if (file exists) { open file; while (there is more records to be processed) { if (no IO errors) { process the file record } else { handle the errors } } if (file is opened) close the file; } else { report the file does not exist; }
public Scanner(File source) throws FileNotFoundException;它聲明了該方法可能會產生文件不存在的異常,通過在方法上聲明該異常,這樣在使用這個方法的時候,程序員就需要處理這個異常。
import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.File; public class ScannerFromFile { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("test.in")); // do something ... } }上面代碼沒有處理異常,編譯器會提示如下錯誤:
ScannerFromFile.java:5: unreported exception java.io.FileNotFoundException; must be caught or declared to be thrown Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("test.in")); ^
import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; public class ScannerFromFileWithCatch { public static void main(String[] args) { try { Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("test.in")); // do something if no exception ... // you main logic here in the try-block } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { // error handling separated from the main logic ex.printStackTrace(); // print the stack trace } } }如果沒有找到文件,異常就會在catch塊中產生,在上面例子中它只是打印出了棧信息,它提供了有用的調試信息,在有些情況下,你需要做一些清除操作,或者打開另一個文件,可以看到上面的處理邏輯與主邏輯是分開的。
import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; public class ScannerFromFileWithThrow { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { // to be handled by next higher-level method Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("test.in")); // this method may throw FileNotFoundException // main logic here ... } }上面這個例子中,並沒有使用try-catch塊去處理FileNotFoundException異常,取而代之的是在它的調用方法main上面去對這個異常進行了聲明,這就意味著這個異常會拋到調用棧中下一個更高級別的方法中去,在這個例子中,main()的下一個更高級別的方法是JVM,它會簡單的終止程序並且打印棧信息。
try { // Main logic here open file; process file; ...... } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { // Exception handlers below // Exception handler for "file not found" } catch (IOException ex) { // Exception handler for "IO errors" } finally { close file; // always try to close the file }
public class MethodCallStackDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Enter main()"); methodA(); System.out.println("Exit main()"); } public static void methodA() { System.out.println("Enter methodA()"); methodB(); System.out.println("Exit methodA()"); } public static void methodB() { System.out.println("Enter methodB()"); methodC(); System.out.println("Exit methodB()"); } public static void methodC() { System.out.println("Enter methodC()"); System.out.println("Exit methodC()"); } }
Enter main() Enter methodA() Enter methodB() Enter methodC() Exit methodC() Exit methodB() Exit methodA() Exit main()
public static void methodC() { System.out.println("Enter methodC()"); System.out.println(1 / 0); // divide-by-0 triggers an ArithmeticException System.out.println("Exit methodC()"); }異常消息很清楚的顯示了方法調用棧信息並且還是方法的行數。
Enter main() Enter methodA() Enter methodB() Enter methodC() Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at MethodCallStackDemo.methodC(MethodCallStackDemo.java:22) at MethodCallStackDemo.methodB(MethodCallStackDemo.java:16) at MethodCallStackDemo.methodA(MethodCallStackDemo.java:10) at MethodCallStackDemo.main(MethodCallStackDemo.java:4) MethodC()觸發了一個ArithmeticException異常,因為它沒有處理這個異常,因此它就會立即出棧,MethodB()也不能處理這個異常並且它也會出棧, methodA() 和 main()也相同,main()會返回到JVM,它會終止程序並且向上面一樣打印棧信息。
1.3 異常與調用棧
整個過程可以想象如下:假設methodD()發生了一個異常事件並且向JVM拋出了一個XxxException,JVM會在調用棧中向後搜索匹配的異常處理者,它一步一步沿著調用棧向後尋找,發現methodA()有一個XxxException處理者,並且會將這個異常對象傳遞給這個異常處理者者。這裡需要注意的是,methodC() 和 methodB()被遍歷到了,只是它們沒有對異常處理,所以它們的方法會聲明一個throws XxxException。
1.4 異常類 - Throwable, Error, Exception & RuntimeException
下圖顯示了Exception類的繼承圖,所有異常對象的基類是java.lang.Throwable,它包含有兩個子類,java.lang.Exception 和 java.lang.Error。
Error表示系統內部異常(例如:VirtualMachineError, LinkageError),這種異常一般很少發生,如果這種異常發生,你基本上無法處理,程序會在終止。
Exception表示程序異常(例如:FileNotFoundException, IOException),這種異常可以被捕獲並且處理。
1.5 可檢查與不可檢查異常
1.6 異常處理操作
在異常處理中有5個關鍵字:try, catch, finally, throws 和 throw,需要注意throws 和 throw的不同。
public void methodD() throws XxxException, YyyException { // method body throw XxxException and YyyException }上面方法表示在調用methodD()可能會遇到兩種可檢查異常:XxxException 和 YyyException,換句話說,methodD()方法的內部可能會觸發XxxException 或者 YyyException。
當一個Java操作遇到一個異常,出現錯誤的語句可以創建一個指定的Exception對象並且通過throw XxxException語句將它拋給Java運行時。
public void methodD() throws XxxException, YyyException { // method's signature // method's body ... ... // XxxException occurs if ( ... ) throw new XxxException(...); // construct an XxxException object and throw to JVM ... // YyyException occurs if ( ... ) throw new YyyException(...); // construct an YyyException object and throw to JVM ... }
public void methodD() throws XxxException, YyyException { ...... }
public void methodC() { // no exception declared ...... try { ...... // uses methodD() which declares XxxException & YyyException methodD(); ...... } catch (XxxException ex) { // Exception handler for XxxException ...... } catch (YyyException ex} { // Exception handler for YyyException ...... } finally { // optional // These codes always run, used for cleaning up ...... } ...... }
public void methodC() throws XxxException, YyyException { // for next higher-level method to handle ... // uses methodD() which declares "throws XxxException, YyyException" methodD(); // no need for try-catch ... }在上面這個例子中,如果XxxException 或者 YyyException被methodD()拋出,JVM就會終止methodD()並且methodC()會將異常傳遞給調用棧中methodC()的調用者。
1.7 try-catch-finally
try { // main logic, uses methods that may throw Exceptions ...... } catch (Exception1 ex) { // error handler for Exception1 ...... } catch (Exception2 ex) { // error handler for Exception1 ...... } finally { // finally is optional // clean up codes, always executed regardless of exceptions ...... }(1)如果在執行try塊中的內容的時候沒有異常發生,所有catch塊中的邏輯將會跳過,在執行try塊邏輯之後finally塊將會執行。如果try塊中拋出一個異常,Java運行時就會不顧try塊後面的內容直接跳到catch塊中去尋找對應的異常處理者,它會匹配每個catch塊中的異常類型,如果某個catch塊的異常類型跟拋出異常的類型相同或者是拋出異常類型的父類,那麼匹配成功,這個catch就會執行,在執行完catch塊內容執行接著就會執行finally塊裡面的邏輯,執行完了finally塊裡面的邏輯之後就會接著執行後面的邏輯了。
import java.util.Scanner; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; public class TryCatchFinally { public static void main(String[] args) { try { // main logic System.out.println("Start of the main logic"); System.out.println("Try opening a file ..."); Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("test.in")); System.out.println("File Found, processing the file ..."); System.out.println("End of the main logic"); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { // error handling separated from the main logic System.out.println("File Not Found caught ..."); } finally { // always run regardless of exception status System.out.println("finally-block runs regardless of the state of exception"); } // after the try-catch-finally System.out.println("After try-catch-finally, life goes on..."); } }當FileNotFoundException被觸發的時候輸出如下:
Start of the main logic Try opening a file ... File Not Found caught ... finally-block runs regardless of the state of exception After try-catch-finally, life goes on...
Start of the main logic Try opening a file ... File Found, processing the file ... End of the main logic finally-block runs regardless of the state of exception After try-catch-finally, life goes on...
public class MethodCallStackDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Enter main()"); methodA(); System.out.println("Exit main()"); } public static void methodA() { System.out.println("Enter methodA()"); try { System.out.println(1 / 0); // A divide-by-0 triggers an ArithmeticException - an unchecked exception // This method does not catch ArithmeticException // It runs the "finally" and popped off the call stack } finally { System.out.println("finally in methodA()"); } System.out.println("Exit methodA()"); } }
Enter main() Enter methodA() finally in methodA() Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at MethodCallStackDemo.methodA(MethodCallStackDemo.java:11) at MethodCallStackDemo.main(MethodCallStackDemo.java:4)
catch (AThrowableSubClass aThrowableObject) { // exception handling codes }(4)對於catch塊中的參數throwable對象,可以使用下面方法來得到異常的類型和程序的調用狀態:
try { Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("test.in")); // process the file here ...... } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }也可以使用printStackTrace(PrintStream s) 或者 printStackTrace(PrintWriter s).
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // throws all subclass of Exception to JRE Scanner in = new Scanner(new File("test.in")); // declares "throws FileNotFoundException" ...... // other exceptions }方法的重新和重載
1.8 常用異常類
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:如果訪問的數組索引超出了數組的限制,就會被JVM拋出。int[] anArray = new int[3]; System.out.println(anArray[3]);
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3NullPointerException:當代碼嘗試使用一個對象的空引用的時候,就會被JVM拋出。
String[] strs = new String[3]; System.out.println(strs[0].length());
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerExceptionNumberFormatException: 當嘗試將一個字符串轉換為一個數字類型,但是字符串沒有合適的轉換方法。
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "abc"ClassCastException: 當對象類型轉換失敗的時候,就會被JVM拋出。
Object o = new Object(); Integer i = (Integer)o;
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Object cannot be cast to java.lang.IntegerIllegalArgumentException:當一個方法接受到一個非法或者不合適的參數的時候就會拋出,我們可以在自己的代碼中重用這個異常。
// Create our own exception class by subclassing Exception. This is a checked exception public class MyMagicException extends Exception { public MyMagicException(String message) { //constructor super(message); } } public class MyMagicExceptionTest { // This method "throw MyMagicException" in its body. // MyMagicException is checked and need to be declared in the method's signature public static void magic(int number) throws MyMagicException { if (number == 8) { throw (new MyMagicException("you hit the magic number")); } System.out.println("hello"); // skip if exception triggered } public static void main(String[] args) { try { magic(9); // does not trigger exception magic(8); // trigger exception } catch (MyMagicException ex) { // exception handler ex.printStackTrace(); } } }輸出結果:
hello MyMagicException: you hit the magic number at MyMagicExceptionTest.magic(MyMagicExceptionTest.java:6) at MyMagicExceptionTest.main(MyMagicExceptionTest.java:14)
2. 斷言 (JDK 1.4)
JDK 1.4引入了一個新的關鍵字叫做"assert",它支持的就是斷言特性,Assertion就是用來檢測你關於程序邏輯的假設(例如:前提條件,後置條件和不變關系)。每個斷言包含一個boolean表達式,如果為true表示假設與執行結果相同,否則JVM就會拋出一個AssertionError。它表示你有一個錯誤的假設,它需要被修正,使用斷言比使用if-else表達式更好,它是對你假設的有效說明,並且它不影響程序性能。
assert booleanExpr; assert booleanExpr : errorMessageExpr;
public class AssertionSwitchTest { public static void main(String[] args) { char operator = '%'; // assumed either '+', '-', '*', '/' only int operand1 = 5, operand2 = 6, result = 0; switch (operator) { case '+': result = operand1 + operand2; break; case '-': result = operand1 - operand2; break; case '*': result = operand1 * operand2; break; case '/': result = operand1 / operand2; break; default: assert false : "Unknown operator: " + operator; // not plausible here } System.out.println(operand1 + " " + operator + " " + operand2 + " = " + result); } }
> javac AssertionSwitchTest.java // no option needed to compile > java -ea AssertionSwitchTest // enable assertion
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: % at AssertionSwitchTest.main(AssertionSwitchTest.java:11)
> java AssertionSwitchTest // assertion disable by default
5 % 6 = 0
default: throw new AssertionError("Unknown operator: " + operator);
public class AssertionTest { public static void main(String[] args) { int number = -5; // assumed number is not negative // This assert also serve as documentation assert (number >= 0) : "number is negative: " + number; // do something System.out.println("The number is " + number); } }
> java -ea AssertionSwitchTest // enable assertion
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: -5 at AssertionTest.main(AssertionTest.java:5)斷言可以用來對程序進行驗證:
// Constructor of Time class public Time(int hour, int minute, int second) { if(hour < 0 || hour > 23 || minute < 0 || minute > 59 || second < 0 || second > 59) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } this.hour = hour; this.minute = minute; this.second = second; }