2 開發 J2ME項目
要創建一個 J2ME 應用程序,回到"File"菜單,選擇"New"項,並在子菜單中選擇"Other"。然後執行以下步驟:
(1). 進入"J2ME"選項,選擇"J2ME Midlet"並單擊"Next"(參見圖9)。
(2). 填上應用程序名,其他設置采用默認設置,並單擊"Finish"(參見圖10),完成應用程序創建。
圖 9. 創建 J2ME 應用程序 - 步驟 1
圖 10 創建 J2ME 應用程序 - 步驟2
清單 1. HelloWorld.java
* HelloWorld.java
* @author WanHui
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Display;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.TextBox;
import javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet;
public class HelloWorld extends MIDlet {
private TextBox textbox;
* Constructor of the HelloWorld class
public HelloWorld() {
textbox = new TextBox("", "Hello World!", 20, 0);
* The startApp method is used for starting or restarting a MIDlet.
* @see javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet#startApp()
public void startApp() {
* The pauseApp method is called by the system to ask a MIDlet to "pause"
* @see javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet#pauseApp()
public void pauseApp() {
* The destroyApp method is called by the system when the MIDlet is about to
* be destroyed
* @see javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet#destroyApp(boolean)
public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {
3 運行J2ME應用程序
要運行一個 J2ME 應用程序,選中一個應用程序,本文中為HelloWorld.java,然後回到"Run"菜單,選擇"Run As"項,並在子菜單中選擇"1 Emulated J2ME Midlet"。然後Eclipse會啟動J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.1中的模擬器得到運行結果見圖11。
圖 11 J2ME 應用程序運行結果