相當的明了,也沒有盤踞過剩的內存。呵呵,重要就是*創立Mutable Image,然後修正Alpha, drawRGB到Mutable Image裡面,其他就未幾說了,有想用不明白的朋友就盡管問好了。。。
// 結構函數第二個參數是表現是否循環漸現漸隱, false不循環,true循環。
// 結構函數第三個參數(可選)是Alpha的變更因子,正數是漸現, 負數是漸隱,推薦值(5到20, 或者-20到-5)
FadingImage fimg = new FadingImage("picture.png", false);
// 在循環裡
* Copyright (c) 2007 Gimware Studio
* Author:
* Liang ([email protected])
* Class of fading Image
import Javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import Javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import Javax.microedition.lcdui.game.*;
import Java.io.*;
class FadingImage {
private Image fadingImage;
private int[] fadingRGB;
private Graphics fadingGraphics;
private boolean needLoop; // need loop of not
private int lowAlpha;
private int highAlpha;
private int nowAlpha; // current alpha
private int incAlpha; // increment of fading
private void createFadingImage(String name, boolean loop, int lAlpha,
int hAlpha, int now, int inc) {
Image rawImage = null;
try {
rawImage = Image.createImage(name);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Can't create rawImage");
fadingRGB = new int[rawImage.getWidth() * rawImage.getHeight()];
rawImage.getRGB(fadingRGB, 0, rawImage.getWidth(), 0, 0, rawImage
.getWidth(), rawImage.getHeight());
// create mutable image
fadingImage = Image.createImage(rawImage.getWidth(), rawImage
fadingGraphics = fadingImage.getGraphics();
rawImage = null; // Useless now, gc it
needLoop = loop;
lowAlpha = lAlpha;
highAlpha = hAlpha;
nowAlpha = now;
incAlpha = inc;
public FadingImage(String name, boolean loop) {
createFadingImage(name, loop, 0, 255, 0, 20);
public FadingImage(String name, boolean loop, int inc) {
if (inc > 0) // increment
createFadingImage(name, loop, 0, 255, 0, inc);
// decrement
createFadingImage(name, loop, 0, 255, 255, inc);
public void fading() {
nowAlpha += incAlpha;
if (nowAlpha >= highAlpha) {
nowAlpha = highAlpha;
if (needLoop) {
// reverse fading
incAlpha = -1 * incAlpha;
} else {
// don't need fade anymore
} else if (nowAlpha <= lowAlpha) {
nowAlpha = lowAlpha;
if (needLoop) {
// reverse fading
incAlpha = -1 * incAlpha;
} else {
// don't need fade anymore
// fade RGB
fadingGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, fadingImage.getWidth(), fadingImage
// update the mutable image
fadingGraphics.drawRGB(fadingRGB, 0, fadingImage.getWidth(), 0, 0,
fadingImage.getWidth(), fadingImage.getHeight(), true);
public void draw(Graphics g) {
g.drawImage(fadingImage, 0, 0, 0);
private void blend(int alphaValue, int maskColor, int dontmaskColor) {
int len = fadingRGB.length;
// Start loop through all the pixels in the image.
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int a = 0;
int color = (fadingRGB & 0x00FFFFFF); // get the RGB of the pixel.
if (maskColor == color) {
a = 0;
} else if (dontmaskColor == color) {
a = 255;
} else if (alphaValue > 0) {
a = alphaValue; // set the alpha value
a = (a << 24); // left shift the alpha value 24 bits.
color += a;
fadingRGB = color; // update the value of the pixel
private void blend(int alphaValue) {
blend(alphaValue, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);