//route 為後端接口
//upload/avatar 為上傳的頭像的保存地址
//imgurl=/upload/avatar/<?=$uid?> 這裡最後的<?=$uid?>是為了後面用js實現即時顯示最新的更換後的頭像用的,參照下面的js部分的代碼
//$user['avatar'] 用戶如果上傳過頭像,該用戶數據庫中的avatar字段將賦予時間戳,否則為空
<form target="iframe" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="route?imgurl=/upload/avatar/<?=$uid?>" method="post" id="upload_form"> <img class="thumb" src="<?php if($user['avatar']) echo $my_img; else echo '/view/img/100.png'; ?>" $token = param('token'); $user = user_from_token($token); !$user AND exit("<p class='iframe_message' status='0'>$lang[user_not_exists]</p>"); //文件存儲路徑 $file_path="./upload/avatar/"; //664權限為文件屬主和屬組用戶可讀和寫,其他用戶只讀。 if(is_dir($file_path) != TRUE) mkdir($file_path, 0664) ; //定義允許上傳的文件擴展名 $ext_arr = array("gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp");
if (empty($_FILES) === false) { //判斷檢查 $photo_up_size > 2097152 AND exit("<p class='iframe_message' status='0'>對不起,您上傳的照片超過了2M</p>"); $_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0 AND exit("<p class='iframe_message' status='0'>文件上傳發生錯誤:".$_FILES["file"]["error"]."</p>"); //獲得文件擴展名 $temp_arr = explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"]); $file_ext = array_pop($temp_arr); $file_ext = trim($file_ext); $file_ext = strtolower($file_ext); //檢查擴展名 if (in_array($file_ext, $ext_arr) === false) { exit("<p class='iframe_message' status='0'>上傳文件擴展名是不允許的擴展名</p>"); } //刪除目錄下相同前綴的文件 if($dh = opendir($file_path)) { while(($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $file_arr = $file.split('.'); if($file_arr[0] == $user['uid']) unlink($file_path.$file); } } //以uid重命名文件 $new_name = $user['uid'].".".$file_ext; //將文件移動到存儲目錄下 move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $file_path.$new_name); //裁剪壓縮圖片 clip($file_path.$new_name, $file_path.$new_name, 0, 0, 100, 100); clip_thumb($file_path.$new_name, $file_path.$new_name, 100, 100); //向數據表寫入文件存儲信息以便管理 user_update($user['uid'], array('avatar'=>time())); exit("<p class='iframe_message' status='1'>文件上傳成功</p>"); } else { exit("<p class='iframe_message' status='0'>無正確的文件上傳</p>"); }
<?php function ext($filename) { return strtolower(substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1)); } /* 實例: thumb(APP_PATH.'xxx.jpg', APP_PATH.'xxx_thumb.jpg', 200, 200); 返回: array('filesize'=>0, 'width'=>0, 'height'=>0) */ function thumb($sourcefile, $destfile, $forcedwidth = 80, $forcedheight = 80) { $return = array('filesize'=>0, 'width'=>0, 'height'=>0); $imgcomp = 10; $destext = ext($destfile); if(!in_array($destext, array('gif', 'jpg', 'bmp', 'png'))) { return $return; } $imgcomp = 100 - $imgcomp; $imginfo = getimagesize($sourcefile); $src_width = $imginfo[0]; $src_height = $imginfo[1]; if($src_width == 0 || $src_height == 0) { return $return; } $src_scale = $src_width / $src_height; $des_scale = $forcedwidth / $forcedheight; if(!function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) { copy($sourcefile, $destfile); $return = array('filesize'=>filesize($destfile), 'width'=>$src_width, 'height'=>$src_height); return $return; } // 按規定比例縮略 if($src_width <= $forcedwidth && $src_height <= $forcedheight) { $des_width = $src_width; $des_height = $src_height; } elseif($src_scale >= $des_scale) { $des_width = ($src_width >= $forcedwidth) ? $forcedwidth : $src_width; $des_height = $des_width / $src_scale; $des_height = ($des_height >= $forcedheight) ? $forcedheight : $des_height; } else { $des_height = ($src_height >= $forcedheight) ? $forcedheight : $src_height; $des_width = $des_height * $src_scale; $des_width = ($des_width >= $forcedwidth) ? $forcedwidth : $des_width; } switch ($imginfo['mime']) { case 'image/jpeg': $img_src = imagecreatefromjpeg($sourcefile); !$img_src && $img_src = imagecreatefromgif($sourcefile); break; case 'image/gif': $img_src = imagecreatefromgif($sourcefile); !$img_src && $img_src = imagecreatefromjpeg($sourcefile); break; case 'image/png': $img_src = imagecreatefrompng($sourcefile); break; case 'image/wbmp': $img_src = imagecreatefromwbmp($sourcefile); break; default : return $return; } $img_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($des_width, $des_height); $img_color = imagecolorallocate($img_dst, 255, 255, 255); imagefill($img_dst, 0, 0 ,$img_color); imagecopyresampled($img_dst, $img_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $des_width, $des_height, $src_width, $src_height); //$tmpfile = $temp_path.md5($destfile); $tmpfile = $destfile; switch($destext) { case 'jpg': imagejpeg($img_dst, $tmpfile, $imgcomp); break; case 'gif': imagegif($img_dst, $tmpfile, $imgcomp); break; case 'png': imagepng($img_dst, $tmpfile, version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.2') == 1 ? 7 : 70); break; } $r = array('filesize'=>filesize($tmpfile), 'width'=>$des_width, 'height'=>$des_height);; copy($tmpfile, $destfile); //unlink($tmpfile); imagedestroy($img_dst); return $r; } /* * 圖片裁切 * * @param string $srcname 原圖片路徑(絕對路徑/*.jpg) * @param string $forcedheight 裁切後生成新名稱(絕對路徑/rename.jpg) * @param int $sourcefile 被裁切圖片的X坐標 * @param int $destfile 被裁切圖片的Y坐標 * @param int $destext 被裁區域的寬度 * @param int $imgcomp 被裁區域的高度 clip('xxx/x.jpg', 'xxx/newx.jpg', 10, 40, 150, 150) */ function clip($sourcefile, $destfile, $clipx, $clipy, $clipwidth, $clipheight) { $getimgsize = getimagesize($sourcefile); if(empty($getimgsize)) { return 0; } else { $imgwidth = $getimgsize[0]; $imgheight = $getimgsize[1]; if($imgwidth == 0 || $imgheight == 0) { return 0; } } if(!function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) { copy($sourcefile, $destfile); return filesize($destfile); } switch($getimgsize[2]) { case 1 : $imgcolor = imagecreatefromgif($sourcefile); break; case 2 : $imgcolor = imagecreatefromjpeg($sourcefile); break; case 3 : $imgcolor = imagecreatefrompng($sourcefile); break; } //$imgcolor = imagecreatefromjpeg($sourcefile); $img_dst = imagecreatetruecolor($clipwidth, $clipheight); $img_color = imagecolorallocate($img_dst, 255, 255, 255); imagefill($img_dst, 0, 0, $img_color); imagecopyresampled($img_dst, $imgcolor, 0, 0, $clipx, $clipy, $imgwidth, $imgheight, $imgwidth, $imgheight); $tmpfile = $destfile; imagejpeg($img_dst, $tmpfile, 100); $n = filesize($tmpfile); copy($tmpfile, $destfile); return $n; } // 先裁切後縮略,因為確定了,width, height, 不需要返回寬高。 function clip_thumb($sourcefile, $destfile, $forcedwidth = 80, $forcedheight = 80) { // 獲取原圖片寬高 $getimgsize = getimagesize($sourcefile); if(empty($getimgsize)) { return 0; } else { $src_width = $getimgsize[0]; $src_height = $getimgsize[1]; if($src_width == 0 || $src_height == 0) { return 0; } } $src_scale = $src_width / $src_height; $des_scale = $forcedwidth / $forcedheight; if($src_width <= $forcedwidth && $src_height <= $forcedheight) { $des_width = $src_width; $des_height = $src_height; $n = clip($sourcefile, $destfile, 0, 0, $des_width, $des_height); return filesize($destfile); // 原圖為橫著的矩形 } elseif($src_scale >= $des_scale) { // 以原圖的高度作為標准,進行縮略 $des_height = $src_height; $des_width = $src_height / $des_scale; $n = clip($sourcefile, $destfile, 0, 0, $des_width, $des_height); if($n <= 0) return 0; $r = thumb($destfile, $destfile, $forcedwidth, $forcedheight); return $r['filesize']; // 原圖為豎著的矩形 } else { // 以原圖的寬度作為標准,進行縮略 $des_width = $src_width; $des_height = $src_width / $des_scale; $n = clip($sourcefile, $destfile, 0, 0, $des_width, $des_height); if($n <= 0) return 0; $r = thumb($destfile, $destfile, $forcedwidth, $forcedheight); return $r['filesize']; } } ?>
var jsubmit_file = jinput.filter('[name="submit_file"]'); var jfile = jinput.filter('[name="file"]'); var jiframe = $('#iframe'); var jthumb = $('.thumb'); var type = ''; jfile.on('change', function() { var path = jfile.val(); var file_arr = path.split('.'); type = file_arr[file_arr.length-1]; jsubmit_file.trigger('click'); }); jiframe.on('load', function() { var jiframe_message = $(window.frames['iframe'].document).find('.iframe_message'); if(jiframe_message.attr('status') != 0) { var url = this.contentWindow.location.href; var url_arr = url.split('='); jthumb.attr('src', url_arr[1] + '.' + type); } alert(jiframe_message.text()); });