數據轉換js格式的數據是我們常用一種數據傳遞的方法,特別像ajax中會時常用到把數據轉換成json然後再轉換回來,下面看一個實例。 代碼如下 復制代碼
function array_to_json($array) {
if (! is_array ( $array )) {
return false;
$associative = count ( array_diff ( array_keys ( $array ), array_keys ( array_keys ( $array ) ) ) );
if ($associative) {
$construct = array ();
foreach ( $array as $key => $value ) {
// We first copy each key/value pair into a staging array,
// formatting each key and value properly as we go.
// Format the key:
if (is_numeric ( $key )) {
$key = "key_$key";
$key = """ . addslashes ( $key ) . """;
// Format the value:
if (is_array ( $value )) {
$value = array_to_json ( $value );
} else if (! is_numeric ( $value ) || is_string ( $value )) {
$value = """ . addslashes ( $value ) . """;
// Add to staging array:
$construct [] = "$key: $value";
// Then we collapse the staging array into the JSON form:
$result = "{" . implode ( ",", $construct ) . "}";
} else { // If the array is a vector (not associative):
$construct = array ();
foreach ( $array as $value ) {
// Format the value:
if (is_array ( $value )) {
$value = array_to_json ( $value );
} else if (! is_numeric ( $value ) || is_string ( $value )) {
$value = """ . addslashes ( $value ) . """;
// Add to staging array:
$construct [] = $value;
// Then we collapse the staging array into the JSON form:
$result = "[" . implode ( ", ", $construct ) . "]";
return $result;
你可以試試這個 然後json_encode換成上面的函數看看正常了嗎
代碼如下 復制代碼if($_GET['enews']=='ok'){
echo json_encode(array('a'=>'王進'));exit;
?><script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">
$.get("?enews=ok", function(result){
json_encode()將PHP的不同類型的變量轉換為對應的JSON字符串 string json_encode(mixed $value [, int
$options = 0])
PHP 5.3.0
JSON_HEX_QUOT: 將所有的雙引號(”)轉換為u0022。
// 實例代碼:
// "u0022"■JSON_HEX_TAG: 將所有的大於號(>)轉換為u003E,將
所有的小於號(<)轉換為 u003C。
JSON_HEX_AMP: 將所有的與號(&)轉換為 u0026。
JSON_HEX_APOS: 將所有的單引號(’)轉換為u0027。
JSON_FORCE_OBJECT: 當value為非關聯數組時強制輸出結果為JSON對象。在接收者要求數據為對象且value為空數組時
// 實例代碼:
代碼如下 復制代碼 $data = array();PHP 5.3.3
JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK: Encodes numeric strings as numbers.
PHP 5.4.0
JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING: Encodes large integers as their original string value. Available since PHP
JSON_PRETTY_PRINT: Use whitespace in returned data to format it. Available since PHP 5.4.0.
JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES: Don’t escape /. Available since PHP 5.4.0.
JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE: Encode multibyte Unicode characters literally (default is to escape as uXXXX).
Available since PHP 5.4.0.