環境CentOS 6.3 64bit,php 5.4.5 pthreads需要線程安全環境, 下載php的安裝包,解壓: tar zxvf php-5.4.5.tar.gz//名字是不是這個我不確定,自己去下載 安裝: ./configure --enable-zts --prefix=/usr/local/php-zts make make install 結果就把線程安裝版的php安裝到了/usr/local/php-zts,目前我不了解開啟線程安全到底會帶來什麼影響,所以,就弄兩個測試版本。 下載和安裝pthreads: tar zxvf pthreads cd pthreads-0.0.45 // 本文的是第一個stable版本 /usr/local/php-zts/bin/phpize ./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php-zts/bin/php-config make make install /usr/local/php-zts/bin/php -i|grep "php.ini" 找出php.ini的位置,修改它把ext=pthreads.so加入進入進去,因為我原來就有php,現在新裝的php.ini文件不存在我就考了一個過去…… pthreads-0.0.45/examples目錄下有些示例文件,比文檔有用,在線文檔根本不能說明問題,我修改了一個,執行了一下:
<?php /* * Sharing symbols 101 * @NOTE Thread::fetch was never included in a release and was superceeded by object handlers * pthreads allows read access to thread data from any context pthreads allows write access to thread data from any context carry on reading ... work in progress ... */ class TestObject { public $val; } class Fetching extends Thread { public function run(){ /* * of course ... */ $this->sym = 10245; $this->arr = array( "1", "2", "3" ); echo '6'.chr(10); /* * objects do work, no preparation needed ... * read/write objects isn't finalized .. * so do the dance to make it work ... */ $obj = new TestObject(); $obj->val = "testval"; $this->obj = $obj; echo '7'.chr(10); /* * will always work */ $this->objs = serialize($this->obj); echo '8'.chr(10); /* * nooooooo */ $this->res = fopen("php://stdout", "w"); echo '9'.chr(10); /* * tell the waiting process we have created symbols and fetch will succeed */ $this->synchronized(function(){ $this->notify(); }); echo '10'.chr(10); /* wait for the process to be finished with the stream */ $this->synchronized(function(){ $this->wait(); }); echo '11'.chr(10); } } echo '0'.chr(10); $thread = new Fetching(); echo '1'.chr(10); $thread->start(); //sleep(1); 加了這個就不能正常工作,真奇怪 echo '2'.chr(10); $thread->synchronized(function($me){ echo '3'.chr(10); $me->wait(); echo '4'.chr(10); }, $thread); echo '5'.chr(10); /* * we just got notified that there are symbols waiting */ foreach(array("sym", "arr", "obj", "objs", "res") as $symbol){ printf("\$thread->%s: ", $symbol); $fetched = $thread->$symbol; if ($fetched) { switch($symbol){ /* * manual unserialize */ case "objs": var_dump(unserialize($fetched)); break; default: var_dump($fetched); } } printf("\n"); } /* notify the thread so it can destroy resource */ $thread->synchronized(function($me){ $me->notify(); }, $thread); ?> /usr/local/php-zts/bin/php Fetch.php 結果: 0 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 $thread->sym: int(10245) $thread->arr: array(3) { [0]=> string(1) "1" [1]=> string(1) "2" [2]=> string(1) "3" } $thread->obj: object(TestObject)#2 (1) { ["val"]=> string(7) "testval" } $thread->objs: object(TestObject)#2 (1) { ["val"]=> string(7) "testval" } $thread->res: resource(3) of type (stream) 11