排序二叉樹的描寫也是一個遞歸的描寫, 所以排序二叉樹的結構天然也用遞歸的:
package test.sort; public class BinaryNode { private int value;//current value private BinaryNode lChild;//left child private BinaryNode rChild;//right child public BinaryNode(int value, BinaryNode l, BinaryNode r){ this.value = value; this.lChild = l; this.rChild = r; } public BinaryNode getLChild() { return lChild; } public void setLChild(BinaryNode child) { lChild = child; } public BinaryNode getRChild() { return rChild; } public void setRChild(BinaryNode child) { rChild = child; } public int getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(int value) { this.value = value; } //iterate all node. public static void iterate(BinaryNode root){ if(root.lChild!=null){ iterate(root.getLChild()); } System.out.print(root.getValue() + " "); if(root.rChild!=null){ iterate(root.getRChild()); } } /** * add child to the current node to construct a tree. * Time: O( nlog(n) ) * **/ public void addChild(int n){ if(n<value){ if(lChild!=null){ lChild.addChild(n); } else{ lChild = new BinaryNode(n, null, null); } } else{ if(rChild!=null){ rChild.addChild(n); } else{ rChild = new BinaryNode(n, null, null); } } } //test case. public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println(); int[] arr = new int[]{23,54,1,65,9,3,100}; BinaryNode root = new BinaryNode(arr[0], null, null); for(int i=1; i<arr.length; i++){ root.addChild(arr[i]); } BinaryNode.iterate(root); } }
原來認為很簡略,做的時刻才曉得有點難。如果感興致, 你也能夠嘗嘗。
package; //在網上找的,據說照樣老字竹原創。代碼簡練,然則我費了好年夜的功副消化 import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Folder { public Folder(String title) { this.title = title; } private String title; private List<Folder> children = new ArrayList<Folder>(); public void addChild(Folder f) { children.add(f); } public List<Folder> getChildren() { return children; } public void setChildren(List<Folder> children) { this.children = children; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String toString(String lftStr, String append) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(append + title); b.append("/n"); if (children.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < children.size() - 1; i++) { b.append(lftStr+ children.get(i).toString(lftStr + "│ ", "├-")); } b.append(lftStr+ children.get(children.size() - 1).toString(lftStr + " ","└-")); } return b.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { Folder root = new Folder("菜單列表"); Folder f1 = new Folder("開端菜單"); root.addChild(f1); Folder f1_1 = new Folder("法式"); f1.addChild(f1_1); Folder f1_1_1 = new Folder("附件"); f1_1.addChild(f1_1_1); Folder f1_1_1_1 = new Folder("文娛"); f1_1_1.addChild(f1_1_1_1); Folder f1_1_1_2 = new Folder("文娛2"); f1_1_1.addChild(f1_1_1_2); Folder f1_2 = new Folder("幫助對象"); f1.addChild(f1_2); System.out.println(root.toString(" ", "$")); } } //************************************** //經由消化以後我修正的。可打印文件構造 import*; public class DocTree { File root = null; public DocTree(File f){ this.root = f; } public static void main(String[] args){ File root = new File("c://test"); DocTree tree = new DocTree(root); System.out.println(tree.toString(" ", "")); } public String toString(String leftStr, String append){ StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(append + root.getName()); b.append("/n"); if(!root.isFile()&&root.listFiles().length!=0){ File[] files = root.listFiles(); DocTree[] docTrees = new DocTree[files.length]; for(int i=0; i<docTrees.length; i++){ docTrees[i] = new DocTree(files[i]); } for (int i=0; i<files.length-1; i++){ b.append(leftStr + docTrees[i].toString(leftStr+"│", "├")); } b.append(leftStr + docTrees[docTrees.length-1].toString(leftStr + " ", "└")); } return b.toString(); } } //***************************************** //然後我照樣認為懂得起來不便利, 過幾天說不定就忘卻了, //照樣本身寫一個, 固然思惟照抄, 但我認為本身的懂得起來很便利。 //帶正文, import*; public class Tree { File root = null; public Tree(File f){ this.root = f; } /** test ├1 │├目次1.txt │├目次11 ││├111.txt ││└112.txt │└12 └test.pdf */ /** * @param root 以後正在被掃描的根文件 * @param childLeftStr 假如該文件有孩子,childLeftStr * 表現孩子節點的左面應當打印出來的構造性信息 * 拿下面的例子來講,根結點test的孩子的左面的 * 構造信息為"" 空,結點"目次11"的孩子的構造信息為"││", * @param junction 結點圖標,假如是該結點是它父親的最初一個結點, * 則為"└",不然為"├". */ public void showTree(File root, String childLeftStr, String junction){ //打印結點的信息 System.out.println(junction + root.getName()); //假如有孩子, 並且孩子的數量不為0 if(!root.isFile()&&root.listFiles().length!=0){ File[] files = root.listFiles(); //結構孩子結點 Tree[] children = new Tree[files.length]; for(int i=0; i<files.length; i++){ children[i] = new Tree(files[i]); } //打印孩子結點 for(int i=0; i<children.length-1; i++){ //對一切的孩子結點,先打印出右邊的構造信息, System.out.print(childLeftStr); //遞歸挪用showTree, 留意參數有所變更,文件加的深度增長的時刻 ,它的孩子的構造信息也會 //增長,假如不是最初一個孩子,則構造信息需加上"│"。 showTree(children[i].root,childLeftStr+"│", "├"); } //最初一個孩子須要特別處置 //打印構造信息 System.out.print(childLeftStr); //假如是最初一個孩子,則構造信息需加上" "。 //結點外形也調劑為"└" showTree(children[files.length-1].root, childLeftStr+" ","└"); } } public static void main(String[] args) { File f = new File("C://test"); Tree t = new Tree(f); t.showTree(f,"", ""); } }