
use Python language-written Python Interpreter
use .net Compiling Python Interpreter
use Java Compiling Python Interpreter
step :
1. Download installation package python-3.6.5.exe
- 3.x
- 2.x
2. install ( Fool installation )
3. Open the command line window , Input python The following appears
Python 3.6.5 (v3.6.5:f59c0932b4, Mar 28 2018, 16:07:46) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Python Interactive interface of

 When we type... On the command line Python, The interface you enter is Python Interactive interface of
structure :
Version and copyright notice :
Python 3.6.5 (v3.6.5:f59c0932b4, Mar 28 2018, 16:07:46) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
Command prompt :
You can type... Directly at the command prompt Python Instructions ! The input command will be Python The interpreter immediately executes !
install Python At the same time , Will automatically install a Python Development tools IDLE, adopt IDLE You can also go into interactive mode
But here's the difference , stay IDLE Through TAB Key to view the prompt of the statement .
IDLE It's actually an interactive interface , But he can have some simple tips , And you can save the code
Interaction mode only allows you to enter one line of code , It's about executing a line , So it doesn't apply to our daily development !
It can only be used to do some daily simple tests !
We usually will Python Code to a py In file , And then through python Command to execute the code in the file
practice :
Try to create one yourself py file , And write... To the file python Print statement (print...)
Then execute the file .
If the extension of your system cannot be modified , Please try your own baidu!

Python and Sublime Integration of

1. stay Sublime In the implementation of Python Code ,ctrl + b Automatically in Sublime Execute... In the built-in console
This kind of execution , In some versions of Sublime Chinese support for Chinese is not good , And can't use input() function
2. Use SublimeREPL To run the python Code
installation is complete , Set shortcut key , Hope to press f5 The current Python Code
{ "keys": ["f5"], "caption": "SublimeREPL:Python","command": "run_existing_window_command", "args":{"id": "repl_python_run","file": "config/Python/Main.sublime-menu"}},

Several concepts

1. expression
An expression is something like a mathematical formula
such as :10 + 5 8 - 4
Expressions generally only use to calculate some results , Will not have a substantial impact on the process
If you enter an expression in interactive mode , The interpreter will automatically output the result of the expression
2. sentence
Statements in a program generally need to perform certain functions , For example, print information 、 pick up information 、 Assign values to variables ...
such as :
a = 10
Statement execution will generally have a certain impact on the program
In interactive mode, the execution result of the statement is not necessarily output
3. Program (program)
A program is made up of statements and expressions .
4. function (function)
A function is a statement , Functions are designed to perform specific functions
The shape of a function is like :xxx()
Classification of functions :
Built in functions
- from Python Functions provided by the interpreter , Can be in Python You can use
Custom function
- Functions created by programmers
When we need to complete a function , You can call built-in functions , Or custom functions
Two elements of a function :
- () The contents of are the parameters of the function
- There can be no arguments in the function , There can also be multiple parameters , Use... Between multiple parameters , separate
Return value
- The return value is the return result of the function , Not all functions have return values

Basic grammar

1. stay Python Strictly case sensitive in
2.Python Each line in is a statement , Each statement ends with a new line
3.Python Do not make every statement in the ( It is recommended in the specification that each line should not exceed 80 Characters )
4. A statement can be written in multiple lines , In multiline writing, the statement is followed by \ ending
5.Python It's indented language , So in Python Don't indent in
6. stay Python Use in # To represent a comment ,# The latter are all comments , The content of the comment will be ignored by the interpreter
We can explain the program through comments , Be sure to develop a good habit of writing notes
Notes need to be simple and clear , In general, it's customary to # A space will follow

Literals and variables

 Literal quantity is a value of one , such as :1,2,3,4,5,6,‘HELLO’
Literal quantity means its literal value , In the program can be used directly literal
Variable (variable) Variable can be used to store literal amount , And the amount of literals stored in variables is variable
The variable itself doesn't mean anything , It will express different meanings according to different literal quantities
Generally when we are developing , Seldom use literal quantity directly , It's all about saving literals to variables , Use variables to reference literals

Variables and identifiers

data type

 The data type refers to the value type of the variable , That is, what values can be assigned to variables
The number
Boolean value
The plural
character string
Null value

Type checking

object (object)

- Python It is an object-oriented language
- Everything is the object !
- The program is running , All data is stored in memory and then run !
- An object is an area of memory dedicated to storing specified data
- Object is actually a container , Dedicated to storing data
- Like we learned before 、 character string 、 Boolean value 、None Are all objects
- Reference resources chart 1

Structure of objects

- There are three kinds of data to be saved in each object
- id( identification )
> id Used to identify the uniqueness of an object , Every object has a unique id
> Object's id It's the same as a person's ID number
> Can pass id() Function to view the id
> id It's generated by the parser , stay CPython in ,id Is the memory address of the object
> Object once created , Then it's id Never change again
- type( type )
> Type is used to identify the type of the current object
> such as :int str float bool ...
> Type determines what functions an object has
> adopt type() Function to see the type of object
> Python It's a strong type of language , Once an object is created, it cannot be modified
- value( value )
> Value is the specific data stored in the object
> For some object values can be changed
> Objects are divided into two categories , The variable object Immutable object
The value of a mutable object can be changed
The value of an immutable object cannot be changed , The objects we studied before are immutable objects
- Reference resources chart 2
practice : Try to draw the memory structure of the object by yourself .

Variables and objects

- Objects are not stored directly in variables , stay Python Middle variable is more like an alias for an object
- The value stored in the variable is not the value of the object , It's about the object id( Memory address ),
When we use variables , It's actually going through the object id Looking for objects
- Objects stored in variables , It will only change if the variable is reassigned
- Variables and variables are independent of each other , Modifying one variable does not affect the other
- Reference resources chart 3

Type conversion

- So called type conversion , Convert an object of one type to another
- Type conversion is not about changing the type of the object itself , Instead, create a new object based on the value of the current object

Operator ( The operator )

- Operators can operate on one or more values or various operations
- such as + 、-、= All belong to operators
- Classification of operators :
1. Arithmetic operator
2. Assignment operator
3. Comparison operator ( Relational operator )
4. Logical operators
5. Conditional operator ( Ternary operator )


01. Basic concepts .py

print('hello',' ha-ha ','abc')
a = 20

02. Basic grammar .py

# This is a print statement , Please don't panic when you see it 
# This is a comment 
# Comments are ignored by the interpreter 
# print(123+456) This line of code is annotated , Will not be executed 
print('abc') # This is a single line comment 

03. Variables and identifiers .py

# Python Using variables in , No declaration required , Just assign a value to the variable 
a = 10
# You can't use variables that haven't been assigned 
# If you use a variable that has not been assigned a value , Will report a mistake NameError: name 'b' is not defined
# print(b)
# Python Is a dynamic type of language , You can assign any type of value to a variable , You can also change the value of a variable 
a = 'hello'
# print(a)
# identifier 
# stay Python All the contents that can be named by themselves belong to identifier 
# such as : Variable name 、 Function name 、 Class name 
# Identifiers must follow the specification of identifiers 
# 1. Identifiers can contain letters 、 Numbers 、_, But you can't start with a number 
# Example :a_1 _a1 _1a
# 2. Identifier cannot be Python Keywords and reserved words in 
# Not recommended Python The function name in as an identifier , Because this will cause the function to be overridden 
# 3. Naming specification :
# stay Python Pay attention to two kinds of naming rules :
# Underline nomenclature 
# All letters lowercase , Use... Between words _ Division 
# max_length min_length hello_world xxx_yyy_zzz
# PASCAL nomenclature ( The name of the great hump ) 
# title case , Each word begins with a capital letter , The rest of the letters are lowercase 
# MaxLength MinLength HelloWorld XxxYyyZzz 
# If you use non-conforming identifiers , Will be an error SyntaxError: invalid syntax 
# practice : Try to define a few variables yourself ( More complicated , Try different nomenclature ), Then print some variables 
# What other naming conventions do you have to search through search engines 
_b123 = 20
# print(_b123)
# print = 123
# print(print)

04. The number .py

# stay Python There are three kinds of values : Integers 、 Floating point numbers ( decimal )、 The plural 
# stay Python All integers in are int type 
a = 10
b = 20
# Python There is no limit to the size of integers in , It can be an infinite integer 
# c = 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 ** 100
# If the number is too long , You can use underscores as separators 
c = 123_456_789
# d = 0123 10 A decimal number cannot be in 0 start 
# Other base integers , As long as it is digital printing, it must be displayed in decimal form 
# Binary system 0b start 
c = 0b10 # The binary 10
# octal 0o start 
c = 0o10
# Hexadecimal 0x start 
c = 0x10
# You can also use operators to operate on numbers , And it can guarantee the accuracy of integer operation 
c = -100
c = c + 3
# Floating point numbers ( decimal ), stay Python All the decimals in are float type 
c = 1.23
c = 4.56
# When calculating floating-point numbers , You may get an imprecise result 
c = 0.1 + 0.2 # 0.30000000000000004

05. character string .py

# character string (str)
# String is used to represent a piece of text information , String is the most commonly used data type in a program 
# stay Python The middle string needs to be enclosed in quotation marks 
s = 'hello'
# s = abc # Strings must be enclosed in quotation marks , Don't use non strings 
# Quotes can be double quotes , It can also be a single quotation mark , But be careful not to mix 
s = 'hello'
s = "hello"
# s = 'hello" Quotation marks cannot be mixed SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal
# The same quotes cannot be nested 
# s = " Confucius said :" Learn from time to time , Joy, joy, joy !""
s = ' Confucius said :" Learn from time to time , Joy, joy, joy !"'
# Long string 
# Single and double quotation marks cannot be used across lines 
s = ' Hoe standing grain gradually pawning a midday ,\
Sweat dripping under the grass ,\
Who knows what's on the plate ,\
Every grain is hard '
# Use triple quotes to represent a long string ''' """
# Triple quotes can wrap , And will keep the format in the string 
s = ''' Hoe standing grain gradually pawning a midday , Sweat dripping under the grass , Who knows what's on the plate , Every grain is hard '''
# Escape character 
# have access to \ As escape character , By escaping characters , You can use something special in a string 
# Example :
# \' Express '
# \" Express "
# \t Represents a tab 
# \n Represents a newline character 
# \\ Indicates a backslash 
# \uxxxx Express Unicode code 
s = " Confucius said :\" Learn from time to time ,\\\\n Joy, joy, joy !\""
s = '\u2250'

06. Formatted string .py

# Formatted string 
a = 'hello'
# Strings can also be added between 
# If you add two strings , Will automatically splice the two strings into one 
a = 'abc' + 'haha' + ' ha-ha '
# a = 123 
# Strings can only be added to other types , If you do it, you will have an exception TypeError: must be str, not int
# print("a = "+a) # It's written in Python Not common in 
a = 123
# print('a =',a)
# When creating a string , You can specify placeholders in the string 
# %s To represent any character in a string 
# %f Floating point placeholder 
# %d Integer placeholder 
b = 'Hello %s'%' The Monkey King '
b = 'hello %s Hello %s'%('tom',' The Monkey King ')
b = 'hello %3.5s'%'abcdefg' # %3.5s The length of the string is limited to 3-5 Between 
b = 'hello %s'%123.456
b = 'hello %.2f'%123.456
b = 'hello %d'%123.95
b = ' ha-ha '
# print('a = %s'%a)
# Formatted string , You can do this by adding a... Before the string f To create a formatted string 
# Variables can be embedded directly in the formatted string 
c = f'hello {
a} {
print(f'a = {
# practice Create a variable to hold your name , Then there are four ways to format strings 
# Show... On the command line , welcome xxx presence !

07. Copy string .py

# Create a variable to hold your name 
name = ' The Monkey King '
# There are four ways to output , welcome xxx presence 
# Concatenation 
print(' welcome '+name+' presence !')
# Multiple parameters 
print(' welcome ',name,' presence !')
# Place holder 
print(' welcome %s presence !'%name)
# Formatted string 
print(f' welcome {
name} presence !')
# Copy of string ( Multiply a string by a number )
a = 'abc'
# * To express multiplication in language 
# If you multiply a string by a number , The interpreter repeats the string a specified number of times and returns 
a = a * 20

08. Boolean and null values .py

# Boolean value (bool)
# Boolean value is mainly used for logical judgment 
# There are two Boolean values True and False
# True Said really False Said the false 
a = True
a = False
# print('a =',a)
# Boolean values are actually integers ,True Equivalent to 1,False Equivalent to 0
# print(1 + False)
# None( Null value )
# None Used specifically to indicate that there is no 
b = None

09. Type checking .py

# Pass the type check , Can check only values ( Variable ) The type of 
a = 123 # The number 
b = '123' # character string 
# print('a =',a)
# print('b =',b)、
# type() Used to check the type of value 
# This function returns the result of the check as a return value , You can receive the return value of a function through a variable 
c = type('123')
c = type(a)
# print(type(b))
print(type(1)) # <class 'int'>
print(type(1.5)) # <class 'float'>
print(type(True)) # <class 'bool'>
print(type('hello')) # <class 'str'>
print(type(None)) # <class 'NoneType'>

10. Type conversion .py

# Type conversion four functions int() float() str() bool()
# int() Can be used to convert other objects to integers 
# The rules :
# Boolean value :True -> 1 False -> 0
# Floating point numbers : Round directly , Omit the decimal point 
# character string : Legal integer string , Convert directly to the corresponding number 
# If it's not a legal integer string , False report ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '11.5'
# For other objects that cannot be converted to integers , Throw an exception directly ValueError
# float() and int() Almost the same , The difference is that it converts objects to floating-point numbers 
# str() You can convert an object to a string 
# True -> 'True'
# False -> 'False'
# 123 -> '123' 
# ...
# bool() You can convert objects to Boolean values , Any object can be converted to a Boolean value 
# The rules : All objects that represent emptiness are converted to False, The rest is converted into True
# The emptiness of which representations :0 、 None 、 '' ...
a = True
# call int() to a Convert to integer 
# int() Function does not affect the original variable , It converts the object to the specified type and returns it as a return value 
# If you want to change the original variable , You need to reassign the variable 
a = int(a)
a = False
a = int(a)
a = '123'
a = int(a)
a = 11.6
a = int(a)
a = '11.5'
# a = int(a)
a = None
# a = int(a)
a = 1
a = float(a)
a = False
a = float(a)
a = 123
a = str(a)
a = None
a = bool(a)
print('a =',a)
print('a The type is ',type(a))
# b = 456
# print('hello'+str(b))

11. Arithmetic operator .py

# Arithmetic operator 
# + The addition operator ( If it's an addition between two strings , String splicing will be performed )
# - Subtraction operators 
# * Multiplication operators ( If you multiply a string by a number , Then the string will be copied , Repeat the string a specified number of times )
# / Division operator , The result will always return a floating point type 
# // to be divisible by , Only the whole digits after calculation will be reserved , Always return to an integer 
# ** Power operation , Find the power of a value 
# % modulus , Find the remainder of the division of two numbers 
a = 10 + 5 # Calculation 
a = 'hello' + ' ' + 'world' # Concatenation 
a = 10 - 5 # Calculation 
a = 5 - True
a = a - 2 # With variable a The value of minus 2, And then assign it to a
# a = 'hello' - 'h' TypeError
a = 5 * 5
a = 10 / 5
a = 5 / 2
# a = 5 / 0 ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
a = 10 / 3
a = 10 // 3
a = 5 // 2
a = 2 ** 2
a = 10 ** 5
a = 16 ** 0.5 # seek 16 The square root of 
a = 10 % 5 # 0
a = 10 % 4 # 2
a = 10 % 3 # 1
a = 10 % 2 # 0
print("a =",a)

12. Assignment operator .py

# Assignment operator 
# = The value to the right of the equal sign can be assigned to the variable to the left of the equal sign 
# += a += 5 amount to a = a + 5 
# -= a -= 5 amount to a = a - 5 
# *= a *= 5 amount to a = a * 5 
# **= a **= 5 amount to a = a ** 5 
# /= a /= 5 amount to a = a / 5 
# //= a //= 5 amount to a = a // 5 
# %= a %= 5 amount to a = a % 5 
a = 10
# a = a + 5
# a += 5
a -= 5
a *= 5
a **= 2
a /= 25
a = 25.0 # When doing arithmetic operations on floating-point numbers , The result also returns a floating-point number 
a //= 5
a = 5
a %= 4
print('a =',a)

13. Relational operator .py

# Relational operator 
# Relational operators are used to compare the relationship between two values , Always return a Boolean value 
# If the relationship works , return True, Otherwise return to False
# > Compare left value with right value 
# >= Compare whether the value on the left is greater than or equal to the value on the right 
# < Compare left value with right value 
# <= Compare whether the value on the left is less than or equal to the value on the right 
# == Compare the values of two objects for equality 
# != Compare two objects for unequal values 
# Equality and inequality compare the value of an object , instead of id
# is Compare whether two objects are the same object , Compared to the object id
# is not Compare whether two objects are not the same object , Compared to the object id
result = 10 > 20 # False
result = 30 > 20 # True
result = 30 < 20 # False
result = 10 >= 10 # True
result = 2 > True # True
# result = 2 > '1' TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str'
# 0032 > 0031
result = '2' > '1' # True
result = '2' > '11' # True
# stay Python Two strings can be greater than ( be equal to ) Or less than ( be equal to ) Arithmetic ,
# When comparing strings , It's actually comparing strings Unicode code 
# Compare two strings of Unicode When coding , It's a bit by bit comparison 
# With this feature, strings can be sorted alphabetically , But it doesn't mean much to Chinese 
# Be careful : If you don't want to compare two strings Unicode code , It needs to be converted to numbers and then compared 
# 0061 > 0062
result = 'a' > 'b' # False
result = 'c' < 'd' # True
result = 'ab' > 'b' # False
# print(int('2') > int('11'))
result = 1 == 1 # True
result = 'hello' == 'hello' # True
result = 'abc' == 'bcd' # False
result = 'abc' != 'bcd' # True
result = 1 == True # True
result = 1 is True # False
result = 1 is not True # True
print('result =',result)

14. Logical operators .py

# Logical operators 
# Logical operators are mainly used to make some logical judgments 
# not Logic is not 
# not You can do a non operation on the value to the right of the symbol 
# For Boolean , Non operation will reverse it ,True change False,False change True
# For non Boolean values , The non operation will first convert it to a Boolean value , Then reverse 
# and Logic and 
# and The values on both sides of the symbol can be calculated 
# Only the values on both sides of the symbol are True when , Will return True, As long as there is one False Just go back to False
# And arithmetic is to find False Of 
# Python The sum operation in is short circuited and , If the first value is False, No longer look at the second value 
# or Logic or 
# or You can do or operate on the values on both sides of the symbol 
# Or just one of the two values True, It will return True
# Or arithmetic is to find True Of 
# Python The or operation in is short circuited or , If the first value is True, No longer look at the second value 
# practice :
# Try three logical operations on Boolean values 
# Try three logical operations on non Boolean values , And watch the results 
a = True
a = not a # Yes a Perform non operation 
a = 1
a = ''
a = not a
# print('a =',a)
result = True and True # True
result = True and False # False
result = False and True # False
result = False and False # False
# print(result) 
# True and print(' You guess I came out ?') The first value is True, Will see the second value , therefore print() Will execute 
# False and print(' You guess I came out ?') The first value is False, Don't look at the second value , therefore print() Not execute 
result = True or True # True
result = True or False # True
result = False or True # True
result = False or False # False
# print(result) 
# False or print(' You guess I came out ?') The first value is False, Keep looking at the second , So print statement execution 
# True or print(' You guess I came out ?') The first value is True, Don't look at the second , So the print statement doesn't execute 
# The sum or operation of a non Boolean value 
# When we do sum or operations on non Boolean values ,Python It will be treated as a Boolean operation , It will eventually return the original value 
# And the rules of operation 
# And arithmetic is to find False Of , If the first value is False, Then don't look at the second value 
# If the first value is False, Then directly return the first value , Otherwise return the second value 
# Or the rules of operation 
# Or arithmetic is to find True Of , If the first value is True, Then don't look at the second value 
# If the first value is True, Then directly return the first value , Otherwise return the second value 
# True and True
result = 1 and 2 # 2
# True and False
result = 1 and 0 # 0
# False and True
result = 0 and 1 # 0
# False and False
result = 0 and None # 0
# True or True
result = 1 or 2 # 1
# True or False
result = 1 or 0 # 1
# False or True
result = 0 or 1 # 1
# False or False
result = 0 or None # None

15. Conditional operator .py

# Conditional operator ( Ternary operator )
# grammar : sentence 1 if Conditional expression else sentence 2
# Execute the process :
# Conditional operators are executed , Will evaluate the conditional expression first 
# If the result is True, Then execute the statement 1, And return the execution result 
# If the result is False, Then execute the statement 2, And return the execution result 
# practice :
# Now there is a b c Three variables , There are three values in each of the three variables ,
# Get the maximum of the three values through the conditional operator 
# print(' Hello ') if False else print('Hello')
a = 30
b = 50
# print('a Is larger !') if a > b else print('b Is larger !')
# obtain a and b The greater of 
max = a if a > b else b

16. Operator precedence .py

a = 40
b = 50
c = 30
# Get the maximum of the three values through the conditional operator 
# max = a if a > b else b
# max = max if max > c else c
max = a if (a > b and a > c) else (b if b > c else c) # This is not recommended 
# max = a if (b < a > c) else (b if b > c else c)
# print(max)
# Operator precedence 
# As in Mathematics , stay Python Operations also have priority , For example, multiply and divide first Add or subtract after 
# The priority of operators can be queried according to the priority table ,
# The lower the position in the table, the higher the priority of the operator , The higher the priority, the higher the priority 
# If the priority is the same, calculate from left to right 
# A table of priorities , You know it's enough to have such a thing , Never remember 
# In the development process, if you encounter an unclear priority , You can change the order of operations through parentheses 
a = 1 + 2 * 3
# equally and high or high 
# If or High priority , Or two operators have the same priority 
# You need to do or operation first , Then the result is 3
# If and High priority , You should first calculate and calculate 
# Then the result is 1
a = 1 or 2 and 3
# print(a)
# Logical operators ( Add )
# Logical operators can be used in conjunction with 
result = 1 < 2 < 3 # amount to 1 < 2 and 2 < 3
result = 10 < 20 > 15

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