Hello everyone, meet again, Im your friend Quanstack Jun.What is the difference
目錄一、簡介1.1、分析:二、實現2.1、掃描:2.2、通信:2.3、利用:一、簡介1.1、分析:已經編寫了一個Metasploit 腳本, 用它黑掉了一台機器
完整腳本能掃描可能的目標, 利用MS08_067漏洞, 並通過暴力猜測密碼遠程執行一個進程。最後, 還要在main()函數中添加一些參數解析代碼,然後調用剛才編
import socket import sys import time import struct if len(sys.argv) < 2: prin
All learning summary: GreyZhang/g_serial: Some serial learning notes which may b
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全部學習匯總: GreyZhang/g_serial: Some serial learning notes which may be usefull in e
1. What are type annotationsstr:print(a)return btest(1,abc)As shown in the sampl
import numpy as npa=np.array([1,1,2,3,3,4,4])b=np.unique(a,return_counts=True)pr
1. Use common classes to implement enumerationIn Python, enumeration is the same
Existing data O[(lat,lon),etc] D[(lat,lon),etc] G[(lat,lon),etc]Among them there
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