關於Weblogic Server重啟或log rotation導致server.log的i node number變化問題
前兩天同事問我一個問題,說是客戶那邊使用Tivoli分析weblogic server日志的時候,每當server重啟,Tivoli就出錯,說是FileId is changed。當時就懷疑可能跟server log的iNodeNumber有關。因為沒怎麼仔細看過weblogic server logging的代碼,也不是很確認。跟同事說,讓客戶通過 ls -i 確認一下對應的iNodeNumber。客戶反饋說:iNodeNumber沒有發生變化,崩潰,文件名沒變, iNodeNumber沒變,Tivoli說的FileId到底是什麼? FileSystem裡還有其他標識文件的東西?我有點開始懷疑這個客戶了,嘿嘿。 索性,自己做個測試吧。
首先看了看weblogic的代碼,log rotation的時候,只是調用了File.renameTo(),如下:
見鬼了, rename完了iNodeNumber還有不變的道理?看看JDK代碼再說,
1 public boolean renameTo(File dest) {
2 SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
3 if (security != null) {
4 security.checkWrite(path);
5 security.checkWrite(dest.path);
6 }
7 return fs.rename(this,dest);
8 }
1 public boolean rename(File f1,File f2) {
2 // Keep canonicalization caches in sync after file deletion
3 // and renaming operations. Could be more clever than this
4 // (i.e.,only remove/update affected entries) but probably
5 // not worth it since these entries expire after 30 seconds
6 // anyway.
7 cache.clear();
8 prefixCache.clear();
9 return rename0(f1,f2);
10 }
11 private native boolean rename0(File f1,File f2);
好了,現在看到了,rename0()是個native 操作,跟共享庫(.dll or .so)又扯上關系了。得, 沒有本地庫代碼,也看不到什麼實現了(不過個人感覺,本地實現調用應該是系統函數rename: int rename(const char *old,const char *new)),只能自己做實現了。寫了個小測試程序, 如下:
1 package com.bea.cs.test.file;
3 import java.io.File;
5 public class FileTest {
7 private File src = new File("test");
9 public static void main(String args[])
10 {
11 FileTest test = new FileTest();
12 test.run();
13 }
15 public void run()
16 {
17 rename("test1");
18 }
20 private boolean rename(String name)
21 {
22 boolean ret = false;
23 File dest = new File(name);
24 ret = src.renameTo(dest);
25 /*
26 * as src is renamed to dest,dest should hold the iNodeNumber of src
27 */
28 src = new File("test");
29 try
30 {
31 /*
32 * As has been renamed to dest,src should not exist again
33 * so we should create a new src file,or it will disappear when
34 * test exits. As a new file,src shuold get a new iNodeNumber
35 * that different from it's original value
36 */
37 if(!src.exists())
38 src.createNewFile();
39 }catch(Exception e)
40 {
41 e.printStackTrace();
42 }
43 return ret;
44 }
45 }
Test Reustlslsol6% ls -il
total 8
6033508 drwxr-xr-x 3 fjin staff 4096 Sep 26 23:48 com
6033514 -rw-r--r-- 1 fjin staff 0 Sep 26 23:56 test
slsol6% java com.bea.cs.test.file.FileTest
slsol6% ls -il
total 8
6033508 drwxr-xr-x 3 fjin staff 4096 Sep 26 23:48 com
6033506 -rw-r--r-- 1 fjin staff 0 Sep 27 01:03 test
6033514 -rw-r--r-- 1 fjin staff 0 Sep 26 23:56 test1
現在我這能懷疑客戶了, Tivoli報錯應該是正常的(Work as design),不過比較納悶的是:Tivoli為什麼要引用FileId,而不是FileName? 開始想改改weblogic的代碼,調用類似於 copy的操作,而不是rename。結果沒有看到File提供類似的API,而且如果這樣做的話,清空原先file內容也是個問題,於是作罷。