php教程 錯誤報告開啟詳細實現
error_reporting() 設置 php 的報錯級別並返回當前級別。
error_reporting(report_level)如果參數 level 未指定,當前報錯級別將被返回。下面幾項是 level 可能的值
error_reporting(e_all ^ e_notice);
ini_set('error_reporting', e_all);
值 常量 描述
1 e_error fatal run-time errors. errors that can not be recovered from. execution of the script is halted
2 e_warning non-fatal run-time errors. execution of the script is not halted
4 e_parse compile-time parse errors. parse errors should only be generated by the parser
8 e_notice run-time notices. the script found something that might be an error, but could also happen when running a script normally
16 e_core_error fatal errors at php startup. this is like an e_error in the php core
32 e_core_warning non-fatal errors at php startup. this is like an e_warning in the php core
64 e_compile_error fatal compile-time errors. this is like an e_error generated by the zend scripting engine
128 e_compile_warning non-fatal compile-time errors. this is like an e_warning generated by the zend scripting engine
256 e_user_error fatal user-generated error. this is like an e_error set by the programmer using the php function trigger_error()
512 e_user_warning non-fatal user-generated warning. this is like an e_warning set by the programmer using the php function trigger_error()
1024 e_user_notice user-generated notice. this is like an e_notice set by the programmer using the php function trigger_error()
2048 e_strict run-time notices. php suggest changes to your code to help interoperability and compatibility of the code
4096 e_recoverable_error catchable fatal error. this is like an e_error but can be caught by a user defined handle (see also set_error_handler())
8191 e_all all errors and warnings, except level e_strict (e_strict will be part of e_all as of php 6.0)
function unserialize_handler($errno,$errstr) //自定義函數
echo "invalid serialized value.n"; //輸出指定內容
$serialized='foo'; //定義字符串
set_error_handler('unserialize_handler'); //設置用戶自定義錯誤信息函數
$original=unserialize($serialized); //從已存儲的表示中創建php的值
restore_error_handler(); //恢復錯誤信息指針