 程式師世界 >> 編程語言 >> JAVA編程 >> JAVA綜合教程 >> [Bug]Linux內核啟動過程中,ramdisk加載失敗,系統崩潰




  1. RAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at 0.
  2. UDF-fs: No partition found (1)
  3. NILFS: Can't find nilfs on dev ram0.
  4. (1,15):ocfs2_fill_super:1001 ERROR: superblock probe
  5. VFS: Cannot open root device "ram0" or unknown-block(1,0)
  6. Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions:
  7. 0800 8003520 sda driver: sd
  8. 0801 14048 sda1
  9. 0804 1 sda4
  10. 0805 393057 sda5
  11. 0806 102400 sda6
  12. 0807 7488690 sda7
  13. Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(1,0)
  14. Unable to load '/system/dump '.
  15. Pid: 1, comm: swapper Not tainted #23
  16. Call Trace:

  17. UTC time : 2005-1-1 0:14:52
  18. [] panic+0x7a/0x12d
  19. [] mount_block_root+0x257/0x275
  20. [] mount_root+0x56/0x5a
  21. [] prepare_namespace+0x16b/0x198
  22. [] kernel_init+0x178/0x188
  23. [] child_rip+0xa/0x20
  24. [] ? kernel_init+0x0/0x188
  25. [] ? child_rip+0x0/0x20
首先看到Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at 0.
  1. static int __init
  2. identify_ramdisk_image(int fd, int start_block, decompress_fn *decompressor)
  3. {
  4. const int size = 512;
  5. struct minix_super_block *minixsb;
  6. struct ext2_super_block *ext2sb;
  7. struct romfs_super_block *romfsb;
  8. struct cramfs_super *cramfsb;
  9. struct squashfs_super_block *squashfsb;
  10. int nblocks = -1;
  11. unsigned char *buf;
  12. const char *compress_name;
  13. int i = 0;

  14. buf = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
  15. if (!buf)
  16. return -1;

  17. minixsb = (struct minix_super_block *) buf;
  18. ext2sb = (struct ext2_super_block *) buf;
  19. romfsb = (struct romfs_super_block *) buf;
  20. cramfsb = (struct cramfs_super *) buf;
  21. squashfsb = (struct squashfs_super_block *) buf;
  22. memset(buf, 0xe5, size);

  23. /*
  24. * Read block 0 to test for compressed kernel
  25. */
  26. sys_lseek(fd, start_block * BLOCK_SIZE, 0);
  27. sys_read(fd, buf, size);
  28. // Eric Ju Jul 27th 2016
  29. printk("start_block:%d\n",start_block);
  30. for(i=0;i
  31. printk("0x%x ",*(buf+i));
  32. printk("\n");

  33. *decompressor = decompress_method(buf, size, &compress_name);
  34. if (compress_name) {
  35. printk(KERN_NOTICE "RAMDISK: %s image found at block %d\n",
  36. compress_name, start_block);
  37. if (!*decompressor)
  38. printk(KERN_EMERG
  39. "RAMDISK: %s decompressor not configured!\n",
  40. compress_name);
  41. nblocks = 0;
  42. goto done;
  43. }

  44. /* romfs is at block zero too */
  45. if (romfsb->word0 == ROMSB_WORD0 &&
  46. romfsb->word1 == ROMSB_WORD1) {
  47. printk(KERN_NOTICE
  48. "RAMDISK: romfs filesystem found at block %d\n",
  49. start_block);
  50. nblocks = (ntohl(romfsb->size)+BLOCK_SIZE-1)>>BLOCK_SIZE_BITS;
  51. goto done;
  52. }

  53. if (cramfsb->magic == CRAMFS_MAGIC) {
  54. printk(KERN_NOTICE
  55. "RAMDISK: cramfs filesystem found at block %d\n",
  56. start_block);
  57. nblocks = (cramfsb->size + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) >> BLOCK_SIZE_BITS;
  58. goto done;
  59. }

  60. /* squashfs is at block zero too */
  61. if (le32_to_cpu(squashfsb->s_magic) == SQUASHFS_MAGIC) {
  62. printk(KERN_NOTICE
  63. "RAMDISK: squashfs filesystem found at block %d\n",
  64. start_block);
  65. nblocks = (le64_to_cpu(squashfsb->bytes_used) + BLOCK_SIZE - 1)
  67. goto done;
  68. }

  69. /*
  70. * Read block 1 to test for minix and ext2 superblock
  71. */
  72. sys_lseek(fd, (start_block+1) * BLOCK_SIZE, 0);
  73. sys_read(fd, buf, size);

  74. /* Try minix */
  75. if (minixsb->s_magic == MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC ||
  76. minixsb->s_magic == MINIX_SUPER_MAGIC2) {
  77. printk(KERN_NOTICE
  78. "RAMDISK: Minix filesystem found at block %d\n",
  79. start_block);
  80. nblocks = minixsb->s_nzones << minixsb->s_log_zone_size;
  81. goto done;
  82. }

  83. /* Try ext2 */
  84. if (ext2sb->s_magic == cpu_to_le16(EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC)) {
  85. printk(KERN_NOTICE
  86. "RAMDISK: ext2 filesystem found at block %d\n",
  87. start_block);
  88. nblocks = le32_to_cpu(ext2sb->s_blocks_count) <<
  89. le32_to_cpu(ext2sb->s_log_block_size);
  90. goto done;
  91. }

  92. printk(KERN_NOTICE
  93. "RAMDISK: Couldn't find valid RAM disk image starting at %d.\n",
  94. start_block);

  95. done:
  96. sys_lseek(fd, start_block * BLOCK_SIZE, 0);
  97. kfree(buf);
  98. return nblocks;
  99. }
  1. int __init initrd_load(void)
  2. {
  3. if (mount_initrd) {
  4. create_dev("/dev/ram", Root_RAM0);
  5. /*
  6. * Load the initrd data into /dev/ram0. Execute it as initrd
  7. * unless /dev/ram0 is supposed to be our actual root device,
  8. * in that case the ram disk is just set up here, and gets
  9. * mounted in the normal path.
  10. */
  11. if (rd_load_image("/initrd.image") && ROOT_DEV != Root_RAM0) {
  12. sys_unlink("/initrd.image");
  13. handle_initrd();
  14. return 1;
  15. }
  16. }
  17. sys_unlink("/initrd.image");
  18. return 0;
  19. }
  1. static int __init populate_rootfs(void)
  2. {
  3. int i=0;
  4. char *err = unpack_to_rootfs(__initramfs_start,
  5. __initramfs_end - __initramfs_start);
  6. if (err)
  7. panic(err);/* Failed to decompress INTERNAL initramfs */
  8. if (initrd_start) {
  9. #ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM
  10. int fd;
  11. printk(KERN_INFO "Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs...\n");
  12. err = unpack_to_rootfs((char *)initrd_start,
  13. initrd_end - initrd_start);
  14. if (!err) {
  15. free_initrd();
  16. return 0;
  17. } else {
  18. clean_rootfs();
  19. unpack_to_rootfs(__initramfs_start,
  20. __initramfs_end - __initramfs_start);
  21. }
  22. printk(KERN_INFO "rootfs image is not initramfs (%s)"
  23. "; looks like an initrd\n", err);
  24. fd = sys_open("/initrd.image", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0700);

  25. if (fd >= 0) {
  26. sys_write(fd, (char *)initrd_start,
  27. initrd_end - initrd_start);
  28. sys_close(fd);
  29. free_initrd();
  30. }
  31. #else
  32. printk(KERN_INFO "Unpacking initramfs...\n");
  33. err = unpack_to_rootfs((char *)initrd_start,
  34. initrd_end - initrd_start);
  35. if (err)
  36. printk(KERN_EMERG "Initramfs unpacking failed: %s\n", err);
  37. free_initrd();
  38. #endif
  39. }
  40. return 0;
  41. }
在這裡創建了initrd.image文件。另外還有一句:sys_write(fd, (char *)initrd_start,initrd_end - initrd_start); 看來是內核從內存中將相關數據寫到/init.image中的。並非軟鏈接。那initrd_start又是哪裡呢?哪裡來的數據呢?將initrd_start嘗試打印後,發現initrd_start為0xffff880000100000,估計是已經轉換完的虛擬地址。既然知道initrd.image是從內存寫入根文件系統的,那麼一定有其他程序將我們的initrd.img讀入內存。initrd.img是在哪裡被讀入內存的呢?這個文件的路徑是在哪裡被提供的呢?想起來,lilo.multi.conf文件中有指定initrd.img文件的路徑。那一定是lilo在啟動時,將initrd.img讀入內存,並將地址傳遞給內核。那就繼續查看串口日志。在剛剛啟動的日志中有如下信息:
  1. RAMDISK: 7fa36000 - 7ffff40e
  2. Allocated new RAMDISK: 00100000 - 006c940e
  3. Move RAMDISK from 000000007fa36000 - 000000007ffff40d to 00100000 - 006c940d
可以看到,RAMDISK的起始地址為0x7fa36000,那是不是剛剛的虛擬地址就是從這個物理地址轉換過去的呢?仔細看第三行,貌似內核將RAMDISK的內容移動到了0x00100000地址處。在對比剛的虛擬地址0xffff880000100000,可以確定該虛擬地址一定是從0x00100000處映射的。因為內核在物理低地址處地址映射的習慣是,設定虛擬高端地址後,偏移實際的物理地址。那麼打印以下RAMDISK被移動之前、移動之後的內容,看看是不是移動時除了錯誤。結果發現RAMDISK被移動之前就是0xFF。可以斷定,LILO將initrd.img時就已經錯了。從0xFF上看,物理內存應該是沒有被寫過,是上電後的初始狀態。突然想到還有另外一個信息,在替換內核後,執行lilo64 -C lilo.multi.conf -s `pwd`時,lilo報了一個警告信息:
  1. Normally any initial ramdisk (initrd) loaded with a kernel is loaded as
  2. high in memory as possible, but never above 15Mb. This is due to a BIOS
  3. limitation on older systems. On newer systems, this option enables using
  4. memory above 15Mb (up to a kernel imposed limit, around 768Mb) for
  5. passing the initrd to the kernel. The presence of this option merely
  6. indicates that your system does not have the old BIOS limitation.

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