正如早先指出的那樣,程序片必須用Java 1.0編寫,使其能與絕大多數的浏覽器適應。也正是由於這個原因,我們產生的類數量應盡可能地少。所以我們在這兒不考慮使用前面設計好的Dgram類,而將數據報的所有維護工作都轉到代碼行中進行。此外,程序片要用一個線程監視由服務器傳回的響應信息,而非實現Runnable接口,用集成到程序片的一個獨立線程來做這件事情。當然,這樣做對代碼的可讀性不利,但卻能產生一個單類(以及單個服務器請求)程序片:
//: NameSender.java // An applet that sends an email address // as a datagram, using Java 1.02. import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; public class NameSender extends Applet implements Runnable { private Thread pl = null; private Button send = new Button( "Add email address to mailing list"); private TextField t = new TextField( "type your email address here", 40); private String str = new String(); private Label l = new Label(), l2 = new Label(); private DatagramSocket s; private InetAddress hostAddress; private byte[] buf = new byte[NameCollector.BUFFER_SIZE]; private DatagramPacket dp = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length); private int vcount = 0; public void init() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Panel p = new Panel(); p.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1)); p.add(t); p.add(send); add("North", p); Panel labels = new Panel(); labels.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1)); labels.add(l); labels.add(l2); add("Center", labels); try { // Auto-assign port number: s = new DatagramSocket(); hostAddress = InetAddress.getByName( getCodeBase().getHost()); } catch(UnknownHostException e) { l.setText("Cannot find host"); } catch(SocketException e) { l.setText("Can't open socket"); } l.setText("Ready to send your email address"); } public boolean action (Event evt, Object arg) { if(evt.target.equals(send)) { if(pl != null) { // pl.stop(); Deprecated in Java 1.2 Thread remove = pl; pl = null; remove.interrupt(); } l2.setText(""); // Check for errors in email name: str = t.getText().toLowerCase().trim(); if(str.indexOf(' ') != -1) { l.setText("Spaces not allowed in name"); return true; } if(str.indexOf(',') != -1) { l.setText("Commas not allowed in name"); return true; } if(str.indexOf('@') == -1) { l.setText("Name must include '@'"); l2.setText(""); return true; } if(str.indexOf('@') == 0) { l.setText("Name must preceed '@'"); l2.setText(""); return true; } String end = str.substring(str.indexOf('@')); if(end.indexOf('.') == -1) { l.setText("Portion after '@' must " + "have an extension, such as '.com'"); l2.setText(""); return true; } // Everything's OK, so send the name. Get a // fresh buffer, so it's zeroed. For some // reason you must use a fixed size rather // than calculating the size dynamically: byte[] sbuf = new byte[NameCollector.BUFFER_SIZE]; str.getBytes(0, str.length(), sbuf, 0); DatagramPacket toSend = new DatagramPacket( sbuf, 100, hostAddress, NameCollector.COLLECTOR_PORT); try { s.send(toSend); } catch(Exception e) { l.setText("Couldn't send datagram"); return true; } l.setText("Sent: " + str); send.setLabel("Re-send"); pl = new Thread(this); pl.start(); l2.setText( "Waiting for verification " + ++vcount); } else return super.action(evt, arg); return true; } // The thread portion of the applet watches for // the reply to come back from the server: public void run() { try { s.receive(dp); } catch(Exception e) { l2.setText("Couldn't receive datagram"); return; } l2.setText(new String(dp.getData(), 0, 0, dp.getLength())); } } ///:~
action()方法只負責監視我們是否按下了“發送”(send)按鈕。記住,我們已被限制在Java 1.0上面,所以不能再用較靈活的內部類了。按鈕按下以後,采取的第一項行動便是檢查線程pl,看看它是否為null(空)。如果不為null,表明有一個活動線程正在運行。消息首次發出時,會啟動一個新線程,用它監視來自服務器的回應。所以假若有個線程正在運行,就意味著這並非用戶第一次發送消息。pl句柄被設為null,同時中止原來的監視者(這是最合理的一種做法,因為stop()已被Java 1.2“反對”,這在前一章已解釋過了)。
1. Web頁
當然,程序片必須放到一個Web頁裡。下面列出完整的Web頁源碼;稍微研究一下就可看出,我用它從自己開辦的郵寄列表(Mailling List)裡自動收集名字。
<HTML> <HEAD> <META CONTENT="text/html"> <TITLE> Add Yourself to Bruce Eckel's Java Mailing List </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY LINK="#0000ff" VLINK="#800080" BGCOLOR="#ffffff"> <FONT SIZE=6><P> Add Yourself to Bruce Eckel's Java Mailing List </P></FONT> The applet on this page will automatically add your email address to the mailing list, so you will receive update information about changes to the online version of "Thinking in Java," notification when the book is in print, information about upcoming Java seminars, and notification about the “Hands-on Java Seminar” Multimedia CD. Type in your email address and press the button to automatically add yourself to this mailing list. <HR> <applet code=NameSender width=400 height=100> </applet> <HR> If after several tries, you do not get verification it means that the Java application on the server is having problems. In this case, you can add yourself to the list by sending email to <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]"> [email protected]</A> </BODY> </HTML>