java中的hashMap存取數據非常方便,可惜ASP中沒有類似的類.作者在開發程序中需要類似的數據類型,於是構造了一個能基本類似hashMap功能的類,可以實現鍵值存取操作等,存取的數據可以為ASP 中的任何基本類型.
'email:[email protected]
set miantuanMap = new MtMap
miantuanMap.putv "a",""
miantuanMap.putv "b",""
miantuanMap.putv "c",""
response.write "[鍵值數量]:"&miantuanMap.count
response.write "<br>"
response.write "[a]:"&miantuanMap.getv("a")
response.write "<br>"
response.write ":"&miantuanMap.getv("b")
response.write "<br>"
response.write "[c]:"&miantuanMap.getv("c")
response.write "<hr>"
miantuanMap.delv "b"
response.write "[鍵值數量]:"&miantuanMap.count
response.write "<br>"
response.write "[a]:"&miantuanMap.getv("a")
response.write "<br>"
response.write ":"&miantuanMap.getv("b")
response.write "<br>"
response.write "[c]:"&miantuanMap.getv("c")
response.write "<hr>"
miantuanMap.putv "c",""
response.write "[鍵值數量]:"&miantuanMap.count
response.write "<br>"
response.write "[a]:"&miantuanMap.getv("a")
response.write "<br>"
response.write ":"&miantuanMap.getv("b")
response.write "<br>"
response.write "[c]:"&miantuanMap.getv("c")
response.write "<hr>"
'email:[email protected]
Class MtMap
private arr()
private arr_len
private Sub Class_Initialize
'其中 arr(0,n)為key,arr(1,n)為value
arr_len = 0
redim arr(1,arr_len)
end sub
public sub putv(k,v)
dim is_update
is_update = false
arr_len = ubound(arr,2)
for i=0 to arr_len-1
if k=arr(0,i) then
arr(1,i) = v
is_update = true
exit for
end if
if not is_update then
arr_len = arr_len +1
redim preserve arr(1,arr_len)
arr(0,arr_len) = k
arr(1,arr_len) = v
end if
end sub
public function getv(k)
dim v
v = ""
for i=0 to arr_len
if k=arr(0,i) then
v = arr(1,i)
exit for
end if
getv = v
end function
public sub delv(k)
arr_len = ubound(arr,2)
for i=0 to arr_len
if k=arr(0,i) then
v = arr(1,i)
for k = i to arr_len-1
arr(0,k) = arr(0,k+1)
arr(1,k) = arr(1,k+1)
arr_len = arr_len - 1
redim preserve arr(1,arr_len)
exit for
end if
end sub
public property get count()
count = arr_len
end property
public sub clear()
arr_len = 0
redim arr(1,1)
end sub
end class