單JVM內同步好辦, 直接用JDK供給的鎖便可以了,然則跨過程同步靠這個確定是弗成能的,這類情形下確定要借助第三方,我這裡完成用Redis,固然還有許多其他的完成方法。其實基於Redis完成的道理還算比擬簡略的,在看代碼之前建議年夜家先去看看道理,看懂了以後看代碼應當就輕易懂得了。
package cc.lixiaohui.lock; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public interface Lock { /** * 壅塞性的獲得鎖, 不呼應中止 */ void lock; /** * 壅塞性的獲得鎖, 呼應中止 * * @throws InterruptedException */ void lockInterruptibly throws InterruptedException; /** * 測驗考試獲得鎖, 獲得不到立刻前往, 不壅塞 */ boolean tryLock; /** * 超時主動前往的壅塞性的獲得鎖, 不呼應中止 * * @param time * @param unit * @return {@code true} 若勝利獲得到鎖, {@code false} 若在指准時間內未���取到鎖 * */ boolean tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit); /** * 超時主動前往的壅塞性的獲得鎖, 呼應中止 * * @param time * @param unit * @return {@code true} 若勝利獲得到鎖, {@code false} 若在指准時間內未獲得到鎖 * @throws InterruptedException 在測驗考試獲得鎖確當前哨程被中止 */ boolean tryLockInterruptibly(long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException; /** * 釋放鎖 */ void unlock; }
package cc.lixiaohui.lock; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * 鎖的骨架完成, 真實的獲得鎖的步調由子類去完成. * * @author lixiaohui * */ public abstract class AbstractLock implements Lock { /** * <pre> * 這裡需不須要包管可見性值得評論辯論, 由於是散布式的鎖, * 1.統一個jvm的多個線程應用分歧的鎖對象其實也是可以的, 這類情形下不須要包管可見性 * 2.統一個jvm的多個線程應用統一個鎖對象, 那可見性就必需要包管了. * </pre> */ protected volatile boolean locked; /** * 以後jvm內持有該鎖的線程(if have one) */ private Thread exclusiveOwnerThread; public void lock { try { lock(false, 0, null, false); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO ignore } } public void lockInterruptibly throws InterruptedException { lock(false, 0, null, true); } public boolean tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit) { try { return lock(true, time, unit, false); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO ignore } return false; } public boolean tryLockInterruptibly(long time, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { return lock(true, time, unit, true); } public void unlock { // TODO 檢討以後線程能否持有鎖 if (Thread.currentThread != getExclusiveOwnerThread) { throw new IllegalMonitorStateException("current thread does not hold the lock"); } unlock0; setExclusiveOwnerThread(null); } protected void setExclusiveOwnerThread(Thread thread) { exclusiveOwnerThread = thread; } protected final Thread getExclusiveOwnerThread { return exclusiveOwnerThread; } protected abstract void unlock0; /** * 壅塞式獲得鎖的完成 * * @param useTimeout * @param time * @param unit * @param interrupt 能否呼應中止 * @return * @throws InterruptedException */ protected abstract boolean lock(boolean useTimeout, long time, TimeUnit unit, boolean interrupt) throws InterruptedException; }
package cc.lixiaohui.lock; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; /** * <pre> * 基於Redis的SETNX操作完成的散布式鎖 * * 獲得鎖時最好用lock(long time, TimeUnit unit), 以避免網路成績而招致線程一向壅塞 * * <a href="http://redis.io/commands/setnx">SETNC操作參考材料</a> * </pre> * * @author lixiaohui * */ public class RedisBasedDistributedLock extends AbstractLock { private Jedis jedis; // 鎖的名字 protected String lockKey; // 鎖的有用時長(毫秒) protected long lockExpires; public RedisBasedDistributedLock(Jedis jedis, String lockKey, long lockExpires) { this.jedis = jedis; this.lockKey = lockKey; this.lockExpires = lockExpires; } // 壅塞式獲得鎖的完成 protected boolean lock(boolean useTimeout, long time, TimeUnit unit, boolean interrupt) throws InterruptedException{ if (interrupt) { checkInterruption; } long start = System.currentTimeMillis; long timeout = unit.toMillis(time); // if !useTimeout, then it's useless while (useTimeout ? isTimeout(start, timeout) : true) { if (interrupt) { checkInterruption; } long lockExpireTime = System.currentTimeMillis + lockExpires + 1;//鎖超不時間 String stringOfLockExpireTime = String.valueOf(lockExpireTime); if (jedis.setnx(lockKey, stringOfLockExpireTime) == 1) { // 獲得到鎖 // TODO 勝利獲得到鎖, 設置相干標識 locked = true; setExclusiveOwnerThread(Thread.currentThread); return true; } String value = jedis.get(lockKey); if (value != null && isTimeExpired(value)) { // lock is expired // 假定多個線程(非單jvm)同時走到這裡 String oldValue = jedis.getSet(lockKey, stringOfLockExpireTime); // getset is atomic // 然則走到這裡時每一個線程拿到的oldValue確定弗成能一樣(由於getset是原子性的) // 參加拿到的oldValue仍然是expired的,那末就解釋拿到鎖了 if (oldValue != null && isTimeExpired(oldValue)) { // TODO 勝利獲得到鎖, 設置相干標識 locked = true; setExclusiveOwnerThread(Thread.currentThread); return true; } } else { // TODO lock is not expired, enter next loop retrying } } return false; } public boolean tryLock { long lockExpireTime = System.currentTimeMillis + lockExpires + 1;//鎖超不時間 String stringOfLockExpireTime = String.valueOf(lockExpireTime); if (jedis.setnx(lockKey, stringOfLockExpireTime) == 1) { // 獲得到鎖 // TODO 勝利獲得到鎖, 設置相干標識 locked = true; setExclusiveOwnerThread(Thread.currentThread); return true; } String value = jedis.get(lockKey); if (value != null && isTimeExpired(value)) { // lock is expired // 假定多個線程(非單jvm)同時走到這裡 String oldValue = jedis.getSet(lockKey, stringOfLockExpireTime); // getset is atomic // 然則走到這裡時每一個線程拿到的oldValue確定弗成能一樣(由於getset是原子性的) // 假設拿到的oldValue仍然是expired的,那末就解釋拿到鎖了 if (oldValue != null && isTimeExpired(oldValue)) { // TODO 勝利獲得到鎖, 設置相干標識 locked = true; setExclusiveOwnerThread(Thread.currentThread); return true; } } else { // TODO lock is not expired, enter next loop retrying } return false; } /** * Queries if this lock is held by any thread. * * @return {@code true} if any thread holds this lock and * {@code false} otherwise */ public boolean isLocked { if (locked) { return true; } else { String value = jedis.get(lockKey); // TODO 這裡實際上是有成績的, 想:當get辦法前往value後, 假定這個value曾經是過時的了, // 而就在這剎時, 另外一個節點set了value, 這時候鎖是被其余線程(節點持有), 而接上去的斷定 // 是檢測不出這類情形的.不外這個成績應當不會招致其它的成績湧現, 由於這個辦法的目標原來就 // 不是同步掌握, 它只是一種鎖狀況的申報. return !isTimeExpired(value); } } @Override protected void unlock0 { // TODO 斷定鎖能否過時 String value = jedis.get(lockKey); if (!isTimeExpired(value)) { doUnlock; } } private void checkInterruption throws InterruptedException { if(Thread.currentThread.isInterrupted) { throw new InterruptedException; } } private boolean isTimeExpired(String value) { return Long.parseLong(value) < System.currentTimeMillis; } private boolean isTimeout(long start, long timeout) { return start + timeout > System.currentTimeMillis; } private void doUnlock { jedis.del(lockKey); } }
並完成lock(boolean useTimeout, long time, TimeUnit unit, boolean interrupt)
, unlock0
package cc.lixiaohui.lock; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * 模仿ID生成 * @author lixiaohui * */ public class IDGenerator { private static BigInteger id = BigInteger.valueOf(0); private final Lock lock; private static final BigInteger INCREMENT = BigInteger.valueOf(1); public IDGenerator(Lock lock) { this.lock = lock; } public String getAndIncrement { if (lock.tryLock(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { try { // TODO 這裡獲得到鎖, 拜訪臨界區資本 return getAndIncrement0; } finally { lock.unlock; } } return null; //return getAndIncrement0; } private String getAndIncrement0 { String s = id.toString; id = id.add(INCREMENT); return s; } }
package cc.lixiaohui.DistributedLock.DistributedLock; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.junit.Test; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; import cc.lixiaohui.lock.IDGenerator; import cc.lixiaohui.lock.Lock; import cc.lixiaohui.lock.RedisBasedDistributedLock; public class IDGeneratorTest { private static Set<String> generatedIds = new HashSet<String>; private static final String LOCK_KEY = "lock.lock"; private static final long LOCK_EXPIRE = 5 * 1000; @Test public void test throws InterruptedException { Jedis jedis1 = new Jedis("localhost", 6379); Lock lock1 = new RedisBasedDistributedLock(jedis1, LOCK_KEY, LOCK_EXPIRE); IDGenerator g1 = new IDGenerator(lock1); IDConsumeMission consume1 = new IDConsumeMission(g1, "consume1"); Jedis jedis2 = new Jedis("localhost", 6379); Lock lock2 = new RedisBasedDistributedLock(jedis2, LOCK_KEY, LOCK_EXPIRE); IDGenerator g2 = new IDGenerator(lock2); IDConsumeMission consume2 = new IDConsumeMission(g2, "consume2"); Thread t1 = new Thread(consume1); Thread t2 = new Thread(consume2); t1.start; t2.start; Thread.sleep(20 * 1000); //讓兩個線程跑20秒 IDConsumeMission.stop; t1.join; t2.join; } static String time { return String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis / 1000); } static class IDConsumeMission implements Runnable { private IDGenerator idGenerator; private String name; private static volatile boolean stop; public IDConsumeMission(IDGenerator idGenerator, String name) { this.idGenerator = idGenerator; this.name = name; } public static void stop { stop = true; } public void run { System.out.println(time + ": consume " + name + " start "); while (!stop) { String id = idGenerator.getAndIncrement; if(generatedIds.contains(id)) { System.out.println(time + ": duplicate id generated, id = " + id); stop = true; continue; } generatedIds.add(id); System.out.println(time + ": consume " + name + " add id = " + id); } System.out.println(time + ": consume " + name + " done "); } } }