1) Windows7 x64
2) php5.5 VC11 x64 Thread Safe 浏覽
3) apache httpd2.4 浏覽
4) MySQL5.6 浏覽
5) phpMyAdmin4.4.1 浏覽
1) 將php-5.5.23-Win32-VC11-x64.zip解壓到D:\program_files\php5.5
2) 將D:\program_files\php5.5和D:\program_files\php5.5\ext加入環境變量
3) 拷貝php.ini-production至php.ini
4) 修改D:\program_files\php5.5\php.ini文件
修改 ; extension_dir = "ext" extension_dir = "D:/program_files/php5.5/ext" 修改 ;extension=php_mbstring.dll extension=php_mbstring.dll (php多字節字符串擴展) 修改 ;extension=php_mysql.dll extension=php_mysql.dll 修改 ;extension=php_mysqli.dll extension=php_mysqli.dll
1) 將httpd-2.4.12-win64-VC11.zip解壓到D:\program_files\Apache24
2) 用記事本打開D:\program_files\Apache24\conf並修改
修改 ServerRoot "C:/Apache24"
ServerRoot "D:/program_files/Apache24"
修改 #ServerName www.example.com:80 ServerName www.example.com:80 修改 DocumentRoot "c:/Apache24/htdocs" DocumentRoot "D:/program_files/Apache24/htdocs" 修改 <Directory "c:/Apache24/htdocs"> <Directory "D:/program_files/Apache24/htdocs"> 修改 DirectoryIndex index.html DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.htm 修改 ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "c:/Apache24/cgi-bin/" ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "D:/program_files/Apache24/cgi-bin/"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .html .htm
LoadModule php5_module "D:/program_files/php5.5/php5apache2_4.dll"
PHPIniDir "D:/program_files/php5.5"
3) 安裝並啟動apache服務(需要使用管理員權限)
D:\program_files\Apache24\bin\httpd -k install
net start apache2.4
4) 在浏覽器中輸入 http://localhost:80
It works!
1) 將mysql-5.6.24-winx64.zip解壓到D:\program_files\MySQL5.6
2) 拷貝my-default.ini至my.ini,並修改
# For advice on how to change settings please see
# http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/server-configuration-defaults.html
# *** DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. It's a template which will be copied to the
# *** default location during install, and will be replaced if you
# *** upgrade to a newer version of MySQL.
# Remove leading # and set to the amount of RAM for the most important data
# cache in MySQL. Start at 70% of total RAM for dedicated server, else 10%.
# innodb_buffer_pool_size = 128M
# Remove leading # to turn on a very important data integrity option: logging
# changes to the binary log between backups.
# log_bin
# These are commonly set, remove the # and set as required.
basedir = D:/program_files/MySQL5.6
datadir = D:/program_files/MySQL5.6/data
port = 3306
server_id = 1
# Remove leading # to set options mainly useful for reporting servers.
# The server defaults are faster for transactions and fast SELECTs.
# Adjust sizes as needed, experiment to find the optimal values.
# join_buffer_size = 128M
# sort_buffer_size = 2M
# read_rnd_buffer_size = 2M
3) 啟動MySQL
D:/program_files/MySQL5.6/bin/mysqld.exe --console
4) 登陸MySQL數據庫,並創建用戶
mysql -u root
CREATE USER 'devlop'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
5) 安裝並啟動MySQL服務(需要使用管理員權限)
mysqld --install MySQL
net start MySQL
1) 將phpMyAdmin-解壓到D:\program_files\Apache24\htdocs\phpMyAdmin
2) 在浏覽器輸入http://localhost:80/phpMyAdmin就可登錄MySQL了。