若對char,byte或者short進行移位處理,那麼在移位進行之前,它們會自動轉換成一個int。只有右側的5個低位才會用到。這樣可防止我們在一個int數裡移動不切實際的位數。若對一個long值進行處理,最後得到的結果也是long。此時只會用到右側的6個低位,防止移動超過long值裡現成的位數。但在進行“無符號”右移位時,也可能遇到一個問題。若對byte或short值進行右移位運算,得到的可能不是正確的結果(Java 1.0和Java 1.1特別突出)。它們會自動轉換成int類型,並進行右移位。但“零擴展”不會發生,所以在那些情況下會得到-1的結果。可用下面這個例子檢測自己的實現方案:
//: URShift.java // Test of unsigned right shift public class URShift { public static void main(String[] args) { int i = -1; i >>>= 10; System.out.println(i); long l = -1; l >>>= 10; System.out.println(l); short s = -1; s >>>= 10; System.out.println(s); byte b = -1; b >>>= 10; System.out.println(b); } } ///:~
//: BitManipulation.java // Using the bitwise operators import java.util.*; public class BitManipulation { public static void main(String[] args) { Random rand = new Random(); int i = rand.nextInt(); int j = rand.nextInt(); pBinInt("-1", -1); pBinInt("+1", +1); int maxpos = 2147483647; pBinInt("maxpos", maxpos); int maxneg = -2147483648; pBinInt("maxneg", maxneg); pBinInt("i", i); pBinInt("~i", ~i); pBinInt("-i", -i); pBinInt("j", j); pBinInt("i & j", i & j); pBinInt("i | j", i | j); pBinInt("i ^ j", i ^ j); pBinInt("i << 5", i << 5); pBinInt("i >> 5", i >> 5); pBinInt("(~i) >> 5", (~i) >> 5); pBinInt("i >>> 5", i >>> 5); pBinInt("(~i) >>> 5", (~i) >>> 5); long l = rand.nextLong(); long m = rand.nextLong(); pBinLong("-1L", -1L); pBinLong("+1L", +1L); long ll = 9223372036854775807L; pBinLong("maxpos", ll); long lln = -9223372036854775808L; pBinLong("maxneg", lln); pBinLong("l", l); pBinLong("~l", ~l); pBinLong("-l", -l); pBinLong("m", m); pBinLong("l & m", l & m); pBinLong("l | m", l | m); pBinLong("l ^ m", l ^ m); pBinLong("l << 5", l << 5); pBinLong("l >> 5", l >> 5); pBinLong("(~l) >> 5", (~l) >> 5); pBinLong("l >>> 5", l >>> 5); pBinLong("(~l) >>> 5", (~l) >>> 5); } static void pBinInt(String s, int i) { System.out.println( s + ", int: " + i + ", binary: "); System.out.print(" "); for(int j = 31; j >=0; j--) if(((1 << j) & i) != 0) System.out.print("1"); else System.out.print("0"); System.out.println(); } static void pBinLong(String s, long l) { System.out.println( s + ", long: " + l + ", binary: "); System.out.print(" "); for(int i = 63; i >=0; i--) if(((1L << i) & l) != 0) System.out.print("1"); else System.out.print("0"); System.out.println(); } } ///:~
-1, int: -1, binary: 11111111111111111111111111111111 +1, int: 1, binary: 00000000000000000000000000000001 maxpos, int: 2147483647, binary: 01111111111111111111111111111111 maxneg, int: -2147483648, binary: 10000000000000000000000000000000 i, int: 59081716, binary: 00000011100001011000001111110100 ~i, int: -59081717, binary: 11111100011110100111110000001011 -i, int: -59081716, binary: 11111100011110100111110000001100 j, int: 198850956, binary: 00001011110110100011100110001100 i & j, int: 58720644, binary: 00000011100000000000000110000100 i | j, int: 199212028, binary: 00001011110111111011101111111100 i ^ j, int: 140491384, binary: 00001000010111111011101001111000 i << 5, int: 1890614912, binary: 01110000101100000111111010000000 i >> 5, int: 1846303, binary: 00000000000111000010110000011111 (~i) >> 5, int: -1846304, binary: 11111111111000111101001111100000 i >>> 5, int: 1846303, binary: 00000000000111000010110000011111 (~i) >>> 5, int: 132371424, binary: 00000111111000111101001111100000