package dbdemo;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Set;
* @hibernate.class table="Users"
* @author Ethan
* Represents a User
public class User {
private String userID;
private String userName;
private String password;
private String emailAddress;
private Date lastLogon;
private Set contacts;
private Set books;
private Address address;
* @hibernate.property column="EmailAddress" type="string"
* @return String
public String getEmailAddress() {
return emailAddress;
* @hibernate.property column="LastLogon" type="date"
* @return Date
public Date getLastLogon() {
return lastLogon;
* @hibernate.property column="Password" type="string"
* @return String
public String getPassword() {
return password;
* @hibernate.id generator-class="assigned" type="string"
* column="LogonID"
* @return String
public String getUserID() {
return userID;
* @hibernate.property column="Name" type="string"
* @return String
public String getUserName() {
return userName;
* @param string
public void setEmailAddress(String string) {
emailAddress = string;
* @param string
public void setLastLogon(Date date) {
lastLogon = date;
* @param string
public void setPassword(String string) {
password = string;
* @param string
public void setUserID(String string) {
userID = string;
* @param string
public void setUserName(String string) {
userName = string;
* @hibernate.set role="contacts" table="Contacts"
* cascade="all" readonly="true"
* @hibernate.collection-key column="User_ID"
* @hibernate.collection-one-to-many class="dbdemo.Contact"
* @return java.util.Set
public Set getContacts() {
return contacts;
* @param set
public void setContacts(Set set) {
contacts = set;
* @hibernate.set role="books" table="Book_User_Link"
* cascade="all" eadonly="true"
* @hibernate.collection-key column="UserID"
* @hibernate.collection-many-to-many
* class="dbdemo.Book" column="BookID"
* @return java.util.Set
public Set getBooks() {
return books;
* @param set
public void setBooks(Set set) {
books = set;
* @hibernate.one-to-one class="dbdemo.Address"
* @return dbdemo.Address
public Address getAddress() {
return address;
* @param address
public void setAddress(Address address) {
this.address = address;
//在test目錄下建立build.xml,其中<property name="xdoclet.home" value="C:/xdoclet-plugins-dist-1.0.4">為你所解壓的xdoclet目錄。 Ant build File build.xml
<project name="Hibernate Example" default="about" basedir=".">
<!-- The location where your xdoclet jar files reside -->
<property name="xdoclet.lib.home" value="c:/java_api/xdoclet-1.2b3/lib"/>
<target name="clean" depends="init" description="removes all directories
related to this build">
<delete dir="${dist}"/>
<target name="init" description="Initializes properties that are used by
other targets.">
<property name="dist" value="dist"/>
<target name="prepare" depends="init,clean" description="creates dist dir
<echo message="Creating required directories..."/>
<mkdir dir="${dist}"/>
<target name="hibernate" depends="prepare"
description="Generates Hibernate class descriptor files.">
<taskdef name="hibernatedoclet" classname="xdoclet.
modules.hibernate.HibernateDocletTask"> <classpath>
<fileset dir="${xdoclet.lib.home}">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<!-- Execute the hibernatedoclet task -->
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="**/dbdemo/*.java"/>
<hibernate version="2.0"/>
<target name="about" description="about this build file" depends="init">
<echo message=" Use this format for the arguments:"/>
<echo message=" ant hibernate"/>
<echo message=""/>
執行過程:Windows-->ShowView-->Other-->Ant文件裡面(Ant)-->在Ant空白處右鍵 -->Add Buildfiles-->選擇你要生成配置文件的bulild.xml文件點擊OK,讓後分別執行,所要生成的文件即可.趕快試試吧...